Chapter 36

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I wake up to the sound of...people murmuring. I open my eyes and looks around, realizing I'm still in the plane on the way to Scawthon City.
"Attention all passengers, please buckle you seat belts because we may experience some slight turbulence" the pilots voice crackles through the speakers.
Happy that I woke up on time, I reach to buckle my seat belt. The person in the seat beside me does the same. He has coffee colored hair that's all over the place, and piercing green eyes that flit around the plane nervously.
Suddenly the plane starts shake, little by little, it gets more violent. The man with the green eyes gets a little pale.
He mutters something in Spanish frantically and I realize hes having a panic attack.
"Hola" I say, brushing his hand.
He looks up abruptly and I soften my face.
"Hola" he replies.
He says another thing in Spanish in which I dont understand so I have to speak up. With literally only one word I remember from my Spanish lessons. "Ingles?" I ask, which means English in English.
He nods.
"Sorry about that" he says. "I get lots of plane anxiety. I'm on my way to Scawthon City to open up a Mexican restaurant" he says.
"That's cool. I'm going to the city because I have family there" I reply.
"That's nice. All my family died in a plane crash" he says.
"Im sorry" I say, looking down.
"Its ok. Im partly over it. It doesnt make me as depressed when I think about it anymore" he says.
We fall silent for a moment when I realize we've never properly introduced.
"Im Nightmarionne by the way. People call me Night for short though. Or Marionne. Either or is fine." I say urgently.
The Mexican laughs, "I'm El' Chip" he says.
"Pleasure to meet you" I smile.
"You too" he nods at me.

The turbulence ends shortly after our conversation. He thanks me for distracting him from what was going on amd we can now carry on our flight as usual.
I peer out the window to find ourselves slowly descending from the heavens.
"I think we're landing" I tell El' Chip.
He nods slowly.
Pretty soon the speakers cackle on, "Please put on your seatbelts as we are descending into Scawthon City International Airport" amd they crackle off.
"I'm so excited!" I shriek happily, overjoyed to see my family again.
El' Chip smiles slightly at my reaction, as I buckle myself in my seat again.
I squirm a bit in my seat, suddenly having to go to the washroom.
"Um....I think my bladders full" I whisper to El' Chip.
He nods and gives me a bottle, holding up a blanket.
"Modern problems require solutions" he says, looking away so I do my business into the bottle.

Me and Mari wait at the airport to welcome Night, or at least, welcome him to his home.
"Do you think he'll be mean to us?" Mari whispers nervously into my ear, making me swatt her face away.
"I highly doubt it" I say, staring straight ahead. That was a lie.
"Oh my god! Are you two twins?" Someone asks me and Mari.
I nod slowly.
The man who asked has pink hair, one eye is green and the other, blue.
"You can leave..." I say awkwardly.
"Oh right sorry bye" he says and walks away with his head hung low, like he is embarrassed.
Suddenly I see a family face coming down the escalator, and I try to make a convincing smile.
He spots us and waves. Excitedly running down the rest of the way, disturbing people scrolling through social media on their phones.
He runs up to us with his luggage behind himself.
"I'm so excited to finally be here!" Night says gleefully.
He wraps both me and my sister in a warm heart felt hug.

"Why are we on the rich side of town?" Night asks.
"Because we live here" I say.
"I don't believe that for one second!" Night says, offended.
Mari bursts out in laughter for me, since I sometimes close my eyes while laughing but I'm driving so that would be dangerous and out our whole lives at risk, and I can't afford to loose my precious siblings because I love them way, way too much.
I pull into our driveway, and everyone gets out of the car.
I pull my keys out of the pockets of my black skinny Jean's, and shove them in the door lock.
"Twilight! We're home!" I call, entering the house.
"This is where you live?" Night asks, rattled.
"Yep" Twilight says, coming downstairs with scratches on him.
"Mari go lead Night to his room" I say.
She nods and they disappear down a hallway.
"How did your little visit with Shadow go?" I ask.
We left just after he left.
"Not so well. He kinda tore the whole place down with his supernatural strength and agility, allowing many prisoners to escape. I tried to stop him with my elements but I couldnt bring myself to harm him."
"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I ask. "Your brother is fricking monster, almost killed you, let several prisoners escape, and you couldnt even do one single thing to him like sprain his wrist" I say sarcastically. "You weakling" I spit at him.
Twilight looks down, afraid of what I might do to him, but of he thinks theres gonna be a punishment hes kinda right, if you can even call this a punishment.
"You. Cook dinner for all of us." I snap.
"Yes sir" he says sharply.
"That's not my name, idiot" I say, rolling my eyes.
"Why are you being so hard on me? I just lost my step sister and my biological brother to death and insanity." Twilight says, vexed.
"I'm sorry. It's been hard on all of us. I think I am mainly letting my anger out on you. I'm sorry" I say, looking down miserably.

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