it's not always about what others think

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Wendy POV

I woke up. And grabbed my phone. Than I realized today I was supposed to meet my friends. And compare boyfriends. I totally forgotten about it. If I remember I would have went after Mario. To late to change things. So I called hariet for we can get ready.

Wendy: so you get to show off Mario.

Hariet: correct. Our friends can't make jokes about use being single any more.

Wendy: yes I especially want to shove my success into Britney's face. She had all ways acted like she was the best of the best.

Hariet: true well bye I go get Mario.

She hanged up. So I went to go get Luigi. Who just got done cooking breakfast. If I let him know what was really going on he will most likely not come. So I said shopping.

Luigi: shopping

Wendy: yes.

Luigi: by yourself.

Wendy: no of course not I need a strong man. To come with.

Luigi: fine Wendy.

Luigi POV

I made it to the mall to find Hariet and Mario.

???: Wendy girl is that you. So you are a actually not single for once.

Wendy: oh yeah Britney.

I looked over to see pom-pom, a female goomba, a Pink Koopa. I also saw boom boom, a goomba with a very stylish mustache. And another boom boom but this one had a purple shell.

Boom Boom: Britney how you been babe. Bomb bomb got you presents.

Britney: aww thanks sweet art. Wendy what did your boyfriend get you.

Wendy: ummm

Britney: nothing like I expected. Even when you finally do get a date they don't care about you. You probably paid him or got him out if pity for you.

Damn we just got here and she being insult by a friend of hers.

Goombline: yea for a

Britney: I didn't say you can speak goombline. So anyway let's compare boyfriends like we agreed.

Wait minute. I looked over to Mario and he was also surprise.

Mario: comparing boyfriends doesn't seem right.

Britney: hariet teach your boyfriend not to talk with out your permission.

Hariet: this is Mario. And what's wrong with him talking.

Hariet: girls have to be the Dominant one in the relationship so the man doesn't belittle the woman and for the woman to get the most success from having the man do all the work.

Luigi: what type of philosophy is that.

Mario: yeah you don't treat people like that.

Britney: hold you tounge plumber you two smell like the very things that clog the toilet. No wonder you guys decided to date these two. They are just as turdy as the ones you two clean. Unlike my boom boom who is part of elite soldiers of Bowser army being very rich allowing him to buy everything I want.

Mario: I just met you and I already hate you.

Britney: and pom pom boyfriend is just trash. Not even important to anything is just a good for nothing.

I saw the green shell boom boom look sad with pom pom comforting him.

Britney: but good job goombline on getting goobdrick the third as your boyfriend. You are now part of a rich family.

Wendy: well our boyfriends are heros that have constantly beat down yours. They are also doctors, rich them selfs and are good at muitple sports.

Britney: I guess you are right to bad they are dating a waste of a princess and a crazy dresser.

Mario: are you two just going to let her talk to you like that.

Britney: like what.

Mario: you are honestly I a terrible friend even for brats like Wendy.

I ebows him.

Luigi: not helping. And it is just as rude.

Mario: sorry.

Luigi: but I agree. I don't even know why you guys are friends. From how you talk you just used others to get what you want hell a bet you used Wendy for something thanks to being Bowser's daughter.

Britney: of course but in return I give them tips to get what they want.

Wendy: and plus I knew her since I was a child she all ways helped me before I got adopted.

Mario: child hood friends are not always your friend. And hariet what's your excuse.

Hariet: she and Wendy where my first true friends.

Luigi: only one of the koopas you just said are a true friend. And why are you guys fallowing her.

They told me and Mario that it was through her that they were able to trick people into giving them what they want.

Luigi: Wendy let's go home. I am not dealing with someone who doesn't treat you like you should be treated.

Wendy: how am I supposed to be treated.

Luigi: like me anyone else who you date shouldn't be decided on what others think. It should be decided on how you think and how you feel.

Mario: it also shouldn't be decided by what you can gain without working if you are going to do that atlest be a person that you care about a general love. Don't fallow someone because the thought you in the past and even than manipulation is never right.

Luigi: and dispite you being a manipulator in the past you still did most of the work by yourself. You still new how to be smart and you knew and still know how. Dispite how some see you. You still relayed on your self and showed you are a strong and independent woman sure you can be a bit bratty at times but you still know how to work hard and smart.

Mario: and hariet you are also strong. You are good at what you do. And is not afraid to fight and you show you do care for others like your family. You just don't throw insult at others.
I don't care what she says you are great.

Britney: wow you two are serious idiots. Protecting your once enemies that are just as bad as me. Come on gang I have an idea why don't we see how long they can last without us.
Just no you won't get any other friends with out me. You will be growling back.

I saw them walk away.

Luigi: Wendy come on. I know a ton of people you can be friends with at home. You seems to be good around them earlier.

Wendy: thanks.

I saw her start fallowing me home.

Wendy: thanks again for sticking up for me. But I am going to miss her. But you are right a princess like me disserves better. But there's no better boyfriend than you.

Mario's POV

Hariet: do you really think I can make friends with out her.

Mario: yep just get along with the girls in the castle. I know you can get along with them just fine. That koopa literally does nothing. I wonder why she put herself above every one.

Hariet: she got adopted by a rich family that though her everything she knows.

I got a call it seems like Zelda and Samus are planning something special for me and Luigi for training. All I know is that they want me to pack my bags. So I ran home with hariet.

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