Chapter 1

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My alarm blares in my ear at the top of its non existent lungs, trying its very best to wake me up, like an annoying little sibling who doesnt close the fucking door when we tell them to.
I slam my pillow over my head in hopes that it will shut out the cracked screaming my alarm clock is doing right in my ear. Its probably gonna make me go deaf if this pillow doesnt do its job...
"Ight SHUT UP CLOCK" i yell, chucking the alarm across the room. I listen to the sound of batteries clattering to the floor, and i grumble.
I splash water on my face and sigh. I fucking hate school, i would rather be at home in all the quiet where theres nobody to be so dramatic.
I through on my hoodie and head downstairs. Of course my dad isnt home. Hes probably at work.
On the fridge is a little note, i ignore it, grabbing the cream cheese. I dash over to where our toaster is and grab a blueberry bagel, and spread the cream cheese over the bagel.
After i put the cream cheese back in the fridge i take the note and look at it.

Me and Dad are going to be away on a buisness trip this week, we love you

Of course, of course. They havent been away for five whole months since they were so worried about me. They spend their whole entire time at home bugging me about school and stuff even though im an A+ student! Its so annoying!
I glance at the time, quickly shoving my books into my backpack, and i shove my bagel into my mouth, sprinting to the bus stop to catch the bus on time. I pity the people who have to walk in this weather.
"Hey Mangle" i say loud enough for her to hear.
She nods, signalling that she acknowledged me, and we clamber onto the bus. Mangle sits three seats ahead of me and i sit all the way at the back of the bus.
I hang my head low and ignore Fredrick.

I throw on my heavy winter jacket and stylish real fur leather boots. The fur came from a beaver, like no duh, its so realistic!
"Bye Aunt Cass!" I call into the house, getting no answer in return. Just then Chica dashes down the stairs, and zips up her boots quickly.
"Im here!" She says, out of breath.
"Why are you in such a rush? We walk to school, unfortunately." I say.
Chica shrugs nervously.
"Ok suit yourself" i say. Chica steps outside in just her sweater and i stare dumbfounded as she quickly walks to school.
I jog to catch up to her, inhaling the air sharply to catch my breath.
Halfway to school i smirk at Chica, "wanna race?" I ask.
"Sure" she nods, smiling, and takes off.
I take no time calling after her to wait up, i just start running to her at full speed.
Chica is still a few feet ahead of me and i see the school up ahead. A few buses pull in front of the school and kids pile out of them. A skyscraper gleams in the background, on this cold winter morning. I smile at the majestic view, one of the perks of living in the city.
Me and Chica win the race neck in neck.
"Ah good game" i say, me and Chica briefly clasp hands before Chica head into the school.
I see someone get off the bus, he has blue hair and green eyes, and has an electric red guitar strapped to his back.
A kid that looks excactly like him but younger follows him off, the younger kid has messier hair then the older one, who looks around my age.
I shake my head and continue to my locker.

•Teal Blue•
I get off the bus and into the average weather. Its really not that cold out today. I have no idea why all these people are all bundled up and shivering.
That skinny blonde chick with long hair is just wearing her sweater, like me. She deserves an award for that.
Someone trips me and i faceplant the snow, getting my clothes soaked. I look up to see Flame sneering down at me.
I sigh, rolling my eyes, "jerk" i mutter under my breath.
"What did you just call me?" Flame asks, making a big deal out of it.
A few students gather around me and Flame, starving for action.
"Oh i simply called you a jerk, because its true, you are" i shrug.
"I dont know what goes through that dumbass head of yours, but you do not speak to me like that" Flame says, holding me by the collar of my clothes.
He drops me on the ground, meaning to hurt me, but i land on my feet. I shake my head and walk off, unphased. I hear Flame growl with frustration.
"Fucking bitch" i mutter coldly.
I enter the school and im blinded instantly. I wait a few seconds till i can see again and i huff and walk towards my assigned locker.
"Hey Teal! You feeling down in the blues again?" I hear NM call from down the hall.
"Shut the hell up NM!" I yell at her.
"Excuse me? Im not sure i heard you right" NM says, suddenly right beside me.
"Oh you heard me as clear as a Blue Yeti Mic" i say, slamming my locker door shut, as i turn to face the nightmare of a nightmare.
"Oh Flame should not have let you slip by without by without a beating" NM smirks, cracking her knuckles.
"Fuck off" i say, shoving past her. Everyone stares dumbfounded after me, wondering how the hell i can stick up to the nightmares.

