Chapter 27

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The next day...

I look down the hall and see a familiar face. I dont know where i know them from but i know them. It sparks something in my memory.
Marionette goes up to them and they hug each other, i hide behind a wall and eavesdrop their conversation.
"Oh ny god! Its been so long!" Mari says.
"I know right!" The other exclaims.
"What made u decide to move here?" Mari asks.
"Oh, you know, relatives" The other says sheepishly.
"Who?" Mari asks.
"When i found out he went to school here i was so happy! I havent seen Twilight since i was 9!" The other says.
Wait, i have a sibling?
The voices get closer.
"I like your brother!" Mari whispers excitedly.
"You should totally ask him out! He was always so lonely when we were younger" the other says.
They round the corner and i dont have any time to hide.
"Twilight!?" They gasp at the same time.
I freeze, like a deer in headlights.
"Omg! Its finally nice to see you again after all these years! Im Felicity, your half sister!" The other says, shaking my head enthusiastically.
Im just silent, eyes wide, staring at my sisters face.
"We're half sisters because u got adopted into my family" Felicity explains.
"Were you eavesdropping on us?" Mari giggles.
I slowly nod, seeing no point in lying.
"Its ok" Mari says, batting her lashes, making me blush.
"What happened to the talkitive little boy you were? And where are your glasses?" Felicity asks.
"I forgot my glasses at home" i say quietly.
"Hey man, whos this?" Vincent asks, placing his hand on my shoulder protectively.
"My half sister, Felicity" i say, making eye contact with him.
He nods, and i relax. He understands.
We turn back to the two that look strangely alike.
Felicity clears her throat, " are you gay?" She asks.
"No, are you?" I sneer.
Her face twists into an evil smirk and she nods vigorously.
I start laughing hysterically, you know, because i didnt excpect her to be gay.
"Lesbian freak" someone says.
Me and Vincent slowly turn around, finding ourselves face to face with Nightmare.
"Whos that?" I hear Felicity say behind me.
"Thats Nightmare" Mari whispers.
Felicity gasps with delight, and runs up to Nightmare.
"Hey there Nightmare! Wanna be friends?" Felicity asks.
Everyone tenses up.
Nightmares face twists into a look of disgust, "fuck off you lesbian disgust" he says, punching Felicity, sending her flying through the air.
Mari screams and throws herself at Nightmare, trying her best to fight him, but of course Nightmare is winning.
"Marionette!" Puppet gasps, and i frozen with fear.
Puppet rushes over to Nightmare and kicks him away, sending him stumbling onto the ground.
"Go fight someone else Nightmare!" Puppet growls angrily, then crouches down beside Mari and murmurs something to her.
Felicity gets up and stares at the scene in shock.
Mari soon gets up and rushes into the washroom, and Felicity trails slowly after her.
Puppet crosses the hall to me, and Vincent darts away, not wanting to get into what hes suspecting is going to happen.
"You were supposed to protect her" Puppet hisses.
"Im sorry i was paralized with fear!" I say.
Puppet narrows his eyes, "ok then...personal training at my place today after school" Puppet says, then leaves the scene.

A short while later Felicity comes out of the bathroom, eyes dead. They brighten when she sees me patiently leaning against the wall.
She comes and leans beside me.
"Where do you live?" She asks casually, as if she wasnt just thrown against a wall.
"With your abusive parents" i say, "where are you staying?" I ask.
"Im staying with Marionette and Puppet. Wanna come stay with us? Permanently?" Felicity invites.
"Why not" i shrug.
"Great! I'll get your stuff after school. Cya later" Felicity says.

I pull up in front of a plain looking house, and glance down at the address Twilight gave me. I look up and nod, i got the right house.
I get out of the car and slam the door shut. I sneak inside. To my right, a short hallway, to my left, a bathroom. In front of me, a doorway leading into an open area.
I hear yelling and bottle smashing, and i quickly dive into the hallway.
I pass by what seems to be the parents bedroom, littered with broken glass and cases of wine.
In my left i see a bedroom, and i duck into it. I find a camera on a dresser and i turn it on. Theres one video and one picture on the camera roll.
The picture is a photo of a young boy, laying in his own blood, and a young Twilight crouched beside the body, crying.
Already deeply disturbed, and move on to the video.
The camera is shaking but only a little bit. The boy from the picture is being held back by two people in lab suits with gas masks on, so i cant see their faces.
There is a gun held to his head.
"LET HIM GO" young Twilights voices screams, and the camera shifts onto him.
Twilight is being held back by two people, the man is grizzly angry old man, and the women, she has more features.
The women has stringy brown hair, bloodshot eyes, and pale, sagging skin.
Suddenly theres a gunshot and the camera turns quickly toward the young boy whom i dont recogize, and the boy collapses.
The lab people advance onto the camera man and the camera falls to the ground. The video ends there.
"Who are you." A womens voice croaks.
I drop the camera and there, standing the doorway is a women that match that women in the video.
"I-im Felicity" i stutter.
The women has scarrs littered on her everywhere and is balding in some places. Her forehead is bleeding and she pulls out a glass shard that looks like a beer bottle shard.
"I remember naming my daughter that. Then she was taken away" the women says.
This women is my mother!
"I am your daughter! Im hear to take Twilights stuff, hes staying the night at a friends house" i explain.
"Ok. His room is the last one to the right" the women nods, then leaves.
I stuff the camera into my purse, and i scurry down the hall. Theres another bathroom to my left, but i take a right turn and find myself in a dark room, with band posters littered everywhere.
The name Twilight on a desk signifies im in his room.
I look under the bed and pull out a suitcase. Theres another suitcase, but bigger.
I tear his bedsheets off the matress and stuff them in the suitcases. I tear down the posters and stuff them in the suitcase along with a sketchbook, a notebook, and a pair of headphones.
I open the closet, and violently rip the clothes off the hooks and throw them in the suitcase. I scan the floor, and move a pair of pants and sweater aside, revealing a case of beer, and empty beer bottles surrounding it. Does Twilight drink?
I shrug it off and zip up the suitcases. I quickly escape the house and shove them in the trunk. I get in the car and drive off.

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