Chapter 28

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"Nicely done" Puppet praises me like a good dog.
"What do you mean?" I ask.
"I mean you got it already and you're just a beginner!" Puppet says excitedly, stepping into the elevator. I get in after him.
"Is that strange?" I ask.
"Its very rare, so you could say that" Puppet says.
We walk out of the elevator and chill on the couch. Puppet switches the normal TV channels to Youtube.
"What do you wanna watch?" He asks.
I shrug, i dont watch Youtube much.
"Ok" he says, and inputs Lolbit Vlogs Daily, which is Lolbits youtube channel.
"Whats up guys!" Lolbit says enthusiastically.
We silently watch as Lolbit entertains her subscribers, Puppet laughs a bit at the jokes she cracks, but i watch the whole video with a straight face.
Suddenly Felicity enters the mansion noisily.
"Welcome home" Puppet says.
"Lemme help you" i say, getting up at the speed of lightning and tugging my suitcase upstairs to my bedroom, which was a plain guest bedroom.
I run downstairs, because i want food. I make myself some Mac 'n' Cheese, and sit at the island to eat it.
"So" Felicity sits across from me. She slides my brothers camera across the table to me, and i stiffen.
"Watch" she orders.
"I already know whats on the camera" i say.
"Explain" she demands.
"I dont know. They killed him in front of my eyes. Your parents were all for it" i say quietly.
"Who is he" she asks.
"Your little brother" i trail off.
"Also, i saw a case of beer in your room. Can you explain that?" She asks.
I nod, "it was a horrible coping skill. I had to cope with your fighting parents, abusive dad, you know" i say hatefully.
"Twilight..." Felicity says softly, reaching to hold my hand gently.
I look as soon as she wraps her fingers around my hand, and she jumps, taking them back. There was a look of fear in her eyes for a second.
Heaving a huge sigh, i get up and head into my room.
I look around, the walls are white, the floor has pale tan carpet on it.
I open my suitcase, and plaster the posters on the walls, then i unpacked everything else. I spread my black bedsheets on my bed and flop onto it, finally done decorating my new room.
Suddenly theres a knock on the door.
"Who is it?" I ask.
"Its Marionette" a sweet voice says, with a hint of concern in her voice.
I open the door and close it behind her. We sit on my bed.
"Are you ok?" Mari asks.
I nod, "of course im ok" i say.
She reaches out to touch my face, and i find myself torn. Im not quite sure why.
"Of course youre not ok" Mari says, and i catch a hint of her breathe, which smells like strawberries and mint. "Tell me whats wrong, Twi" she whispers.
"No. Not yet" i say, shaking my head. I dont even know whats wrong.
Marionette frowns, and i feel tears gather in my eyes.
"You can tell me anything, you know. Even if you think it might hurt me" Marionette says.
"I dont feel anything between us anymore! Its more me and Felicity now" i burst out quietly.
Mari smiles, "of course, i understand." Then she gets up and leaves without a word. I dont come out of my room again that day.

Has anyone seen Twilight lately?" I ask, five minutes into dinner time, and Twilight still hasnt shown up.
"I dont think hes well" Marionette says, frowning.
"I could at least check on him" i say, worriedly.
"No, i think he wants to be alone" Marionette says.
"Nobody wants to be alone!" I argue.
"Some people need alone time!" Marionette argues back.
"Kay enough! Enough bickering! Or youre both being kicked out" Puppet shrieks.
"You wouldmt!" Marionette freaks, standing up.
"If you kick me out you kick Twilight out!" I yell, standing up as well.
Suddenly theres a loud Thump! From upstairs.
"Twilight!" I gasp, taking off toward the staircase.
Suddenly someone pulls me back, and i tumble down the staircase, smacking my face on them. I look up to see Marionettes evil smirk.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" I scream, charging at her.
She knocks me back, and i tumble downstairs again, coughing up blood.
I get up and run right past her, catching her by surprise.
She runs after me until we reach Twilights room, which is locked. Theres disturbing sobs coming from the other side.
"Twilight! Are you ok?" I ask worriedly.
The sobs turn into pained screaming, and i cant take it any longer. I start kicking the door, until it finally gives. I gasp at the sight of Twilight.
He looks up, his eyes wide in fear.
"Please, go! Dont come any closer!" He screams, bloody tears trailing down his face.
"Twi! Stop!" I scream, crying.
He falls silent, and curls into a tiny ball in the center of the room.
"Twi! Its ok" i say, sitting next to him.
I pick up his head and set it on my lap, he looks up at me in fear, "im gonna die" he whispers.
"No, no youre not" i murmur gently, stroking his face and playing with his hair, "as long as youre with me you'll be fine... reverse shadows will protect" i whisper.
He blinks and the illusion disappears. He looks up, and relaxes as i continue stroking him.
"Felicity..." he trails off, falling asleep.
Im concerned for his sanity, i wish he wasnt a shadow, but we will work this out. I just wish i could wrap my hands around Maribelle's thin throat, and crush into little pieces. I hate that fox so so much, i hate her for her work, all the blood and death on her hands, and all the tortured souls shes created with her own powers, including her bare hands. I hate her.

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