I watch as NM strolls casually down the hallway, her face heavily coated with makeup.
She stops in front of me, finally looking up. She looks extremely peeved off by something.
"What is it?" I ask.
"I can never seem to even phase Teal Blue! What the fuck is up with this fucking girl?" NM says, irritaed.
"She always gets away from us at the right time. We gotta strike sooner" i glance behind her, seeing Nightmare Bon.
"Yo! NB!" I call. NM turns around a sighs with frustration.
"He is always listening to music with those headphones of his" NM says, harshly exhaling through her nose.
The bell rings and i bang my fists on the wall, "why the fuck do we always gotta go to school? I am so fed up with this bullshit" i yell into my hands to muffle it.
"I have no fucking clue, all i know is that have PE with the juniors" NM says, fiddling with the lock keeping her out of her locker, "GODDAMNIT THIS LOCK SUCKS" she screams, kicking her lock, breaking it.
"Fucking Christ" i say.

I plop down in my seat, right in the middle of the room. Why do i have maths right away?
"I dunno, but it reminds me of elementary and middle school" my desk partner says, agreeing with me.
"Oh did i say out loud? Sorry" i say, even though im not sorry at all.
Or, i am sorry, but i just dont care.
I glance behind at Chic, she pops in her earbuds and start jamming quietly to what i believe is pop music.
"Right, what are we learning" i say under my breath.
"Geometry" the teacher say, making me jump. She only just started the lesson.
"Sometimes i feel like you dont even know my name" my desk partner says, narrowing his eyes.
"Yeah, because i just dont care" i say, doodling in my notebook.
"Ugh! My name is Ennard god damnit!" My desk partner whisper shouts.
"Stop shouting" i whisper, "youre gonna get us sent to the principals office".
"How about we both just shut up then? How does that sound" Ennard says.
I dont reply because the teacher is looking at us.

I sit at the very back of English class, staring directly in front of me. The teacher rambles on about the end of Romeo and Juliet, which we were supposed to read by the end of the break but i never did because i got bored of the book halfway through. During class i mostly pretended to read it, but really i had my phone hidden in the pages.
Plus i read that book like, twice already. Once as a bedtime story when i was younger and once as a project for middle school.
Then the other day we just watched the movie, so yeah. Im pretty sure i have every single word stuck in my head. Like seriously, why is school making me read the same thing twice? Plus i dont understand a single word of the book. Im not poetic goddamnit. We didnt even go over the fucking terms!
"Earth to Maribelle, Maribelle to earth!" The teacher snaps her fingers in front of my face and i blink awake.
"Sorry what were we talking about again?" I ask.
"Romeo and Juliet! Did you finish reading the book yet?"
"Uh yeah, i did" its partly the truth, but i read the full book, like, twice already. Did i already mention that?
"Try and stay in reality, ok Maribelle?" The teacher commands.
"Yeah ok" i lie.
I dont even want to pay attention to life right now, because i effing hate English.
I feel a tap on my shoulder, and turn to see Marionette passing me a note.
I give a lazy smile as i take the note, unfolding it, do you ship Freddy and Fred together? I dont.
Sneering at the though, i write back, ew no! If somebody ships them together they will go to hell.
Giggling a bit somehow cuz im dead inside i pass her back the note. She takes her time reading and i turn to the front of the classroom.
I stare dreamily out the window and watch as some random kid goes outside and yells at someone on his phone. They smash their phone to the ground, stepping on it, then they head back inside.
He looked kinda cute, though not as cute as the girl sitting two rows in front of me. Teal Blue doesnt know im crushing on her, though.
I make it my mission to find out who the hell that guy is.

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