Chapter 22

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The next day...

"Go away Claw!" I complain, as Claw hugs my leg like a toddler.
"No, i aint going away" Claw says, as stubborn as always.
"Or imma force you to leave me alone" i hiss.
"We have the same amount strength, Chase. Im not stupid" Claw says flatly.
"Go study or something" i sigh.
"No i'd rather be annoying" Claw smirks.
"Fredrick! Claw isnt leaving me alone!" I call, dragging Claw with me.
"Your problem" Fredrick smiles.
I reach the top of the stairs, and i get a sickening idea. I kick Claw off my leg and he tumbles down the stairs, hitting his nose on the edge of one.
"Hey! No fair, Chase" Claw complains.
"Whats this?" Night asks, stopping with Claw just before his feet, "Claw is being a troublemaker again?" He laughs.
Fredrick pops his head in from the kitchen, laughing at the scene in front of him, "this is what happens when you have triplets".
"Sorry guys i have to go to work now, got called in early, its an emergency" mom says, putting her lab coat on her shoulders and grabbing her purse, rushing out the door.
Thats what happens when your mom is a docter, i guess.
"Wonder what it is this time" i say, dipping my finger in the blood slowly oozing from Claw's nose, and i lick it off my finger, "mmm delicious. I should kick you downstairs more often" i tease, licking my lips.
"Hey!" Claw says, getting up and attempting a punch. I quickly dodge, luckily, otherwise he could break my nose.
"So are you still gonna hang out with Plushtrap today or are you gonna ditch him finally?" Night asks.
"Probly gonna mess with Bon Bon or Bonette today" i shrug.
"Nice" Fredrick smirks, coming around the corner, "now hurry your lazy asses up or we're gonna be late! I drive you for fucks sake" Fredrick yells, all the while smiling.

"Hey Bon, ive got one question for you" i say, slamming my hands down on the table.
"Whats up, bro?" Bon asks.
"Do you really love Chi?" I ask.
"WHAT THE HELL MAN? I love her with all my heart" Bon bursts out in anger at first, but then becomes calm and collected.
"Just saying, i could give you heaven youve never felt before" I say, crossing to his side of the table.
"Whats more heavenly than masturbation?" Bon asks, looking up at me with glowing green eyes.
"Um, loving somebody other then yourself" i chuckle, rolling my eyes.
"I have Chi for that" Bon says, backing away from me until he hits the wall.
"Im sure you do, but i have nobody" i say, grabbing his waist.
"Im not a virgin!" Bon squeaks out, taking me by surprise.
I pause before continuing, "thats not the point, the point is i want it right now, also im gay as fuck" i say.
"Im not in the mood, Fred" Bon growls.
"Cmon, get in the mood" i say in a joking tone.
"Im gonna be sick if i oblige" Bon says, still searching for reasons for not do it.
"So be sick then" i say, lowering my head so that my lips are inches from his.
"What if Chi walks in on us?" Bon asks nervously.
"The door is locked" i say, slowly giving his lips kisses.
It shuts him up immediately, and he tenses and relaxes for short periods of time.
Theres a loud knock on the door, jerking me from giving Bon kisses.
I toss him a cigar, and he slips his lighter out his pocket.
I answer the door and greet Chi as she lets herself in.

After Vincent and Violet left at the game of TorD last night i got dared to spend ten minutes in the closet with Lolbit...

"Molten truth or dare" Ennard asks.
"Dare" i answer, feeling brave.
"I dare you to spend ten minutes in the closet with Lolbit" he dares me.
And soon we're in an almost pitch black closet, the features and everything in it slowly come into focus as my eyes adjust to the darkness me and Lolbit were forced into.
"Oh man" i say.
We could just sit in silence for the full ten minutes, nothing but awkwardness filling the giant empty space that hangs in the air between us.
"Soo" Lolbit says, not knowing what to say.
"I have no idea what to say either, Lolbit" i admit.
"Molten.... lets just do what they put us in here to do" Lolbit says quickly, "do you believe in love at first sight?" She asks.
"Yes but no. Kind of. It hasnt happened to me yet so i can i be sure?"
"Well ever since i laid eyes on you, i knew that i had to make you my boyfriend *ahem* in other words, i like/liked you ever since i first laid eyes on you" Lolbit, i can see her thin outline slumped in her corner, the shiny gleam in her eyes pointed towards the floor.
I sigh with frustration, "you know how some of our friends ship us together?" I ask, buying myself time so i dont have to kiss her.
Lolbit looks up from the floor and nods.
"Do you think we look cute together?" I ask.
Lolbit shrugs, "i think so, i cant really be sure cuz i can only picture us side by side in my mind" is her answer.
Screw me. I cant take this anymore.
"I mean, i know we look togther" Lolbit rants, "i didnt mean it in a bad way-"
I cut her off by kissing her. Shes shocked, and then the door opens and everyone pauses, staring.
Oh shit. I get up and grab my stuff, and run out of the hangout spot. Did i seriously just kiss Lolbit? I dont even like her! I mean, shes cute and all but i bet she only likes me because our friends said they ship us together!
Whatever, its past midnight anyways and i was supposed to be home an hour ago. Better face the magic...

Hey guys! I was gone for so long because i had my tablet confiscated for reasons, but im back now!

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