7. Emotionless

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Mason's POV:

I woke up to the intense feeling of tight whispering. To be sure I had to widen my eyes so I did. To my surprise I saw James in front of me. By the looks of it, he didn't seem happy at all. As he turned to look at me half awake he yelled at me.

"Mason Gueta!!! What have you done?!!" He said as my eyes widened. To the surprise he used a deep and fearful tone on me, luckily I didn't flinch neither was I bound to. "James anything the matter?" I asked concerned.

He asked of me in which I rolled my eyes and settled back down on my bed.

"So you drove all the way here just to scream at me? Please go back home" I commanded as he gave me an unusual and angry look.

"What the heck did you do to my sister?!!!" He asked as I looked at him yunning in tiredness and annoyance as Jason yelled at me on controllably because of his sister. Sooooo~ annoying!!

As I got off from bed I glared onto my so called friend who happened to be the most angriest person on Earth right now.

"What was your question?" I asked as I didn't give a shit at all.

"Where's my sister?" He asked calm and easily as I glared in surprise.

"Huh?!" I was seriously in shock because the last time I saw her she ran away in tears. This was strange because I felt a little strange as well. Why did I feel at fault. No, I can't be feeling concerned, suddenly I felt someone touch my shoulder and there was a saying.

"If anything happens to my sister, I don't know what's gonna happen to the both of us as friends" James mentioned as I was in shock of what he asked me. I felt different and some how worried, I don't know the feeling though.

"Why on Earth are you trying to do?! Hit me?! For who?! Your sister?!" I said in anger as I shook his hand off my shoulder in anger.

"She's my sister!!" He said only making me grow mad.

"So?! What does that have to do with you getting mad all of a sudden for that annoying ass hole!!" I mentioned as the matter only got worse.

"It's only been yesterday since the two of you met and my sister is no where to be seen" he said. Yeah~ but still what does that have to do with- ohh~
Now I see!

"Mmm?" I hum in response as he shot his eyes furiously. I was understanding what he meant but the thing is what would he do to me if I said maybe it was because of what I said, no! She couldn't have gone missing because of a silly excuse of a word would she?

"Mason please tell me what happened, maybe you must have said something to anger her" he said calmly as I smirked in response.

"Oh please there's nothing I said wrong, I only called her what she truly is, a fag!" I said. I laughed at my own words feeling proud of myself.

Then suddenly I heard a "PAW!". I then turned to James because I had received a slap from him. For the first time I saw my best friend slap me and for what, oh yes his annoying ass sister.

"WHAT WAS THAT FOR!?!!" I asked as confused as anyone and as angry as ever.

"That's for my sister!" He said, oh! My soul was angered.

"How the hell, what the hell, the actual f#*k?!" I said with all my anger and frustration all in one go.

"You said that to her!!! Nonononono!
Do you know what you've done Mr Mason Gueta?!!" He yelled as I eyed him as I didn't like the fact that he freaking slapped me.


"You called my sister a fag?!" With that he didn't want to here a word, he left. Great! Not only did she spoil my mood yesterday but I got slapped by my own best friend, luckily it didn't effect me emotionally but I most certainly wanted to take revenge, not on James but on the reason for him raising his own hand towards me!!

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