Chapter 19

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The next day, at school...

"Hey guys!" Violet says excitedly, probably feeling more rested because she slept with me.
"Well someones excited" Ennard jokes.
"Yeah, why are you so excited?" Lolbit asks eagerly.
Violet glances at me then proceeds to tell them, "because me and Vincent started dating last night!" Violet concludes.
Lolbit gapes at us and Puppet starts running away.
"Get back here" Marionette says, running after her brother.
"Hi Ennard!" Baby saunters up to Ennard.
"Hi...." Ennard says awkwardly.
Suddenly Molten is beside me, "you up for tonight? The bar, fun!" Molten whispers to me.
"Actually, im dating Violet" i whisper back to Molten.
"No fair! Everyone around is getting girls or boys galore!" Molten complains im his normal voice.
"Oh Molten, really?" I ask, shaking my head.
"My pansexual ass is getting anyone!" Molten continues complaining.
"Quick guys! Ship Molten with someone!" I clap my hands.
"Uh uh Chic!" Chica says.
"Hmm" Teal says.
"I ship him with you, to be honest" Circus Baby says.
Molten blushes.
"Please dont tell me you like me!" I say.
"I ship Molten with Scrap Baby, but shes never at school" Teal finally says.
"I ship him with you too, Vincent" Marionette says, finally coming back with Puppet.
"I ship him with Scrap Baby" Puppet says.
"I ship him Lolbit" i say.
"Same" Violet says quietly, making Lolbit blush.
"I was gonna say i ship him with Scrap Baby" Lolbit says shyly, "but you guys shipping him with me is ok..." Lolbit adds.
"Oh my god can we all go to the park and play truth or dare after school today?" Baby squeals.
"Sure..." Everyone says relectuntly.
"Kay cool, but isnt everyone worried about worried Maribelle? She hasnt been at school lately" Teal Blue says.
"Hm?" Chica says.
"Uh at school now" Maribelle says, coming beside Teal Blue, making Teal jump, "and uh, i have something to tell you" Maribelle rubs the back of her neck.
"What?" Teal asks eagerly.
"I like you" Maribelle says.
Violet looks at me, smirking.
"What?" I ask, matching her smirks, because i think i know what.
Violet kisses me, and i kiss back hungrily, but not too hungry. Lets just say that Violet makes me horny. I like taking things slow.
"Kay, i feel surrounded by lovebirds right now" Chica says flatly. Me and Violet break apart, realizing Teal Blue and Maribelle were kissing each other too.
"Go find someone to love then, Chica" Violet says, annoyed.
"I told you! Freddy is scared of me!" Chica hisses.
"Then get someone to talk to him for you" Marionette says.
"Ok fine! I choose Violet and Vincent" Chica says, a dash of scarlet brushing her cheeks.
"Thats two people" Marionette says flatly.
"Then just Vincent, it will be better if a man tells a man that a girl likes them" Chica says, crossing her legs and spinning around with crossed arms.
"Should i go tell him now" i ask.
"Sure" she shrugs.
"Kay, i'll be back in five to ten minutes" i say, dashing off to find Freddy.
There he is, chilling at his locker with Bonnie.
"Yo Freddy!" I call down the hall, then suddenly im in front of him, startling both him and Bonnie.
"What is it?" Vincent asks.
I gesture to a pair of doors, leading to in between the buidling he nods, "i'll be right back Bonnie" Freddy says.
Once outside i tell him, "Chica likes you but she says youre too afraid of her" i say.
"Jeeze my bad, its just awkward whenever im around her because i like her too. Say... you gay?" Freddy says, giving me a once over while licking his lips.
"Jesus Christ, Freddy. Im bi but taken, you needa chill" i say.
"Sorry, im bi too and cant help but get horny around hot guys like you" Freddy says, smiling.
"Heh, i can understand, i get like that too sometimes" i say sheepishly, "but i would never cheat on Violet" i say truthfully, "unless im really drunk" i admit.
"Welp. Can i get back to Bonnie now?" Freddy says imaptiently.
"Why so eager to get back to him?" I ask.
"Because hes dating Foxy and he told me his brother is dating Chicas sister" he pauses, "stop that Vincent!" Freddy says.
"Stop what?" I ask.
"Looking at me with those eyes with that look" Freddy says, "its making me horny" he growls.
"Oh sorry" i say, looking away.
"Fuck. Everything you do is hot" Freddy says, fanning himself.
I just stare at him with a blank look in my eyes.
"Thats hot too" Freddy says flatly.
"Maybe i should just leave" i say, reaching for the door handle.
"No wait!" Freddy says.
"What" i hiss.
"Nevermind" Freddy says, "i was about to kiss you but thats wrong" Freddy says.
"In that case, why dont you join me and my friends at the park for a game of truth or dare?" I smirk.
Freddy nods eagerly in my peripheral vision, and with that, i leave.

"Hey guys im back" i say.
"Where have you been?" Puppet asks, giving me a strange look.
"Telling Freddy that Chica likes him?" I say, giving him a quizzical look, "why?"
"Its been fifteen minutes!" Molten says angrily, "we've been missing ya".
"Oh sorry, i have a report, also im telling you why i took so long" i say.
Chica leans forwards eagerly and the whole group falls silent.
"So four things. One, Freddy likes you, Chica. Two, he told me Bonnie and Foxy finally got together, and your sister, Chica, got together with Bonnies brother. Third, Freddy told me he likes me too. Fourth, hes joining us for truth or dare tonight" i say.
"Well thats triggering" Violet says, rolling her eyes.
"Of course it is, but im guessing t or d is gonna be even more triggering" i say, approaching Violet.
"Ugh fine" Violet says, looking away and crossing her arms.
I turn around and scan the group for no reason. Everyone is just standing here, bored.

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