Chapter 37

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I look up and come face to face with a star, that has a face.
"You again" I say.
The star nods.
"Why do i keep seeing you and where am I?" I ask, fuming.
"I'm sorry to tell you this but, this your dreamworld when you're troubled. You're dying. You're in a coma." The star says gloomily.
"WHAT!? What about my baby, Chica? Is she crying by my bedside?" I panic.
The little star shrugs.
"Is there a way to wake up? I don't want to to be stuck here forever!" I wail.
"Yes there is. You're troubled. Why are you feeling this way?" The star asks.
"Because I kept thinking Chica was cheating on me" i answer truthfully.
"And who do you think she might be cheating on you with?"
"Bonnie" I say.
"So catch Bonnie in his sleep and talk to him" the star smiles cheerfully.
"How does that work though?" I ask.
"Easy. You just repeatedly say his name out loud and you're able to sneak into his dreams. Of course if you say his name you'll have this feeling hes not asleep and dreaming" the star concludes. "Anywaysci must go now." He says.
"Wait!" I call after him, but it's too late and I'm teleported into the third phase of my dream.
The school's gym, except its night so it's completely empty.
I drop to my knees and repeat Bonnie's name over and over again it soon holds no meaning.
My eyes start to droop and I feel tired so I close them. Suddenly I jolt awake and find myself sitting against a tree beside Bonnie.
"I cant believe you entered my dreams?" Bonnie asks.
"What?" I say, equally as confused as him.
"Since you entered the coma you've never been in my dreams" Bonnie says, not knowing that this is the real me trying to communicate with him through dreamland.
"That kinda hurts" I say.
"Um...why are you responding like how you would normally respond in reality?" Bonnie asks, now very confused.
"Because this is me. Trying to communicate to you through dreamland. The real me is right here" i tell Bonnie.
"I spoke to a star. I asked where I was. It said I was dreaming. The place i go where I am usually feeling troubled. Lemme ask you an important question." I say.
"Hold up!" Bonnie shrieks, running his hand through his hair, "this is a lot to process. Why is it so important to ask me this question?" Bonnie asks.
"So I can be freed from this treacherous stream of oncoming dreams and nightmares" I say, "so that I can wake and place a kiss on my girlfriends beautiful face" I answer.
"Oh ok. Ask away."
"Did Chica cheat on me with you?" I ask.
Bonnie shakes his head, ears flopping.
"Are you sure?" I ask, feeling like hes lying to me.
"I swear bro. Plus, why would I fuck your girl? Shes your property, not mine" Bonnie frowns.
My shoulders relax and I know hes telling the truth.
"To be honest, she's got a "no trespassing" sign on her forehead, so she's her own property." I say.
Bonnie laughs, "it feels nice to be talking to you again. Should I go visit you in the hospital as soon as I wake up?" He asks.
I nod happily, "please do".
And pretty soon I'm back in dreamland. Except it's different. I'm surrounded by pure blackness.
Then I hear voices.
"Look! I think hes waking up!" The voices are muffled at first and gradually become clearer, suddenly I collapse on the ground and open my eyes terrified, with a jolt. Thinking I died.
The first thing I hear is a gasp. The first thing I see is a ceiling, complete with luminescent lights that flicker briefly. The first thing I smell is cinnamon, with a hint of citrus. Chicas signature perfume.
Then I smell strawberries and mint, Mangles signature perfume. The first thing I taste is the metallic coin like flavor of blood.
Then I cant breathe, so I start coughing, into my hands, because I dont want blood to splatter on anybody.
!" Mangle shrieks.
A doctor comes rushing in to see my hacking up a storm.
He grabs a nearby bucket, sets me upright and I cough in that. I also throw up a bit.
Once I'm done I lean back, heaving.
I blink my eyes, the lights buzzing. I squint my eyes because the light hurts them.
That doesnt work.
I cover my eyes with my hands.
The buzzing gets into my ears, tickling my brain. I bite my bottom lip to keep from crying out, the noise slowly driving me to insanity.
I groan loudly, pointing at the light, my eyes, and my ears.
Suddenly it all goes away, and I can hear blood rushing in my ears. I sit upright and hurl the rest of the food in my system into the bucket the doctor gave me.
I lean back, setting the bowl on the floor beside me. My eyes droop but I refuse to close them, scared that I might leave reality again.
I take a deep breath.
"Freddy?" A small voice asks.
"Hello Chica" I smile, looking at her.
"Get some rest." The doctor says.
"No!" I blurt out, eyes widening.
"Why not?" He asks, pushing up his glasses.
"I am afraid I might loose touch with reality!" I shriek.
"Oh course. I promise that won't happen" he says.
Suddenly my eyelids close without my permission and I'm gone.
The echoes of what happened before come in mocking laughter and taunting screams. The sobbing of small children mock me and pretty soon I'm shuddering. The sound of a gun shot can be heard and I jump, hitting my head on something above me.
"Shut the FUCK up ya ANNOYING kids" the shooter yells.
We all stay quiet, with the occasional whimper of fear and sadness.

Suddenly I jerk awake, screaming. My screaming turns into terrified sobbing, and the sobbing turns coughing.

FNAF: The Elementals (Book 1 Of Fnaf High School)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें