Chapter 10

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Later that night, after training...

Todays training session....was...emotional. I was mentally crying the whole time. I was the first to achieve something training, today. Chica was last... she knocked me to the ground, and since then ive been missing something.
I cant quite tell what im missing, but im hungry for something, whether its wealth or power, though im not quite sure why i would be hungry for power, i have all the power in the world.
I stop halfway up the hill my cabin lies on, and my cell starts ringing.
"What is it?" I ask the previous owners of the cabin.
"We're coming back, im sorry for telling you with such late notice, we're almost at the hill. I hope you are able to find another home quickly" Lily, my mom says, then hangs up.
I turn around, i didnt pack anything to bring with me when i first moved to the cabin, because my father burned it all. They hate me, can never be anywhere i am. Its ok because i hate them too. They abandoned me when i was seven, but i was considering running away to get away from them in the first place anyways.
I pass their car when i reach the base of the hill, and it starts raining. The dowpour comes down heavily on my shoulders, and i feel like listening to some classical piano music, because only that can capture the gloom i feel right now.
Everywhere i go, i carry a bad omen, everyone i come into contact with will die early, thats how its been ever since i turned six. My childhood friend, Brad, died five months after i came into contact with him. Same with my other friend, who was a girl. People called me a murderer, though it was not true. It was not I who killed them.
I still have not found out who killed them, or maybe its a what. I was never too sure, i always thought it was a who. That possiblity never came up in my mind.
But i know now, there was a force, a sort of bubble, then whenever someone entered my bubble, they would die five months after.
I gasp, i let Violet enter my bubble, oh no!
But thats just happens. I love someone, i let them in my bubble, they die. Thats just my definition of letting someone in. This is the reason why i never let someone in. I was cursed. Right from the start. My parents didnt want to die, they realized what was happening two years after it started to happen, and they left me alone one night in our house, i thought they just went to a party without telling and they would be back soon, but a week past and it became clear they were never coming back. I was left to fend for myself ever since, i was all over the news, so no one never wanted to take me in.
I hear someone honk their horn and i jump. I look to my left and see a car stopped beside me.
"Vincent! What are you doing, walking the streets like this?" Violet asks.
"I got kicked out of my home" i shrug.
"Wanna come live with me and my family?" Violet asks.
"I dont see why not" i lie.

A few minutes later we're at Violet and her familys apartment. Its average sized.
"Youre soaked, have a towel to dry off" Mrs. Aflet says, handing me a towel. Aflet is Violets last name, apparently.
"Thanks" i say quietly, trying my best to not let anyone in.
She smiles at me, then moves off to the kitchen to make dinner, i assume. Its six pm, the time people usually have dinner at, or at least, a small snack for me.
"Cmon, Vincent, youre staying in my room" Violet gestures down a small hallway. I relectuntly follow her down the hallway and into a room with a single bed and a couch, and a small desk in the corner.
"So, what happened to get you kicked out of your home?" Violet asks, sitting down in her office room. I just lean against the wall.
"My parents moved back in" i say.
"But you should be living with them! Your like, seventeen, right?" Violet asks.
"Eighteen" i say quietly.
"Well im seventeen. Do you have a job?" Violet asks.
I shake my head.
"So you should be living with them!" Violet says, frowning.
I plop down on the couch, staying silent.
"Vincent! I will march down to your house right now and demand you better parents" Violet says angrily.
"I lived in a cabin, on a hill" i say quietly.
"March up your house" Violet corrects herself, "but what the hell is wrong with your parents?" Violet says, getting angry again.
I just stay silent through all of her yelling about bad my parents are. It amazes her how she isnt getting tired yelling about them.
"OK I GET IT THEIR ASSHOLES" i yell, standing up.
She shuts up, theres a sudden knock on the door.
"Go away" Violet yells angrily, turning her attention to me, "im just saying that they should be better! And that you should actually care!" Theres another knock on the door, "my god what do you want?" Violet asks.
"Im just telling you two dinners ready" Mr. Aflet says gruffly.
"We'll be there in a minute" Violet says, sounding irritated. She turns her attention back to me again, "you should care how bad your parents are! Like, whats your story, man?" Violet asks, getting up.
I shut up, shoving my hands in my pockets.
We head into the dining room, which isnt as fancy as the word is. Its conjoined with the living room and kitchen.
Its just a simple dinner, made up if rice, salad, and chicken.
