Chapter 9

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The next day...

What is up with the twins lately? Why is Violet avoiding me? Was it something i said? Something i did?
"Vincent!" I hear a familiar voice cry out, and soon Violet flings herself in my arms.
"Woah" i exclaim.
"Im so sorry! Marionette told you to stay away from you for a day for some reason!" Violet cries.
I wrap my arms around her, "its ok, i understand" i whisper in her ear.
I let her cry into my arms for a little bit.

"Hey watch where you step!" Flame hisses.
"Oh um, im so sorry, i tend to be distracted at time-"
"That doesnt matter" Flame growls, slamming Baby into the wall. He watches her drop to the ground with a sickening thud.
He punches her and Baby squeaks with pain. Everyone has gathered around the fight scene, though, right now the fight does seem to he one-sided.
"Please stop!" Baby begs, as her nose starts to bleed.
I cant watch this anymore, i have to do something!
"Hey Flame!" Oh god did i just say that?
I step into the circle, "why dont you pick on someone your own size?" I hiss, i am 6'9, the same height as he is. Maybe a centimeter taller.
"That seems like a splendid idea" Flames mouth twitches itself into a twisted smile, and he advances quickly on me.
He pulls back his arm to punch me, but i punch him first, knocking him to the ground.
He quickly gets back up, and kicks my chest, sending me stumbling backwards a bit.
I narrow my eyes and launch myself at him, slamming him to the ground. He gasps for breath and i pin him to the ground before he can do anything, i repeatedly punch him, giving him possibly a black eye and a cracked lip.

•Funtime Chica •
I feel like i dont belong here, i sit around, math in the morning, then English, gym, lunch, in which i sit with the funtimes, then i have history, which is extremely boring, and then at the very end of the day, Language classes. This semester is Spanish.
I see a colorful butterfly fly by, happily fluttering his wings. Wait, its winter what is it doing here?
I take my hands and gently holding the butrerfly in them, "what do you want, little butterfly? Its too cold for you to be out here" i say softly into my hands.
It restlessly flutters it wings, tickling my hands, making me giggle. Then it bites me somehow and i let go of it, jumping back. It looks at me with its blood red eyes, making me cower in fear. Then it disappears, making me realize that im seeing things.
"Fuck you" i mutter under my breath.
I pick up a stone sharp enough to easily slice through skin, and i smile at the thought.
"This stone is gonna be the death of me" i laugh quietly, testing its power on my wrist.
I shiver with delight as i watch my thick, light red almost pink blood ooze through the new scarr. I enjoy the sight even thought it makes my legs weak.

The bell rings and i rush out of class, eager to get out of Math, my third class. I trip over my feet and stumble into someone., accidently dropping my books.
"Oh uh, im so sorry" i say, reaching down to pick up my books.
My hand touches a pale hand that sends shivers down my spine, because i recoginize who the scent belongs to.
He picks up three books and i manage to pick up two.
"I believe you dropped these" he says, handing me my books with the custest smile you could even imagine.
"Th-thanks" i say, taking the books and shoving some into my small book bag.
I really need to get a bigger bag.
"Im sorry i crashed into you..."
"No its quite alright. It happens a lot at this school" he says.
I start blushing profusely and i laugh nervously, "ha...well. i better...get going" i say, dashing off.
After i shove my bag and books into my locker i sprint down down the hall to go to the washroom. On my way i run into NM.
"Ah! Im so sorry to bother you" i say, backing up and trying to get around her.
She blocks me off, "its...chill" she brings a book down over my head, "except thats a lie" her soft expression hardens.
Of course, they know how to act.
"You fake prik" i whisper.
"Say that to my face!" NM yells, picking me up and throughing me into the wall. I let out a bloodcurdling scream.
She holds me against the wall, crushing my windpipe, choking me, making me loose consiousness.
Without thinking i kick her, then jump on her back, doing a backflip, slamming her into the ground.
Its been a full minute and she hasnt gotten up yet.
"You good NM?" I ask.
" are you so strong?" She asks.
I shrug, suddenly she gets up and punches me, "bitch you thought!" She laughs.
I glare at her, choking her. She falls to the floor, knocked out. I stare at her in shock, what the heck just happened?
"Chica...can you come with me, please?" Teal Blue asks, stepping forward.
"Stay away from me!" I gasp, shoving her back into the crowd with my mind and running to the washroom.
I stare at myself in the mirror, afraid. Tears stream down my face. Luckily i have waterproof mascara!

Oh my god! She is the fourth one! Damn she is strong though.
Suddenky i stumble back into the wall, eyes watering, oh god no. Shes not as powerful as me, though!
The crowd has gone to the cafeteria, Violet left with Teal Blue, chatting up a storm.
Chica comes out of the washroom.
"Chica, please come with us after school" i beg, stepping forward.
"Step back!" She shouts.
I chuckle, hiding my smile, "i'll come get you after school.

After school...

The bell rings at my final class, i was getting tired of hearing Spanish! I leap out of my seat and race over to where Chicas locker is, finding her quickly make her way to the school doors.
I meet her outside, "Chica please" i beg.
"Stay back!" She says, sending force, knocking me back.
"Youre too dangerous for youself!" I say, trying to reason her to come with me.
"Vincent come here! We're not ready yet!" Teal Blue yells.
Ignoring her, i offer her the truth, "we're alike! We are both demons" i offer a hand to her.
"Go away! Leave me alone!" She says, a wave of force coming me way.
I stand my ground, and she gasps, sending another my way, denying it.
Its met by a wave of water, and she squeaks.
"Vincent please!" Teal Blue says again, more desperate.
Me and Chica both stand our ground, digging our heels into the ground. The power between us forces us backwards, making us dig up ground without meaning to.
Suddenly my power overtakes Chicas and shes knocked to the ground.
I lend her my hand, "so? Come with us?" I ask.
She nods, taking my hand.
I bring her over to Violet and Teal Blue, who are both gaping at me.
"How the hell did you do that, Vincent?" Violet asks.
I shrug, "years of experience of being like this, i guess" i say, looking down at the crystal clear snow.
"Shall we go now?" Teal Blue asks, obviously peeved off at me. I nod, dragging Chica behind me.

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