4. Confusion

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I had a grief feeling he was behind the fact that I couldn't move.

I could feel Kira's anger increase as Mason walked his way to her front.

" What's Mr 'make my own brother turn against me' doing here?" She asked raising an eyebrow.

"Waw that's such a brilliant and long ass name you've made there" he said making Kira chew on her inner cheeks.

"Now can you just cut the drama short and forgive him?" He asked but more over sounded like a command.

" You don't tell me how to manage my life you masked face, he's my brother so I'll decide if I should forgive him or not" she said as I saw Mason smirk a little.

"I wonder how your brother puts up with you back at home, you are very stubborn and annoying" he concluded.

" Awe! Mr 'cry' feels so sawd huh😆? Well mind you that you are the most annoying so far compared to the people I've met just today".

"You do know that I don't give a crap about how you-" he was cut off with my words.

"Mason are you here to help me or to make my apology worse?" I asked.

The thing I didn't notice immediately was Mason's eyes flickering from normal colour to black every one second. Kira didn't bother because she wasn't in focus with Mason.

It took a while for the flicker to commence.

"Uh.... Ki-" I was cut off by Kira turning an opposite direction trying to ignore me.

Mason's POV:

Great!! Just great!! Not only is she annoying but also stubborn and idiotic. She turned her back at James before he could even finish his sentence. By this time, I didn't think it would go anywhere from there. What could I do possibly. She's too stubborn. I then felt an idea pop out of my head.

"If you really don't want to forgive him, then dispatch of him so that it will be ok" I said confusing the other two. "What?!" James yelled wanting to break me but failed to move an inch.

"I mean it would be the best for you James" I concluded. The two were really confused most especially James, he knows that I know how much importance his sister is to him.

"Mason please be quiet 🙏" he asked of me joining his hands together in plead for mercy.

" I mean if she dispatches of you, then you'd be free from her and her stupidity plus you could be my brother 😉" I said making Kira's eyes widen, I could feel she didn't want that at all.

"Ha! Like he'd want to be your brother" Kira said in mockery of me.

"Why not, he has wonderful features" I said.

"He's not your brother and he never will, he's mine to keep, if you want a brother, go find one!!" She said......


James's POV:

Oh no....I... I could feel his pain inside. Not to mention his anger within. He didn't seem happy at all.....

" I.....I....."

Before he could finish his sentence, he closed his eyes.

Mason's POV:


I shut my eyes closed and saw a vision that I wished never to see again. I felt teary but no tears fell out, my heart was beating faster than ever. Not again!....

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