"Help yourselves" Mr. Aflet says, digging in to his dinner.
Sighing, i put little food on my plate.
"If youre planning on surviving, you might want eat more" Violet says, staring down at the food on my plate.
"This is how much i ate when i was living alone, ive been eating like this for years and im still alive" i growl, placing a piece of lettuce in my mouth.
"Suit yourself" Violet says, shaking her head then eating.
"May i ask what you two were yelling about?" Mrs. Aflet asks.
"Yeah" Violet says, beginning to tell the whole story, including all the little details, "and he hasnt saud anything about how his parents are bad to him!" Violet says, angry again.
"Im sure he'll tell you about his past when he feels ready" Mrs. Aflet says, smiling kindly at Violet.
"Damn right" i say sarcastically.
"Excuse me?" Violet says raising her voice slightly.
"You know damn right what i said!" I say, raising my voice slightly over hers.
Shes nothing like me! Im very sorry to burden them with me, im never grateful, always angry, always annoyed at every single thing.
"Um i dont know what you said, maybe im half deaf!" Violet yells back.
"Damn right youre deaf!" I say, standing up quickly and slamming my hands on the table.
"What did you say to me?" Violet asks, standing up less violently.
"Oh my fucking god stop pretending your deaf!" I say, taking my plate and putting it in the sink.
"We do not use that language in the Aflet apartment" Mr. Aflet says sternly.
"Yeah, it shows" i laugh bitterly.
"Is he always like this?" Mrs. Aflet asks Violet.
"Why do you care?" I ask.
"Well if youre gonna be living with us..."
"You want me to go jump out that window? I would totally do it!" I say, not realizing that i just said the most suicidal thing i could ever say.
The whole entire apartment falls silent.
Violet places her dish in the sink, next to mine.
"Ouch" she says, "i accidently cut my thumb on a knife".
"Are you ok?" I ask, placing my hand lightly on her shoulder.
"Yeah i should be fine" Violet says, shivering the tiniest bit, "if i clean it and but a band aid on it im gonna be fine" Violet says.
"Thats good" i murmur.
"Wait, youre angry and now...this?!" Violet realizes, turning around, facing me.
I pause, i didnt even realize.
"What is wrong with you?" She asks.
And i let her in my bubble again.
" i didnt even realize" i stutter.
"You idiot!" She says, hugging me. Im confused. Shes like me but shes not like me? She was mad, but now shes hugging me?
"You silly idiot!" She says, ruffling my hair and my smiling at me.
"Im sorry, what?" I ask.
"Your such an idiot" she giggles.
"Visible confusion at this point" i say.
"You just did what i do sometimes! Be mad then immediately start caring for the person i was mad at!" She laughs.
I narrow my eyes, what the hell just happened?
"I love you" she says, then gasps, covering her mouth, "did i really just say that?" She questions.
Im just frozen in place, i feel like a statue right now, unable to move, paralized by something, i dont know if its love, fear, or anger. Probably all of the above.
"Um" i manage to say.
She starts blushing profusely.
"Should we let them sleep together tonight?" Mrs. Aflet asks her husband.
"I dont see why not. We know what to do if something happens" Mr. Aflet says. They get up and put their dishes in the sink.
Mr. Aflet heads into the living room and starts watching the news.
"Are you two ok?" Mrs. Aflet asks.
"Yeah we should be" Violet says.
"Ok as long are youre honest" Mrs. Aflet says, then goes to watch the news with her husband.
"Should we get that wound of yours looked at?" I ask Violet.
"Oh yeah right-"
She was about to tell where the band aids were or say that she was gonna look for them, im guessing, because she stopped talking as soon as i found them.
She rinces her wounds and cleans it with soap, then holds her thumb to me. I gently wrap the band aid around her thumb, she shivers a tiny bit to my touch again.
"Thank you" she whispers breathlessly, "i didnt know you were so gentle...i always thought of you as rouch because i only ever saw you as angry or irritated" Violet says.
"Heh, yeah..." i trail off, not knowing what to say.
"Why does that face look familiar?" Mr. Aflet asks from the living room, "yo Violet, whatever your friends name is come here!" He calls.
We duck into the next room.
Theres a wanted man on the screen that goes by the name Vincent Odette, and he looks excactly like me.
"Whats your name, son?" Mr. Aflet asks, staring at the screen.
"V-Vincent" i stutter.
