Chapter 17: Alastor?

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Alastor stood up, expecting to be back in the hotel with Charlie, but instead was in the middle of the forest as a deer. He remembered why he was there, and got to searching for his lover. he looked everywhere, but still couldn't find her, but did stumble upon an old cemetery. he kicked down a part of the wall that was weaker and easier to break with his back legs. He went inside through the hole he had just put in.

He recognized the style immediately. Now he KNEW he was in Louisiana! he was in the type of cemetery they used there, where the graves they used looked like huge houses. He took a walk around the cemetery. He looked at some of the graves, some old some new. He walked further in, and found a women at one. he hid behind one, and poked his head out just enough to see what the girl was doing.

She was blonde, and was wearing a white collared shirt. She had clear white skin, with hair in a loose pony tail. Alastor couldn't tell what color her eyes where. She sighed out, like she was sad. Alastor wanted to approach her, but didn't know how she would react to seeing a deer in a cemetery. her blonde hair reminded him so much of Charlie, and how much he missed her. he was able to see something on her jeans, and soon he was able to tell it was badge. Maybe it's a copper! Alastor thought to himself.

The girl looked at her hand and alastor noticed it was Snow White...could this possibly be...really alastor? Your that desperate for her that your wondering if some random mortal girl is her? Get yourself together.

The girls body than transformed. Alastor couldn't believe his eyes, but he got ready to charge in case it was evil, much like him.

But instead, it was someone alastor held very dear in his heart. Alastor was shocked and gasped, accidentally giving away his cover. The demoness turned around and looked, but saw nobody. She shrugged and turned back towards the grave.

Alastor stomped his hoof to get the girl to turn around, and luckily, she did. Alastors eyes widened when he saw her face. The deer walked slowly over to her, and Charlie walked over to it. She reached out to pet it, and Alastor leaned his deer head towards her hand, and her hand met the middle of his head, right in between his antlers. "woah..." Charlie said in awe. she scratched his head and he leaned into it. Seeing the deer made Charlie miss alastor even more, she wasn't even sure if she would return to him. 

Alastor could sense her sadness, and wished he could help her, TELL her, it was him, tell her that he was taking her home, tell her that HE would deal with the killer, not her!  He used his muzzle to reach up to her hand and lick it. She giggled and scratched his chin, but the sadness soon came back. My darling...oh how I wish I could help you...Alastor thought to himself. 

Alastor decided to try and communicate with her, he didn't know if anyone else was here, otherwise he would've turned into his demon self. he ran over to the grave Charlie had been looking at and his eyes bulged wide.

Here lies Ace Povergine 

The slasher of new orleans

Master of voodoo


Alastor freaked out and stood on his back legs. "woah woah! hey it's ok! calm down!" Charlie saw he had freaked out at alastors grave...that begged the question...Charlie decided to test something. "al-" Charlie began but was cut off by a gunshot. She quickly turned back into her human form. when she looked down, she saw the deer....

had been shot.

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