Chapter 2

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", is anyone sitting here?" A females voice says.
I look up from drawing on my toast, "no, its taken" i lie.
The girl who asked me has red and blue hair, and a torn orange dress. She looks homeless if you ask me.
"Oh. Well, im sorry i even bothered to ask" she says, huffing and pulling her hood over her head.
I roll my eyes, "i fucking hate people" i mutter under my breath.
"Speak up will ya?" NB sneers, walking past me.
I roll my eyes, "fucking purple bunny, why cant you just leave me and my toast alone" i mutter under my breath.
"May i sit here?" Another person asks, a man, i think.
Growling, i look up and see a white haired man that looks annoywd for some unknown reason.
"Why the hell do you want to sit with me?" I ask.
"Good question. Move over" the man says, sitting beside me.
"Ok then." I shrug.
"Im Molten" the man stick his hand out for me to shake.
"Im Vincent" i say, ignoring his hand and taking a bite out of my beautiful toast. Oh, my majestic, beautiful toast!
"School is realky boring, isnt it?" Molten asks me.
I shrug, opening up my phone to check social media.
"Why do you have a picture of toast as your phone background?" Molten asks, peering over my shoulder.
I shrug again, hastily closing my phone.
"I saw you turned down that gal over there. Are you new here?" Molten asks, gesturing to someone who looks like the female version of me.
"Yeah im new why?"
"I could tell because everyone wants to sit with her. Do you not know how popular she is?" Molten asks, sounding peeved.
"Yeah well the difference between me and the school is a dont give a shit" i say, packing up my stuff and yeeting my ass outta the cafeteria.

I stumble off the bus, feeling nauseous as fuck. I effing hate the bus, but my fricking mom forces me to take the bus because she doesnt want me to face the damn cold.
I take my water bottle and chug down some water. Someone bumps into me and i whirl around, "watch where the fuck youre going kid" i say, clearly pissed.
The girls terrifed face stares up at me in shock, "i- i'm so sorry i didnt mean to bump into you! Its just someone bumped into someone who bumped into someone else who bumped into me making me bump into you" the girl says, still absolutely terrified of me.
I smile, "i understand ya kid. Try not to get bumped into next time" i say, before dashing off towards the school.
Is it just me or is she kinda cute? I wonder if shes ever let down her orange hair she might look pretty even! I wonder why her green eyes glow though...?
"Ouch!" I say, landing in the cold snow. I quickly get up, dusting the snow off of me and face the person i bumped in to.
"Well, look what we have here"  Fredrick says, sneering down at me. Hes only an inch taller than me.
"Haha, hi!" I say nervously.
Fredrick frowns and shoves me violently against the wall of the school, knocking the air out of me for a minute.
He punches me across the cheek, and smiles when i cry out in pain.
"Hey! Leave him alone you motherfucker!" A girl screams, racing toward me and Fredrick.

Teal Blue races towards me with no fear written on her face at all.
"Leave him alone!" She yells, running here at full speed.
I ignore her and turn back to Ennard, punching him one last time before Teal crashes into me, knocking me over. I drop Ennard and i hear him grunt as he falls onto the ground. I hear him run away as fast as he can.
"What the hell is wrong with you? What did he do to you to make you beat him up like that?" Teal Blue asks.
"He bumped into me" i growl.
"What the fuck?!" Teal says, getting up off of me so i can get up as well.
I dust my pants off.
"I cant fricking believe you!" Teal says, obviously peeved off.
For some reason i cant beat her up. I look into her pastel eyes and metally slap myself in the face.
Stop it! Youre supposed to be fed up with life and hating everyone!
"I still cant believe you, beating people up with an extremely small thing!" Teal says, still rambling on about how short my patience is.
Suddenly, without thinking, i kiss her. Teals eyes widen and she pushes me away, "why did you do that?" She asks, gaping at me.
"Um...i dont really know" i say, rubbing the back of my neck sheepishly.
Teal turns around and runs into the school.

Teal Blue•
I dash into the school, screaming on the inside. Why the fuck did he kiss me like that? Without warning, he just kissed me, right there, in front of a hundred people!
"Hey" Violet says, leaning beside a locker beside my locker.
"Hey" i say.
"I got a big problem" Violet says.
"Betcha my problem is bigger. But you go first" i say, giving Violet a quick glance.
"I like a guy, he looks like the male version of me! Hes so hot but when i asked to sit with him at lunch he rejected me, he didnt even look up from his phone!" Violet wines.
Sighing, i say, "Violet, you know better than to wine over some guy you dont even have a chance with".
"Have you ever seen him?" Violet hisses.
I shake my head, slamming my locker door shut.
Shaking her head, Violet grabs my wrist, her hand easily sliding over my skinny arm. She drags me all the way outside and over to the courtyard.
"Him" Violet says, pointing to someone sitting on a bench crouched over his phone.
He has messy black hair and a purple button up shirt, and dark blue jeans.
"Holy motherfucker!" I exclaim.
"I know right! Nothing compares to him" Violet sighs dreamily.
"I pity you now" i say.
Violet opens her mouth to say something but yelling can be heard.

•Maribelle •
"TELL ME WHERE IS HE" I scream into Puppets face.
"I have no fricking clue who youre talking about" Puppet says calmly.
Furious, i slam Puppet into the wall of the school, he winces in pain.
By now a small crowd has gathered around us, chanting one word: Fight.
"I told you! I have no clue who or what youre talking about!" Puppet wines.
"Who are they?" Puppet asks.
I let go of him but before he drops to the ground i kick his chest and then at the speed of light i am holding him up by his throat, choking him.
I punch Puppet across his cheek, and then i punch his jawline, screaming with rage.
Suddenly i am engulfed in darkness, every sound muffled. I cant even hear myself as i cry out in fear.
When i can see again i stumble backwards, tripping over my feet. Puppet is on his two feet and smiling at me as i fall to the ground, still terrified of what just happened.
My soul litterally detatches itself from my body and i can see myself in third person, and my terrifed face. Theres a large crowd surrounding me and Puppet now.
And before i know it im back in my body, a jerk back to life and the hair stands up its that shook.
Im legit paralized with fear right now. Puppet smirks at me and walks away like nothing happened.

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