Mr. Aflet looks at my face, "youre not am murderer, are you?" He asks.
" full name is Vincent O'Dair. I have no idea who this Odette is, my twin brother or something" i lie.
I stare back at the screen, i hope my lie is good enough, i gulp. Who am i kidding? Im a king at lying because i do it so much it became extremely believable. But the again, ive never lied to someone who looks so successful.
"I guess we're working on another case now" Mr. Aflet grumbles.
"Hes a cop and im a chef" Mrs. Aflet smiles happily, not seeming to be concerned how identical i am to the me on TV. That photo was taken two months ago, so there are some differences in the facial features.
Wow ok then, interesting to see im on TV.
Totally not concerned.
"Cmon Vincent! Lets go to our room" Violet says, obviously not wanting to stand around here anymore.
I agree and we sit where we were sitting before.
"Ok so, you do have a harsh past, correct? You'll at least give me that, right?"
I nod, "yep, my parents hated me so much they abandoned me" i say, "just so you, thats all im giving you for a while now" i add, so she doesnt pressure me into anything else.
"I see, i had a nice happy childhood, until i reached teen years that turned my life into an emotional rollercoaster" Violet says, tapping her cheek.
I dont know what to say, so i say nothing.
Only then i notice her features, she wears mascara, and black eye liner. She has thin barely noticable layer of blush brushing her cheeks, a fee freckles scattered here and there, she a piercing at the side of her nose, and a brush of purple under her eyes.
She has long purple hair and bangs that have no signature postion. She has earrings that are consisted of the cross. Giving me a few questions that need to be answered.
"Whats with the purple under your eyes?" I ask.
"Whats with the purple under your eyes?" She asks.
"I asked you first!" I say.
"Haha, its makeup, i look cute with it" she giggles.
"Mines a fricking birthmark, flagging me, making me stand out of the crowd. Thats why i was bullied as a kid, but very rarely because most of them were afraid to birst my bubble" i say.
"Tell me more!" She pushes.
I shake my head vigorously, "i didnt even mean to say that much anyways" i laugh, "anyways, did you dye your hair?" I ask.
"Well, it was already purple a bit, then yes i did dye my hair" she answers.
"Ok...are you Christian?" I ask.
"Are you asking that because of my earrings?" She asks. I nod. "No im not Christian, i dont believe in any god, i just stole these from my mom" she laughs.
"Nice, we love stealing" i say sarcastically, making her laugh again.
"Say, why is your hair purple, you dyed it, right?" She asks.
"I was born like this. Everything purple i was born with, my hair, my eyes, the brushing of purple under my eyes" i explain.
"Thats weird, but thats what makes!" She says.
I breathe a sigh of relief. I dont know what I'd do if she started flirting with me right then and there. I cant handle when im being flirted with, but when i flirt its a totally different story.
Now that i think about, i actually recently flirted with Ballora. I caught her by surprise because i usually dont speak, but when i do, its either because im flirting with someone, or im catching one of us.
"We're going to bed" Mrs. Aflet says, peeking her head inside our room, "just so you know none of us are gonna be here tomorrow morning, so youre gonna have to take the bus to school or catch a ride with a friend. Dont do anything risky" She says, then leaves.
"Oh i know excactly how im getting to school" Violet smirks.
"Oh my goodness Violet! Arent you afraid of heights?" I ask.
She shrugs. Our conversation goes on till 1am.
"Hey" i say.
"What?" She asks.
"Your parents should be asleep by now. Wanna go sneak out?" I ask.
"Where would we go?" She asks.
"The bar, the park, a walk around the beautiful night city" i say, listing off the places that would still be open, "that gas station thats open 24/7" i smile.
"What we do at a gas station at this time?" She asks.
"Um, get slushies?" I ask.
"Heck ya! Its actually very warm out, considering its January" Violet mentions.
"Yeah, the weather can be a bit unpredictable" i agree.
"Lets go!" She whispers, desperate to get out.
We're almost at the door when i hear something jump from the counter, making me jump. I realize its just a cat.
"Woah, jumpy much, Vincent, huh?" Violet asks, picking up the cat, "its just Mittens!" She hugs the cat.
"Im sorry, im just really paranoid right now. Ive never snuck out before, because i was abandoned at seven, left to fend for myself" i say accidently.
Violet nods solemnly, putting Mittens down.
"Would you stop that?" I ask.
"Sure. We should probably go out the window. The door creaks loudly" Violet giggles quietly.
