Chapter 15

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At lunch that day...

"Ok but, you never answered my question Vincent" Violet says, annoyed.
"I dunno, Puppet and Lolbit also like me" i say.
"Then choose one" Lolbit says angrily.
I look around for some escape, and then Molten comes up, "wanna hop to the bar tonight?" He asks.
"We could go for a walk in the park!" Lolbit suggests.
"I asked you out first Vince" Vi says.
"Um... we could go stargazing" Puppet says, rubbing the back of his neck.
"I cant take this anymore!" I say.
"Woah man youre really popular" Molten grins.
"Hey Vincent, i was wondering if you wanted to go see a movie tonight?" Ballora asks.
I back up into Flame and he picks me up sneering, "well look what we have here?" Flame says gleefully.
"I killed Nightmare Bon" i yell at him.
"What? No! No one is stronger than us!" Flame laughs.
I kick him in the face and do a backflip, punching him before he can do anything, and then im behind him, holding him captive, my pocketknife to his throat, "say that again, bitch" i growl.
"You hurt him you die" NM hisses.
I give Flame a deep cut and NM charges at me, throwing me against the cafeteria wall and choking me.
"It was a cut, hes stronger than you, at least" i choke out, makimg her loose her grip on my throat.
"What..." she trails off.
Flame has totally disappeared.
My friend group is totally tense, ready to fight for me if they needed to, even though i have all their powers hiding in me somewhere.
Then i collapse on the ground, feeling a sharp pain in my chest. NM totally disappeared, probably to find Flame.
What would you do if there a monster inside you? A monster so horrible and scary, its really unpredictable you have no idea whats its gonna do next? Thats how i feel. Its another bad omen, something terrible will happen soon. Everyone has an enemy.
I am i ticking time bomb, just waiting to get to zero, waiting to explode, to snap, to harm the ones i love, not that that already hadnt happened.
"Are you ok Vincent?" Violet asks.
"Fuck off" i say.
"Vince...please" Violet pleads.
"I said fuck off" i say, raising my voice a bit.
"Vincent, you cant just tell her to fuck off like that! Shes concerned about you" Lolbit says.
"I said...fuck off" i say, "are you deaf?!" I yell, drawing even more attention to myself, making me shrink and collapse in on myself.
"Vincent" Lolbit trails off.
"FUCK OFF YOU SON OF AN ANNOYING LITTLE BITCH" i scream, nefore shrinking again.
"Vincent if youre gonna be mad you might as well leave the school cant you see youre disturbing the cafeteria!" Lolbit inisists, "look, i dunno why the hell youre mad but youre not helping anyone by screaming at us in the cafeteria of this huge school".
"Youre right, i should go sue the school instead" i sneer.
"No Vincent, what did the school do to you? You should be suimg yourself" Violet narrows her eyes at me.
"I dunno whats going through your heads, all i can say is that im tired, angry, sad, depressed, and afraid of what im about to do next, the next step is always a scary one, because you dont know whats going to happen next. I dream of being the centre of attention, but when i am im often scared and small, and i dont know what to do" i say, falling down onto the floor. My whole world spins before me, and tears start falling down, a long journey from my eyes to the stubble on my chin.
I dont know what everybodies faces look like, what their reactions are to my speech, all i know is that im afraid, im not sure whats wrong with me, im an emotional rollercoaster, and its not fun. I wish i could go back to the time where i was emtionless.
Its a cruel world, and im not helping myself by wearing a mask and a suit dressed for lies, im not gonna succeed in the world if i stay like this, if i stay like this all thats waiting for me is dread and despair, oh wait, thats already whats in for me.
Oh god stop it i hate myself so much, why am i like this? Why am i like this? Who am i? What is the next step, and whats it in for me? Im scared, scared of myself, scared of everything scared of failing school scared of being a bad person, scared that if i emter a relationship i will ne a bad boyfriend end hate myself even though they love me, im scared im gonna hurt someone i love if i keep this up, but i cant stop what im doing, and it hurts me in the heart.
Im black and blue, bruised, i feel hurt, broken and lonely, like no one is going through what im going through through, and i have no idea what this is, all i know is...i know nothing. I realize that i know nothing, i learn from nothing, i learn nothing. What does life do to me? It makes me broken and suicidal.
When im mad, im mad because...why do i get mad? Because i would like to be left alone, because no one understands what im going through. I refuse therapists because they make me angry, and every time i went to a therapist appointment i left in a sour mood. Im not entirely sure why im like this.
And i feel like i want people to forget about me, because i'd rather be invisible. And now i feel fading away, very very slowly.
My face is wet from tears, but i dont care. The cafeteria ceiling is blurred because of my tears.
I talk about wanting to be the centre of attention, i talk about being lonely, i talk about being angry, im hurt, broken. Im pretty sure no one is going through what im going through...

Im crying after writing this...

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