38. Let's see how you like the looks of it

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Author's POV;

James and Keith made their ways to the guarded seats.

"After you" James said while clearing the way for Keith who seemed extremely flustered.

Keith took a seat and right after then James took a seat.

Everyone's eyes were on the woman such as Aunt Myra who was making an announcement.

Although everyone was concentrated on her, James on the other hand wasn't.

James's eyes were on the Omega who had no idea that James was glaring at him.

James admired his mate with every glare he had.

Just untill Kane tapped his lap.

"You know, you not paying attention to the announcement, really makes it look like your not interested with it, perhaps~ maybe- "

Kane whistled towards Keith's ear gaining his attention.

"Mr alpha here was stealing glares at you pretty" he said making James immensely feel a bit embarrassed.

Keith on the other hand was all shy and couldn't help but to feel loved as he should.

James could hear Mason chuckling at the background and Kane as well.

James just grunted at the two who were making fun of him but a sudden touch made him loose focus.

Keith's fingers played with James's chest.

James wondered if Keith was really that shy.

"Keith baby? You alright" asked James earning a small gasp from the other.

James smirked at the Omega as he kept his hands to himself.

"May I ask the two main hosts of this party to please come on stage"

Aunt Myra suggested earning James's and Kira's attention.

Kira stepped off from her seat and James got on his feet to hold his sister's hand while making it to the stairs.

Everyone cheered adoring the two.

"Good evening all...

It is with great pleasure to welcome each and everyone of you. Yes. In honor of our great dearest mother also known as Queen we put together this lovely party. My mother always said to me- rather have a memorable party than a banquet. Today this is not just a banquet, but a celebration. I loved the banquets my father would hold, but it wasn't about, how much people would attend or how popular it would get, it was about the love he put to the banquets, this what I and my brother planned. We put all our love into this because we know that somewhere somehow, this is going to be one of the most beautiful things to exist. I am happy to see everyone- even the people I have never seen to come here, this is an open party, so lets celebrate it like kings and queens do" everyone went wild for Kira's announcement. All cheered for the girl as she moved a side so here brother could have access to the mike.

Once he had his hands on the mike, the whole crowd went silent.

"Most of you may not know who we are talking about. Most of you might be here just for fun or just cuz you have access to free food, but to me, this- this is amazing to me, who knew we'd have so many people here. I am more than happy to see some unfamiliar faces. Our parents would have been Happy if they were here, but sadly they aren't. I know for a fact that they are happy somewhere, and that thought truly warms my heart.
I'd remember my father talking to me about loyalty, to be honest, he was the most loyal man in our lives, I always try to be just as loyal as him, not because he's my dad, but because that's the greatest character he offered to us. Today it's our mothers birthday, and I want us to celebrate it wholesomely. Truly like kings and queens just like my sister said, I am more than happy to host a party here so everyone is welcome to enjoy the night"

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