"You just noticed that?" I ask flatly.
We silently cross the room and open the window, jumping onto the platform underneath it. All apartment complexes have it.
Violet reaches it and winds the window closed till its open wide enough for her hand to fit through.
We descend the stairs quickly and head in the direction of the gas station.
We walk in silence, hands shoved in our pockets. I wonder what the cashier would do if he recoginized me or even saw me anywhere. I dont know if im everywhere yet...
We pass a newspaper stand, "wait, i want to check something" i tell Violet, taking a paper and rapidly flipping through it. Yep, theres my face, the biggest photo on the wanted criminals page.
"What is it?" Violet asks.
"Nothing" i say slipping the paper back in the stand.
We continue walkimg towards the gas station. I see my face on windows, telephone poles, everywhere. It makes me extremely uneasy. I wonder if people actually think its me, or will Mr. Aflet spread the lie that i told in a week.
"So what kind of slushie are you getting?" Violet asks.
"Blue rasberry" i answer immediately.
"Im getting a mix of watermelom and strawberry! Im sure it will taste yummy!" She says excitedly.
I smile, looking away.
"Whats up?" She asks.
"The face is everywhere" i mutter.
"The face you claim to be your brother?" Violet asks.
"Sure, you could say that" i say, focusing ahead.
"Oh look! The gas station!" Violet says.
We enter the station, the bells jingling above us, signalling the chashier that he has customers, finally.
I keep my head down low, terrified hed call the cops on me.
We get cups and fill them up with our favourite flavors silently, putting lids on them and collecting straws.
We places them on the counter where the cashier scans them.
"That'll be two fifty" he says.
"Shoot! I didnt bring my wallet. Vincent, you have money, right?" Violet asks.
"Wait, Vincent is that criminal on the news! You couldnt be him...right?" The cashier asks.
"Haha, no. I just happen to have his name" i laugh, handing him a five, "this should pay for everything" i smile, showing him my face briefly. We turn around and leave, leaving him in shock.
"He was totally shocked that you looked so identical to that murderer!" Violet laughs.
"Yeah..." i say, sipping my slushie.
We walk around for a bit, sipping the slushies we got. I check my phone for the time, then i check it again because i forgot to look for the time: 3:30.
"Wow its late" i chuckle.
"Or really early" Violet says, making us laugh, "so where are we going after we finish our slushies?" Violet asks.
"I dont know. Have you ever drank before?" I ask.
"Yeah i have!" Violet says, frowning, "why?" She asks.
"Just wondering. I know its way to late to go for drinks now. I think the bar near your apartment complex closes at two thirty."
"Yeah i guess" Violet says, we throw our empty slushie cups in the parks trash cans.
"Violet...wanna know something?" I ask.
She nods.
And i open up to her, right then and there. About everything. Starting from when i was six, telling her about what happened to my childhood friends, the bad omen hanging around me. All of it.
"Well my parents didnt sense whatever bad omen you claim to have" Violet says.
"No but since ive let you in my bubble, twice, you might die in four months" i say, feeling tears well up in my eyes, "and i dont want you to die. Ive never said that once in my life. If i let you another time, three months. Another time, two months, and another time, one month" i say, tears pouring down from my eyes.
"What happens if you let me in after that?" Violet asks.
"Then you die instantly, im guessing" i say glumly.
"Vincent...i wish i could hug you right now" Violet says.
"So you believe me?" I ask.
"Of course. Whoever doesnt believe you should be exacuted immediately!" Violet jokes.
I sigh, "but the problem is, i cant stay away from you, i just cant. If i did stay away from i will commit suicide" i, tears coming down at rapid speeds.
"Youre such an idiot!" Violet says angrily.
"What are you talking about?" I ask.
"What if youre being stalked, and everytime youre stalker sees you grow close to someone, they kill them within five months to make you believe its your fault?" Violet asks.
"Ive never actually thought of that" i sniff.
Violet smiles. I wipe the tears from my face.
"We should be going back soon" she says.
I nod.
We continue walking through the park. I was gonna confess that it was actually me, my face, everywhere. That i am the famous wanted criminal.
We turn around to head back to the apartment.
"Vincent, i wanted to say thank you" Violet says suddenly.
"Why?" I ask.
"For everything. When you first arrived at my school i thought you were just gonna be another asshole like Molten is. Im sorry, i know Molten is your friend even though you did kick his ass.
