Chapter 7

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I place in my hand the thin, faded outline and the door opens. Me and Violet enter, our footsteps echoing in the staircase.
"Glad you could make for training" Marionette smiles.
Teal Blue turns around and waves.
"Hey! How the hell did she make it here before us?!" I ask.
"Unlike you i wasnt carrying my...boyfriend...on my back and taking breaks to talk ever so often" Teal Blue sneers.
I growl, getting in place for training.
"Since this is our first session, some of you might find this quite easy, but it should be challenging for some, since you are beginners after all" Marionette smiles.
"Marionette, once youre done out there i would like to discuss an important issue with you" Puppet says, voice echoing. I see him hiding, watching our every move from the shadows.
"Yes sir" im taken aback, Marionette, calling her own brother...sir? This dude must be more important than i think!
"Continuing on with the lesson, learning to control your powers is extremely important, so this first lesson has everything to do with that" Marionette says, looking down at the ground, hair falling in her face, "this first lesson, you must...actually, it will be different for each of you. Teal Blue, you must learn to control how to...limit your powers to only four feet around you, or closer. Violet, from what i saw, you must limit your power to protect those you hope to protect" Marionette says.
"And Vincent...try to light those two torches with your flames, and try to put them out" Marionette smiles.
"What! Thats fricking impossible though!" I say, eyes wide.
"No, it isnt. Try not to hurt anybody in the process. If you excuse me, i must talk to Mr. String" Marionette disappears into the shadows.
"Youve got to be kidding me!" I growl.
"Im sure you can do it" Teal Blue says.
"Yeah right" i mutter.

"What is it?" I ask, entering my brothers office. His face is concealed within the shadows, hidden beneath his hair.
"Please, sit down" Mr. String says, gesturing to the chair across from him.
"Yes sir" i say bowing my head and sitting down in front of him.
"You realize Vincents punishment has not yet been decided, right?" Mr. String asks.
I nod.
"Well i have decided a punishment system for him. If he doesnt expose himself entirely he will get two warnings before punishment. Since he outright used his power at school to defend himself, we should take something...or someone away from him" Puppet sneers.
"Mr. String, that would be going too far" i gasp.
"No it would not. I dont think you understand how bad this is, if he doesnt stop exposing himself like that we will have no choice but to excute him" Puppet says.
I harden my expression, "yes sir".
"Good" Puppet says, leaning back in his chair, "but if its something not as serious as that, his punishment should be doing something he hates, which we have yet to figure out" Puppet says, "do you understand?"
I understand, though i dont approve of it. I think its a bit too harsh, but he wont fucking listen to me!
"Yes sir. What do i have to do?" I ask.
"Make sure Violet stays clear of Vincent for two days, its sure to drive him crazy" Puppet laughs.
"Yes sir" as i say that, my expression darkens, "i'll make sure Vincent is in a soft version of hell for two days" i say.
"Great, go check on them" Puppet smiles.

"Gah! This is fucking impossible!" I yell to myself.
"I believe you can do it!" Violet exclaims, jumping up and down excitedly.
I smile to myself, how could i fall in love with brat? I was terrified to admit it. Heh, who am i kidding? I am still terrified that i am in love with her.
I watch as Teal Blue pounds the ground for the seventh time, trying to control her powers. To her surprise the ripple only spreads two feet around her.
"I did it!" Teal Blue exclaims.
"Wow, good job Teal! I would never in a lifetime be able to control my powers that quickly" Violet says, giving Teal a small smile.
I growl to myself.
"Very good Teal" Marionette says, making me jump.
Marionette hides in the shadows, completely blending in.
I turn my attention away from Teal and the others, and concentrate for a few moments.
I hear terrifed squealing, distracting me from the task at hand. I look to my right, finding that Violet has managed to control her powers, making me over more frustrated that i havent had been able to do it yet.
"How long has it been?" I ask, not looking away from what i must be doing.
"Lemme see...its... ten past twelve! Wow but i think i need to practice more" Violet says, concentrating on her powers.
What i believe to be half an hour away i finally light the torches.
"Finally! I did it!" I check my phone, "its almost one in the morning but who cares?" I ask, squirting water at the torches, putting them out.
"Very good. You all must be very tired, time to head home" Marionette commands.
"I could give you a ride home, Violet" i suggest.
"Actually, i got my own ride, from Teal Blue, but thanks anyways" Violet says, waving bye to me.
I glance toward Marionette, seeing a smile twist onto her face.
"Damn you Marionette, i will get you for this" i mutter, leaving the base myself.
I climb onto the rooftop of a nearby skyscraper, and look down upon my twisted world. One minutes i was a normal high school student, the next, some powerful superhuman that came to the bridge wanting nothing but answers. I didnt get any, instead and met up with the girl who been crushing on me since she first laid eyes on me, and her best friend, becoming soldiers for the enemy. That was nothing i wanted.
I feel a trickle on my cheek, tickling me. I wipe my cheek, my finger coming down wet. I lick it and it tastes like salt.
"Whats this? I havent cried since the day my dad died!" I gasp quietly.

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