Chapter 12

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Someone holds me back, keeping me from Mr. Aflet.
"LET GO OF ME" i scream, writhing in the strong grip of...Puppet.
"Vincent you need to learn to control yourself" Puppet whispers in my ear.
"LET GO OF ME!" I scream again, struggling in his grip.
"Vincent, please calm down" Puppet whispers in my ear again. I fall limp in his arms
"Thank you" Puppet says, "but im afraid if i let go of you you will launch yourself at Violets father again".
Mr. Aflet and the other cops run from the scene. They speed away and another ambulance arrives at the scene, taking away Violet. I just watch silently.
"If i let go of you you promise to control yourself?" Puppet asks.
I nod, not sure whats going with Puppet. He totally just changed personalities.
He lets go of me, and i stumble into my locker, falling onto the floor. I hug my knees and lay my head down on my arms.

I erase what just happened from our audiences memory, and things should return to normal.
Everyone is in their classes except me and Vincent, i glance at Vincent, seeing him, hugging his knees, face down, body shaking. Poor Vincent. Im sure Violet will be ok though.
"Hey" i say softly, sitting down beside him.
"Leave me alone" Vincent sobs.
I fall silent for a few moments, "im sure Violet will be ok" i say.
"You think so?" He asks, lifting his head up the slightest bit.
"Mhm" i smile softly.
He wipes his tears and fully lifts up his head, "how do you know?" He asks.
"I just have this feeling" i shrug.
There are times like this when i really have to question if im asexual, like, damn hes hot and i dont experience sexual attraction, or, i have never experienced it once in my life.
Am i developing feelings for Vincent? Hes straight though! Everyone he flirts with are girls.
Vincent smiles gratefully at me, "thanks...wait, isnt everyone in class?" Vincent asks.
"Yeah, but i dont really need to go to class, since i know everything" i claim.
"Huh" Vincent says, looking down.
"Vincent, can do i word this?"  I ask.
"What?" Vincent asks, totally clueless.
"Screw this i'll just show you" i say.
I grab Vincents collar and kiss him, then i break apart and stand up, "see you around, Vincent" i say, walking away.

I wake up the hospital, confused.
"Oh good youre awake. Im nurse Liz" a nurse says, checking vitals.
"What happened why am i here?" I ask.
"Molten slit your throat, luckily we were able to arrive at the school on time to save your ass" Nurse Liz grins.
"Is Vincent alright?" I ask, totally forgetting Circus Baby.
"Who Vincent? Your boyfriend?" Liz asks.
"No! Its nothing like that!" I lie.
"Suit yourself, youve got yourself wrapped around my cousin like hes your lifeline" Liz laughs.
"Fuck off" i say.
"I cant im your nurse" Liz says.
"FUCK OFF" i scream, unable to control myself, i shoot vines directly at her chest, killing her.
I get up and get dressed, fleeing the hospital.
"Um, miss youre not allowed to leave yet" the man at the front desk says.
I just walk out the front door, scared.
"FUCK" I scream out on the streets. I punch the sidewalk, sending grass flying everywhere.
My cell starts ringing but i chuck it onto the street, where its run over by a vehicle.
I hear a dog bark behind me and i rush over and rip its throat out, growling angrily.
The lady walking it runs away, screaming. Next i punch a window, i love the sound of glass shattering. Its calming.

I watch as Puppet walks away, i lightly touch my lips...oh no, i think im catching feelings.
"Puppet wait!" I call out, but he ignores me, probably questioning himself right now.
I get up and go outside, breathing in the fresh air. Suddenly grass shoots from the hospital and back. I feel concern wash me, even though that means Violets alive and well, but she did loose control in public for the first time ever!
"Sup bitch" Molten says, resting his elbow on my shoulder.
"Nothing much, you?" I ask.
"Im chill. Healed quickly after you beat me. Glad its Friday" Molten shrugs.
"Can you keep a secret?" I ask.
"Sure" he shrugs.
"Puppet has a crush on me. He kissed me a few minutes ago, then walked away like nothing happened" i say with a serious face.
"What! Youre kidding me!" Molten gasps.
"Nope its reality" i shake my head.
"Dont you like Violet though?" Molten asks.
I shrug.
"Oh well, you know Lolbit?" Molten asks.
"Yeah everyone is subscribed to her Youtube channel, i also follow her on Instagram" i say.
"Oh, well i heard shes coming to our school this coming Monday!" Molten says excitedly.
"No way man! Thats fricking amazing!" I cheer with him.
"Want one?" Molten asks, offering me a cigar. I shake my head.

The bell rings and i rush out of class to my brothers locker eagerly, wondering how his classes went.
"Hey bro! How were classes?" I ask.
"I didnt go to class" Puppet says, keeping his down.
"You dont skip class, though!" I say.
I hear Vincent laugh and Puppet looks up, hopefully. He deflates a bit when he sees Vincent with Violet.
"Hold up, do you like Vincent?" I ask.
"No, i dont" Puppet says, shutting his locker.
"Hey guys! Me and Vincent were wondering if we could clothes shopping before training. We need an hour" Violet says, coming up to us.
"I dont see why not. I guess we can cut an hour from training. I'l see you guys at 6pm sharp?" Puppet asks, blushing a little.
"Yeah ok, thanks a lot Puppet, it means a lot" Vincent says, making Puppet blush more.
"You like Vincent!" I gasp, playfully shoving my brother.
"Ssssssssshhhhhhhhhhh" Puppet smiles.

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