But thats beside the point. You were unlike every kid i go to school with. You were that quiet kid with that always irritated face. When i asked to sit with you at lunch you turned me down right away, without even looking up from your phone.
Also, ive never snuck out of the house before" Violet adds, "im sorry i didnt mean to go in a speech. I just meant to tell you the last bit" Violet says sheepishly.
"Well, i wasnt my goal to stand out. I thought i was invisible. To be honest when Molten told me your popular i didnt even really care that much" i say sheepishly, making Violet giggle.
We enter her apartment through the door, when we found out one of her parents closed the window. We're surprised to find the kitchen light on.
"Dad?" Violet asks.
"Where were you two?" Mr. Aflet asks.
"We woke up at four and couldnt get back to sleep so we went to the gas station to get slushies" i lie. Violet looks at me gratefully.
"Which gas station?!" He asks.
"Um, the one closest to here?" Violet says.
Mr. Aflet spits out his coffee, " the reason im up this early is because the station called, saying Vincent Odette was there!" He says.
"Oh yeah. We saw that on the news, since that gas station has a TV. He was there at 1:30 am though, and we left at four" Violet says, glancing at me with her eyes narrowed.
"Phew" he says, deflating, "well, im gonna have to leave for work early. Take care out there, kiddos" Mr. Aflet says, leaving.
We turn off the lights and quietly head back into Violets room, because her mom is still asleep.
I sit on the couch and Violet sits on her bed, which is across from the couch.
"What would you do if i was the murderer?" I ask.
"First, i would feel betrayed because you didnt tell me sooner. Second, i would you-"
"You mean love, but you cant quite bring yourself to say it?" I interrupt.
She nods, "third, you arent the murderer" Violet says, her eyes sparkling as she says it.
"Damnit Violet! Why do you look to hopeful when you say that?" I whisper shout.
"I dunno. Why? Cant bring yourself to tell me something because its distracting you?" Violet asks.
"Wouldnt you call the cops on me or something?" I ask.
"No! That would get your ass in jail!" Violet gasps, "anyways, why are you asking me this?"
"Im just curious what you would do, thats all" i say.
"Right... imma go take of my makeup real quick" Violet says, leaving the room.
It gives me a chance to finally look around and notice her rooms features.
I look at the walls, they seem a faded pinkish purple, like, a pink, not magenta, if you know what i mean, which you probably dont. Theres a poster on every wall, a poster of some metal band, a movie poster, a pirate poster, strangely. I get up and cross the room and flip the corner of it, reading from Mangle.
Ok then. The last poster is actually a sketch of a demon, or what Violet thinks looks like a demon. The reason i know its a demom is because it says its a demom right above Violets signature.
My attention is drawn to her desk, i open one of her drawing, and see a photograph of her kissing a girl her age.
"What are you doing?" Violet asks.
"Um, can i ask you about this photo?" I ask.
She takes it from me, "ohh her! I think her name was Emi or something. She was murdered. It didnt matter i was about done with her bullshit."
"Who murdered her?" I ask. I feel like i recognize the face from somewhere.
"Oh hes all over the news right now! You know him!" Violet says.
Oh god. Yep, i murdered her girlfriend alright.
"Welp" i say, tossing the picture back in her drawer, closing it.
"May i ask what you were doing, snooping arounding at my desk?" Violet asks.
"Just curious" i shrug.
"Great. Well i got some blankets. Youre sleeping on the couch" she says, tossing me a blanket. I catch it then toss it on the couch. Violet stares at me in shock.
"What?" I ask.
"I threw you a weighted blanket and you caught it without falling." She takes the blanket and throws it on me. I maintain balance and put the blanket back on the couch.
"Bruh" i say, annoyed, "ok you know im strong leave me alone before i catch your house on fire" i say, reminding her that im more powerful than her.
"Right" she says, turning on a lamp in the corner and a lava lamp on her desk. She flicks off the rooms main light.
I flop down on the couch.
I notice that Violet has changed into her pajamas. They purple and have white skulls on them. They look silk.
"Are those silk?" I ask.
She nods.
Also, she still looks beautiful without makeup on. Its amazing.
"Im going to bed now" Violet says, throwing blankets on herself.
"Night" i say.
I lie back on the couch, staring at the ceiling with my eyes wide. Im never gonna be able to sleep.

FNAF: The Elementals (Book 1 Of Fnaf High School)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora