Chapter 39

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"Let's go see what hes doing here" Violet says, grabbing my wrist and dragging me over to him.
"Hey Scraptrap!" Violet says happily.
"Oh uh hey" He replies.
"What are you doing here?" She asks.
He shrugs, "Parents kicked me out. Said I wasn't good enough."
Violet frowns, "but why?"
"They said they wanted two perfect sons, and if I didnt get an A soon they would kick me out. Guess I'm just not destined for greatness like my brother, who has himself a lovely girlfriend, all straight A's, and is on track, but still manages to time for himself, his girl, and his friends" Scrap sighs.
Violet frowns, and I face palm myself, disappointed.
"On another note, what are you two doing here?" He asks, narrowing his eyes.
"I dunno" Violet shrugs.
I tap Vi on the shoulder. She turns around and looks at me, "we should go" I mouth.
"Well anyways, nice seeing you... again. Me and Vincent are just gonna go...." Violet trails off, then grabs my wrist and drags me in the directions of the restrooms.
There is a gender neutral one just for people questioning or need to do a little sum else, or gender fluids, genderqueer, and non binary.
She shoves the rest room door open and I realize what she brought us in here to do.
Then she gestures to a container of labeled tooth brushes.
"Oh" I say, I guess we should brush our teeth.
Me amd Violet share her backup tooth brush, and four minutes later our teeth are sparkling.
"There are also showers here, but we have to shower in cold water. Unless we use the rain that rarely ever comes" Violet tells me.
I nod.
"And a laundromat" Violet says. "And Janice can lend us some money so we can get clothes and go to school" Violet concludes.
"Seems like you got this all figured out" I grin, amused.
And then she takes me by surprise, kissing me.
I am shocked and dont kiss back at first, but then i allow her tongue to slip through my lips and and i start to kiss back.
I push her against the wall gently and caress her cheek gently.
"Oh daddy" she moans, before my lips collide with hers again.
My hands grab her waist and i push myself up against her.
"Moan my name like you mean it baby" I whisper in her ear.
"Vincent" she moans in response.
I smile, and I give her jawline little kisses, making her want more.
"I love you baby" I whisper in her ear once I kissed her jawline from one ear to the other.
"Same...daddy" she says.
"Ok that just ruined the mood" I say flatly, pulling back.
Violet smirks.
Someone knocks on the door, "anyone in there?" Someone asks from the other side.
"Just a minute!" I call.
"Are we going back to school tomorrow?" I ask.
"Violet nods, let's go wash our clothes" she says.
"What will we wear in the meantime?!" I ask, bewildered.
"Nothing" Violet smirks, then after seeing my face she adds, "we can use the private laundromat designed specifically for people like us. It can be locked on the inside" Vi says.
I relax a bit.
But then I realize we never actually did it. Haven't done it, we've never seen each other naked.
"We've never seen each other naked" I whisper.
"Exactly" Violet smirks again.
"Fine" I finally give in.
We exit the washroom and the guy gives us a weird look, which we both ignore, giggling like maniacs.
"By the way it looks just like your basic laundromat" she says.
We enter the original one, which has no door, but we turn to the left, and theres a metal door labeled Private Laundromat.
We push through the doors and we lock it on the other side.
"Shall we?" She asks.
I nod.
"Domt worry we'll go shopping tomorrow" Violet promises.
"Ok" I agree.

I'm at my desk after school studying for the upcoming science test this Friday, when I get a text from Mangle.

Mang: wanna hang sometime 2night🤪?

Springy: I cant

Mang: why not🙁?

Springy: I'm studying🤫!

Mang: but you can make time for me, right🥺?

I dont text back, because im way too busy trying to memorize all the criteria I was told would be on the test.

Mang: Springy if you dont reply I'm calling u😤

Springy: please don't, dad will kill me if I don't study😬

Mang: ok I'm concerned now...😟

Springy: we'll talk tmro ok?

Mang: oki🙁

Sighing, I put my phone down and stare down at my work. I dont want to end up like Scraptrap, my older brother who got kicked out all because he got mostly B's and the occasional A.
Sighing, I decide to go prepare a dinner for myself since my dad is busy at work and my mom....that's another story.
I raid the fridge to find nothing but veggies, which doesnt make for a good dinner.
I pull open the freezer because that's just the kind of fridge we have. I pull out a package of pizza pops I bought for myself without dad knowing, because he doesnt think their healthy.
I microwave each side for one minute exactly and I bring them up to my room, because they have to cool off for a few minutes.
I glance down at the paper containing then notes I've been studying for the past two hours and decide to give it a break, and scroll through social media with my feet up instead.
Dad would never let me do this, but he isn't home so haha!
He also doesnt know about that one time I snuck out to a party and had shots. It doesnt take much for me to get drunk but I'm careful. I've only smoked once or twice because I'm afraid my dad will catch the scent but he cant even smell campfire smoke so I think I would be good. I'd rather not risk it yet though.

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