Chapter 18

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After school...

We arrive back home, and im still bruised and bleeding.
"Oh my gosh what happened to get you that hurt?" Mrs. Aflet asks.
"A school fight with some of the worlds strongest people" Violet says.
"Violet, youre the nurse of the family, treat his wounds" Mrs. Aflet says, handing Violet the first aid kit.
"Lets head to my room... im gonna have to take your shirt off for this" Violet blushes.
I nod, and we enter her room.
"Sit on my office chair" Violet suggests.
I slip off my shirt and go to sit in the chair, but Violet is staring with her jaw to the ground.
"Um, hello?" I say.
"Oh sorry... its just, damn Vincent. Damn." She says.
I flop onto the chair and relax into it. Violet tends to my arms, my legs, my back, then she gets to the front.
"Do you work out?" Violet asks.
"Yeah.." i trail off as she works from my stomach up, stitching some of my cuts closed.
"Have you ever tended to your wounds before" Violet asks.
"No, i let them heal themselves" i say.
"You shouldnt do that, they will get infected" Violet scolds.
"Hey we're descended from monkeys, and they didnt treat their wounds, did they?" I ask.
"You have a point, but we're more evolved" Violet says.
I roll my eyes.
"Aaannnd done!" Violet smiles.
And now we're eye to eye.
"It looks like you have something to tell me" i say, grinning.
"Yes. Vincent, i dont think you notice how much i like you" Violet says.
"Youre right, i dont notice much of anything" i admit.
"Right. So i'll just tell you here. Vincent, i like you to the point where i love you. I love you to the point where i'd die for you" Violet admits, "im just worried you dont like me the way i like you, im worried im actually annoying you".
Our eyes meet.
"Vincent, you didnt mean anything you said during the fight, didnt you?" Violet asks.
"Maybe i did, maybe i didnt. Why?" I ask.
"It killed me hearing you say that. When you asked how someone could love someone like you, i was screaming me in my head" Violet says.
She backs away so i can move from the uncomfortable chair to soft, comfy couch.
"Im sorry, Violet. Im sorry me saying those words mentally killed you st the time" i say, looking down. Im still shirtless but to be honest, its more comfortable.
Violet sits down on her bed, "please dont be sorry. I know i cant stop you from being sorry. Are you really that tormented?" Violet asks.
Im hesitant at first, but i slowly nod.
"Oh Vincent" Violet says.
"Im sorry, im so so sorry that im putting you through this" i say.
"Please, Vincent. You said sorry enough" Violet tells me.
Theres a moment of shared silence between us, when Violet speaks up again, "but damn Vincent has someone ever told you how hot you are?" Violet asks, looking me up and down.
I chuckle nervously.
"But seriously Vincent, how long have you been suicidal?" Violet asks.
I pick at one of my stitches, "three years, then i got a one year break of mentally unstable, and after that year ive been forever mentally unstable and suicidal" i stop picking at the stitch when i notice Violet's silents tears, her shaking hands resting on her lap, and shes staring down at them.
"Hey" i say gently, "come sit here, beside me" i say.
"How come you didnt tell me and my family sooner? We could arrange for you to meet with my therapist" Violet says, crossing the room and sitting beside me.
"Shes really amazing and helps me through all my tough times" Violet sniffs, making more tears come from her eyes, "im sorry i just started crying on you like this. Im supposed to be the strong one" Violet says.
"Hey...its ok to cry. Crying means youve been strong for too long" i say, wrapping my arm around my weak Violet.
"Do you think these positive thoughts for yourself?" Violet asks.
I shake my head, Violet puts her head in my shoulder and cries into my neck.
I let Violet cry into me until she runs out of tears. She removes her head from my neck and wipes her tear stained face, "im so embarrassed" she says.
"Dont be, everyone cries" i say.
Our eyes meet and Violet shivers the teeniest bit.
"Oh Vincent, i love you" Violet smiles.
"I love you too" i say.
Violet throws her arms around me, wrapping me in a hug. She breaks the hug and her eyes are fixed on my lips.
"Violet..." i say.
"What?" She asks, shaking her head and looking into my eyes.
I smirk, closing the distance between our mouths.
Shes shocked at first, but closes her eyes, slowly easing into the kiss. The air is heavy with sadness, depression, but also happiness, and truth.
We break apart catching our breaths before our lips clash together again, wanting more.
We break apart again, this time knowing we wont let our lips clash again.
"Please be my boyfriend" Violet begs.
"Yes" yes meaning, sure i will be your boyfriend, and yes i promise to love you to the moon and back, and yes i will give kisses and cuddle you everyday. Im doing this why? Because i love you.
Violet hugs me again, and this time i hug her back.
"What about Lolbit and Puppet?" Violet asks, breaking the hug.
"I guess they will just have to suck it up and deal with it" i shrug, makimg Violet giggle.
"What about tonight?" Violet asks.
"What do you mean?" I ask ask, unsure.
"I just wanna be in your arms!" Violet replies.
"Thats an easy fix. I'll just sleep in your bed" i say.
"Thank you!" Violet says, about to hug me again, but then realizing how awkward i make hugs.

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