Chapter 48

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When we get to the school, we can hear loud, booming dance music. Me, Vincent, and Bonnie are waiting for our boyfriends and girlfriend.
"Hey Vincent!" Violet says, I glance up, finding Teal and Violet in matching outfits, but different colors.
Violets is purple and sparkly.
Teals is Teal and sparkly, and both the outfits hug their bodies.
"Glad you make it, M'lady" Vincent smirks, and they enter the school.
Foxy arrives, wearing the usual, but somehow fancier.
And now I'm alone, waiting for Twilight.

God is near, I can sense it.
A slow song comes on. I scan the crowd, searching for God.
"Care to dance?" Scraptrap asks, offering me his hand.
I look up in his dirty brown eyes, smile, nod, and take his hand. I rest my head against his chest, and close my eyes as he leads me, helping me dance.
"I've never slow danced before" I murmur.
Scraptrap nestles his face in my hair. I wrap my arms tighter around his waste.

My band takes the stage, and i start singing Another Love (Tom Odell).
I close my eyes while singing, and my words carry away.
Chica is at the piano, Foxy at drums, and Bonnie is the guitarist. I start singing louder, and Chica gives the piano her all.
Soon I hear Chica singing along, and I falter for a sec before recovering, because I wasn't expecting that.
"Found another love, another love" we sing together.
The song ends and I start singing In My Veins.
Halfway through the song Chica joins in, yet again. It's weird because she isnt vocals or anything.
And that's it, its time for the Rockstars to take our place.

I watch as my ex friends take the stage, and The Originals leave. They start playing a song and I sigh.
"I'm going to the washroom" I tell Puppet.
He nods and I dash into the nearest washroom.
I look at my reflection in the mirror, and sigh again. My chain star necklace hasn't been worn in a long time.
It's always in my pocket. I reach into it, and grasp my chain and pull it out of my pocket, staring it with sadness.
"It should be me up on that stage" I say sadly.
"Lefty? It's been awhile. You good?" Puppet asks.
After I dont reply, he enters the washroom.
He sees the chain, "oh. You should go talk to them" Puppet says.
"You're right. It's time to make things right. I didnt resign anyways, they kicked me out. Dont get me wrong and all, I love being a detective, but singing is my heart and soul" I say, determined.
"Good" Puppet says, kissing my cheek.
We enter the gym, and find The Rockstars still performing.
"Anyone wanna come up and sing with us?" RFred asks.
"I do" I say, loud enough for them to hear. I can still project my voice, make it loud enough for a gym full of seniors to hear.
"Ugh, Lefty. Who gave you permission to sing for us again?" RC says with disgust.
I wince, and look back at Puppet for reassurance. He nods.
"I did" I say.
"Let's just let him see" RF rolls his eyes.
"Ight. Cmon Lefty. Let's see if you're still as good as you were two years ago" he says.
I walk up to the stage with confidence, and take position before the microphone.
"My song" I say.
They nod, and start playing Seven Nation Army (Glitch Mob Remix).
"I'm gonna fight em off" I begin.
My voice projects through the gym, and everyone turns to stare who's singing, and clap and cheer when they see me, rocking the stage.
"That's right!" I say into the mic happily.
I glance at RFred and hes gaping at me.
I smirk, singing the bridge, "and I'm bleeding and I'm bleeding and I'm bleeding right before the lord" I sing.
A laugh happily as the song ends.
Before the others can say anything I start singing Stay and Decay (Unlike Pluto).
"You gotta move on" I sing.
Suddenly I sense a bad presence.

I glance up at the stage, and recognize someone. Its God, singing Stay and Decay.
I growl. Scraptrap is using the washroom right now.
"Lefty, you bitch" I hiss.
Lefty falters, eyes scanning the crowd and flitting about nervously. I can hear his thoughts, "where is he? Wheres Satan?"
"Dont worry, my precious brother, I will reveal myself soon" I chuckle to myself.
Lefty finishes his song.
And I decide to speak up.
"Hello Lefty" I say.
He tenses up.
"Did ya miss me?" I ask, teleporting in front of him and booping his nose.
He slaps my hand away, "yeah, epic fight five years ago, Golden Freddy" I say sarcastically.
"Yeah, how about we reinact it, but more epic?" I ask.
"Not today Satan. Oh wait, we kinds have to" Lefty says.
"We?" I ask, taken aback.
"Behind you" Lefty whispers in my ear.
I turn around and find the elementals.
Freddy, with fire. Teal Blue, with earth. Violet, with nature. Puppet and Marionette with shadow. Twilight, everything, and Vincent, everything.
"You cant defeat me without Chica!" I laugh.

Sorry for the short chapter. Are you guys excited for the last chapter? The end is closer then you expect.
But alas, that is not the end of this series fortunately. We got LEFTE: The Story, a work in progress.
We also got other stories coming, so stay tuned!

FNAF: The Elementals (Book 1 Of Fnaf High School)Where stories live. Discover now