Chapter 6

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"I wont be able to get to the bridge, please let me ride with you!" Violet begs.
A few classes got a free sixth period, so me and Violet are hanging out with each other.
"Ride? What, you thinking i got a car or something? No, i dont" i laugh.
"Then how did you get to the bridge?" Violet asks.
"I leapt across the buildings" i say, blinking.
"Really? That high up?" Violet asks. I nod, smiling.
"I would get sick that high up...can i still come with you?" Violet asks.
I sigh, "fine. Just dont throw up on me" i say. If i had cat ears they would be flat because im so annoyed at Violet right now.
"What you guys up to?" Marionette asks, coming up to us.
"Oh we got a free period so we decided to hang out out here" i shrug.
"Cool. Mind if i chill too?" She asks.
"Sure" Violet says.
"So whatca guys talking about?" Marionette asks.
"Vincent promised to be my ride to the bridge" Violet smiles.
"I didnt promise her, i said i would take her though" i say through gritted teeth.
Marionette laughs, "Violet are you sure? You have no idea what hes cabable of" Marionette says.
"I trust him!" She yells.
All the blood runs from my face. She said she...trusts me?
"On a totally unrelated topic, Nightmare Bon was found dead in one of the school allleys" Marionette frowns.
"E- excuse me, i need to go to the washroom" i say, sprinting outta there fast.
Once in there i splash cold water on my face. I look at my face in the mirror.
"Damn you" i say through gritted teeth, "why didnt you think to hide the damned body?" I growl.
"Vincent?" Violet asks from outside the washroom, "its been ten minutes already are you ok?"
"Uh, yeah im fine" i say, opening the door and walking past Violet.
Why am i so worthless? I dunno its just a random thought that popped up in my head. I feel not good enough for this.
"Vincent?" Violet asks.
I look at her beautiful face and realize something, im in love with her.
"Leave me alone!" I yell, leaping into the air and into the roof of the school.

I sigh, walking back to the rock me, him and Marionette were sitting on.
"Whats wrong with him?" I ask, sitting down next to Marionette.
Marionette is silent.
"Cant he even control his mood swings?!" I yell.
"Violet, have you even seen his arms and face?" Marionette asks quietly.
"Huh?" I ask, looking up from the snow covered ground.
"Have you even seen how scarr-ridden his arms are? And the scar running across his right eye?" Marionette asks.
I glance up to the edge of the roof, where Vincent is sitting, his feet dangling.
"Actually, now that you mention it i have seen how many scarrs hes got. I wonder where and what they're from" i wonder aloud.
"We should ask him" Marionette suggests.
"Hm, that is...a great idea yet foolish at the same time." I say.
"What do you mean?" Marionette asks, obviously taken aback.
"From what ive seen hes not afraid to kill. It could be really dangerous to ask him what happened to get that many scarrs" my voice changes my shy girl to badass Violet.
"You could be right, but theres people that almost match his power. I really want to know!" Marionette says, raising her voice a little.
I glance toward Vincent, where i see him slipping off the three story building and onto the average layer of snow.
He walks over to us.
"Hey guys" he says, looking down at his feet.
"Hey Vincent" i say.
"Hm? Violet, your voice changed" he says, confusion written all over his face.
"Oh, it does that depending on my mood" i say.

"Thats neat" i smile.
"Vincent, do you mind me asking about your scarrs?" Marionette asks.
Violet stiffens.
"Um..." i say, blinking back tears.
"Cmon! Tell us" Marionette says, smiling with ease.
"I..." i trail off, not wanting to tell them.
They wait, patiently, staring up at me.
"Ok! Fine! You really wanna know?" I yell.
They nod.
"Fine. There was accident. If you ever wondered why i dont drive, this is your answer.
Me and my dad were coming home from a party, what i didnt know was that he was drinking. He was driving us both home. I could smell the alcohol on his breath but i was too afraid to tell him i should drive. I had my leaners liscence back then.
My dad was speeding well over the limit and he turned. Another car hit ours, making it roll over onto its roof. Glass flew everywhere, but it mostly targeted me. My dad was dead beside me, and i had managed to punch the window open and burn oft my seatbelt.
I ran away, far away without calling 911. I let the glass sink into my skin, gritting my teeth against the pain i ran and ran, not letting myself get tired." I cant go on any further, i stop there.
Marionette and Violet stare up at me, shock in their expressions.
I stare at them with a hard expression, my face completely emotionless.
"Im so sorry Vincent" Violet says, eyes watering.
"Its ok" i say, looking away. I stare at the ground with my famous hard expression now.
The bell rings.
"Oh well, guess i'll see you all at the bridge in half an hour" Marionette shrugs as her brother comes out.
They get into a black car and take off down the road.
I smile down at her, "dont worry, i'll get us there in twenty minutes. Hop on my back" i say.
Violet jumps onto my back and i leap into the air. I jump onto a rooftop, the excact same one i was on before.
"How are you supposed to get up there?" Violet asks.
"You'll see" i smirk.
I jump onto the side of the building and start climbing. We leap from rooftop to rooftop.
Pretty soon we're at the bridge, just under twenty minutes!

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