Chapter 43

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After school...

"Are you excited to pick up Lefty from the airport today?" Mari asks.
I nod enthusiastically, even though that's the second time we're having to make a trip to the airport this week.
Lefty came a day earlier just so we could sleep in my bed and have sex at 2 in the morning that breaks the bed because its so Violent yet feels so good.
We hop into our car, and wait while Twilight and Night slowly make their way over here.
Twilight Didnt take his car to school today because it ran out of gas, so guess we're stopping at a gas station to get some fuel for his car.
I roll my window, "yo assholes! Hurry up before I bash your head in!" I call.
Night looks actually frightened, and he sprints towards the car, sitting in the backseat.
Twilight looks amused, but jogs over here because his crush is in this car.
I glance at over at Mari, smirking.
"What?" She asks.
"Nothing..." I giggle.
Twilight slams the car door shut and I slowly back out of the parking spot.
"Why did you hurry us up?" Night asks.
"Because I'm picking my damn boyfriend up from the airport today, and also I'm picking up gas for Twilights stupid car." I say, waiting for the light to turn green so I can go.
"Wait you're gay?" Night asks, genuinely surprised.
"Yes now shut up or I'm throwing you out of the car. Also you stay in here while me, Mari, and Twi go great my boyfriend, though I'm mostly gonna be shoving my tongue down his throat" I smirk again.
"That was extraordinarily inappropriate" Night observes.
"Thanks, captain obvious" Twi says, and i can see him rolling his eyes in the mirror.
The light turns green and I glance both ways before slowly easing my foot on the gas peddle, causing the car to roll forward.
It's pretty much straight from this point on. We have to curve a bit to get to airport but other than that it's fine.
Now I can concentrate on arguing with the people that are in the car with me.
"Woah slow down!" Night shrieks.
"I'm going the speed limit idiot. Have you ever took a driver's test?" I ask.
"No" he says.
"Excactly! Shut the hell up!" I yell at him, overly frustrated.
"Puppet calm down or you're going to feed your highly expensive car to the ditch" Mari says, face pale.
I try to calm down, taking deep breaths.
"Gas station!" Twilight shouts with joy.
I roll my eyes and pull into the station.
"Get out and get your gas" I tell Twilight.
He reaches his hands out, and i stare at them.
"Oh right" i say handing him $100".
He gets out and I sigh with relief. I look in the mirror and realize Night is still in the car, staring at me anxiously.
"Mari stay here" I mumble.
She nods.
"Night come with me or I'll drag you outta the car and abandon you on the streets to hitch hike your way into some serial killers car for you to be brutally murdered." I hiss.
He nods, and stumbles out of the car.
I get out and slam both doors shut, because someone doesnt know how to shut theirs.
I grab his wrist and drag him behind the little store Twilight entered.
"Why are you being so mean to me!?" Night wails as soon as I let go of his wrist.
"Because you're a lying bitch" I growl.
"I dont know what you're talking about!" Night whimpers.
"You know DAMN well what I'm talking about, you little shit" I hiss, slapping his face.
He winces and holds onto his face.
"When we lived in that shit place of a neighborhood, you were the abusive older sibling, and now you're just a worthless piece of clueless garbage" I spit on him.
"What are you talking about? What shit place of a neighborhood?" Night asks frantically, wiping the spit off his forehead with the sleeve of his black sweater.
"What happened to you?" I ask, realizing his memory has been officially erased.
He shrugs.
"Do you want something to eat?" I ask gently.
He nods.
I grab his hand gently and tug him with me, entering the store.
Twilight glances up at us wildly, wondering why I'm being so nice to Night now.
"Later" I grumble, going to the freezers and getting a bag of ice.
"Here" I say, handing the ice to Night. He takes it and holds it against his slapped cheek.
"Right. I'll get you anything you want. Maximum, three things" I tell Night.
He goes to the snacks section, choosing a bag of beef jerky, and chips. He then goes to the fidget toys section, choosing a nice fidget toy.
I furrow my eye brows, running my hands through my hair.
Anxiety. Depression? Bipolar? DID? Of course not DID. he doesnt have the symptoms.
Probably anxiety.
"This is what I want" Night says firmly.
Twilight is walking out to the car with his gas. "Go place the items on the counter" I say, and I follow him so I can pay.
"Your total is $8.34" the cashier says.
I pull out a 20 dollar bill because i got to waste, and hand it to her. "Keep the change" i say, smiling.
I see a slight brush of blush on her cheeks as she puts the money away, "good day sirs" she says.
"You too" i say, and Night gathers his food and object.
We head back into the car and I drive away.
"So why are you being nice to Night?" Twi asks.
"What else is new?" Mari asks.
"His memory has been washed from his brain. I want to figure why, and who did this" I say.
"Ok" Twi says.

Pretty soon we arrive at the airport and we somehow navigate to the gates where Lefty is getting off.
We didnt bother with signs because we dont want attention drawn to us.
Suddenly Lefty comes into view and I cant stop staring at him. His golden star that he kept even after he quit the Rockstars, the red eyeshadow he always applies, his face piercings, his black detective coat, black shirt and ripped skinny jeans he stole from me.
He spots us and his eyes light up, and I cant help but smile stupidly.
Then I notice some girls staring at him, and some boys are even checking him out.
I brush it off, we barely know them.
"Puppet!" He cries.
"Lefty" I sob.
He runs the rest of the way down the escalator, bumping into people, and I cant help but notice how they dont mind.
But it doesn't matter because suddenly me and Lefty collide, just like our lips are going to be soon.
But first we hug, even though we both dont like hugs, I sob into his shoulder and he sobs into mine.
Then I bring my face up to his and I kiss him. My tongue fighting his.
We pull apart, suddenly realizing we're in a public place. We look at each other, blushing but not embarrassed.
"A lot of people were checking you out" I tell him.
"I know."
We both glance around, finding some people stare at him with envy in their eyes.
"I missed you" I smile stupidly.
"Me too!" He says.
I grab his hand and tug him toward the family.
"Mari, Night, and Twilight who's taking refuge from his abusive home at ours" I say.
"Wait, isnt Night your abusive cousin?" Lefty asks.
"Yeah but his memory got washed away" I nod.
I kick Mari to sit alone in the back so Lefty can ride shotgun.

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