35. A new pet

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Kira's POV;

Reminiscing from my own thoughts, I quickly tucked both I and Keith into our own seats.

The boy happened to be in his own world.

I snapped my fingers and then his gaze shifted to me.

The boys plane face soon enough turned into a frown and from there, his eyes began to leak.

I embraced him with all the warmth I could obviously offer.

"Keith please stay calm" I whispered.

Choking in his own tears he nodded.

I used my hand as a tissue to wipe his tears.

I know he is confused, ashamed and worried, but he has to save it for after the class.

The boy placed a warm atmosphere as a look and from there the class began.

20 minutes later

Keith and I both walked out our class as the other students fled out.

Now that we were out- it was time for me to do what I wanted to do.

"Keith are you alright?" I asked placing my arm on his shoulders.

"Never been better Kira... I-

"Don't lie to me boy,"

He looked at me once again with the same expression.

"I told you I'm alright didn't I? It's fine, it's obviously not something to worry about" he says with an uneven smile.

Who does he think I am? A fool?! I can see right through his crooked smile. I'm not buying that silly excuse.

"For the last time Keith!~ don't. lie. to. me"

I could tell he was already shook and now his smile turned to a line of despair. The once smiling boy was now a crying mess.

I pulled him to myself and console him.

"It's ok.. I'm here" I calmly caressed his back.

"H-he w-wi-will h-a-te me-" hiccups clouded his words.

"He won't-"

I say hopefully.

"H-he w-wi-will" he said again.

"Noo, nooo, he won't"

"H-he- he's n-ne-v-ver g-g-gon-na tr-trus-t m--me-- e--ve-ver a--agai-n" he says.

My cuddle tightened as I could feel that he really felt hurt and ashamed of himself.

To the extent that many people gathered around us.

"Keith, you are not at fault, neither are you not to be blamed, I know what happened, I saw what happened, and believe me when I say I was infuriated at the sight of that idiot's hands around your-" I stopped to force my eyes to close for I didn't want to picture that image in my memory.

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