17. Mate bond

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Author's POV:

Right after James placed Keith on the bed, Keith fell asleep. He sat on the chair besides the bed and stared at the masterpiece before him. What cuteness with a flare of danger. He thought that way because of what happened earlier. Keith would have killed Mason if he wasn't there in time. But he was also 100% sure that Keith wouldn't be able to kill Mason because Mason is too powerful and strong.

As he was looking at him, Mason walked in smirking at what he saw. A whipped man. He chuckled a bit and that arose James.

"You staring at sleeping beauty?" Mason asked mocking the other as he laughed sarcastically.

"Ha-ha-ha, very funny" James said not sounding like he was taking it.

" Is he mad at me?" Mason asked.

"Nope, not anymore at least" James mentioned making eye contact.

"Oh...well, good" Mason said having a smirk.

"What are you doing here?" Asked James curious of why he came.

"I just wanted to see you" Mason said.
James only smirked in return.

"What's the catch?" James asked not believing what Mason said before.

"No catch" Mason said.

"Your high!" "Well your mentally unstable" "you too!" They were arguing till a small murmur was heard.

"Jay~ Jay?~" Keith was calling as James and Mason turned to see.

"Pr- Keith?" He responded trying not to call him princess. He saw the little beauty of his life rub his eye in a cute way.

"Jay~jay~ your angry??" Keith said in a cute and loving tone which made James to have a mental break down. James was blushing at the sight of Keith. He couldn't believe he was all his.

"No..no um.... I'm just disagreeing with Mason's comment" James said trying to hide the truth.

"Your a lying bitch" protested Mason.

"So are you" said James glaring at Mason before they started arguing all over again. They didn't notice that it was stressing Keith out. The thing is when ever Keith sees his loved ones mad or frustrated, he'd feel bad and sometimes cry. (due to his childhood)

Eventually, Keith started to sob which made the two boys glare at him. There were two different glares. The one James gave was the glare of hurt, love, care, meanwhile the one that Mason gave was  , confused, weird, kind of guilty and kind of a little care.

Keith started to murmur some words which made James smirk a little.

"I don't like when alpha fights with good friend......." Said Keith with Mason leading a protest.

"Oh please! Now you consider me a good friend!? You nearly killed me!" Said Mason as James only chuckled while Keith puffed up his cheeks.

Keith loved how James chuckled. His sweet laughs filled his hearing. Keith fell hard for him and that was one true story.

Keith immediately turned to a shade of red when James looked at him. James's blue eyes was all he stared at. As James moved closer to him, anyone could tell that he was struggling to maintain his eye contact with him.

"You look really cute when you blush pr- um.... Keith" said James as he was finding it hard to not call Keith his princess (He is so cute towards him ahhh!!!!) 

Keith blushed right after the complement. He knew James wanted to call him princess, he was so shy about the the name that he almost called him.

"James just stop with the 'pri- the Keith' I mean, you literally have the authority to call him that, no one is stopping you" said Mason making Keith to blush even more.

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