Chapter 29

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The next day...

"Good morning" i say, kissing Mangle on the cheek. A warm blush spreads across her cheek and i chuckle with amusement.
"Good morning" she says, slamming her locker door shut.
"You ok?" I ask, she doesnt seem like herself at the moment.
"Of course im ok, Spring" she says, hanging her head low, so her hair falls in front of her beautiful face.
She looks up, and i gasp. Her left eye is gone!
"Whats happened to your eye, babe?" I ask.
"I dunno, i woke up and it was gone" she scratches her head in confusion, and i notice her tapping foot.
"Cmon, be honest Mang" i say, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.
"Fine" she growls. "It was some shadow figure. I woke up at 3AM and saw a male figure standing in the corner if my room. I couldnt tell who it was, but when he saw that i saw him, he clawed my eye out and disappeared, dont tell anyone" she explains.
I nod slowly, "i promise i wont tell anyone" i whisper in her ear, and i kiss her before heading off to my morning classes.
Mangle is a sweet girl. We started dating two months ago, and Foxy is a pretty cool guy.
Suddenly theres a scream, and the intercom comes on.
"This is a lockdown, this is not a drill. I repeat, this is a lockdown, this is not a drill" it goes off and doors are being slammed and locked. I duck into the nearest classroom as we were instructed to do if we were ever in a lockdown in the hallway. I see Foxy and he motions for me to follow him. So i do.
We enter a small secret passageway, that opens up into a small room. Only me, Foxy, and Fredrick are able to fit in here, because Fredrick is the biggest.
I keep my eye on him the whole time.

Someone bangs on the door to the neighboring classroom, and moves on. Our door moves a bit as they bang on ours. I glance at Mari, to see her shivering under the desk. I glance across the room to Ennard, but his eyes are glued onto his phone. Probably texting Baby, his girlfriend. Well, they arent dating yet, but everyone ships them together.
I scooch closer to Mari, and wrap my arms around her protectively. The banging stops and i hear two other bangs, and i realize theres more than one person here.
The banging starts again, less frequent, and i believe they trying to kick the door down.
I wrap my arms tighter around Mari, fearing for her safety.
Suddenly the door splinters, and i hear footsteps coming in.
I peak through a crack underneath the desk, watching as a guy in a lab suit with a mask on his head look around, and he turns toward the desk. I quickly move away from the crack, terror spreading through my veins.
The guy peaks under the desk, and i barely have any react time when he reaches out to grab my beloved sister. She screams, and i gasp, feeling her slip from my grasp.
Ennard looks up from his phone and sees whats going, a look of terror spreading through his face. Our eyes meet, mine pleading for help, and he nods.
"Hey!" He yells. The man keeps walking out of the room, Mari kicking and screaming, clawing to find a way out.
"HEY" Ennard screams, standing up. The teacher shakes his head no vigorously, but En ignored him.
"Stop right there" En yells.
The guy stops and slowly turns around, Mari taking this moment to rest and catch her breath. He then shakes his head and keeps going.
Ennard meets my eyes, and i give him a warning look. He mouths "im sorry" and he lifts his arms and shoots electricity at the man. Mari escapes his grasp before it tranferrs to her and i run toward her, holding her tightly in my arms.
"We need to save everyone else" i say urgently, glancing at En.
They both nod, agreeing with me, and i hear a gun shot.
"You ok? Hurt?" I ask Mari quickly.
She nods, shaking her head after, probably to clear it.
"Cmon! Split up" i say, all three of us go down different hallways.
I hear a gunshot up ahead, and i see a splintered down with a hole in the middle.
I peak in and see Vincent and Violet, defending everyone with their bulletproof gloves Vince made.
"Who are they?" I ask.
They looks at me, surprise in their expressions, and they shrug.
I watch for a little bit, deciding on what to do, when i think Violet yells "behind you!" With wide eyes.
I turn around and block an attack. Its the dude that En got! En isnt powerful enough to kill him yet!
I grab his neck and i twist it, breaking it. He falls to the ground, his body limp.
I turn around and see a bullet flying toward Vincent. Without thinking shadow shoots from my fingertips and create a wall between Vincent and the bullet.
"Vincent! Kill him!" I order.
He nods as i release the wall and suck the shadow back in. He shoots fire out of his fingertips, and Violets vines wrap around the guys neck.
They let out an ear-piercing scream, and i realize its a women. I hear a crack, and the flaming corpse falls to the ground. Vincent lets out the fire.
"Cmon guys, me, Mari, and En split up. Im pretty sure theres six in the building" i say, gesturing with my head to the door.
"Arent you worried?" Violet asks.
"About what?" I ask.
"How exposed ourselves to the public" Violet says.
"Not really, im more focused on the task at hand: taking on these people and seeing if theres a final boss at the end" i reveal my plans.
They both nod, Vincent kisses Violet on the cheek and we rush out of the room.

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