Chapter 32

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I watch the bald guy bench, and Lavender does chin ups. Theres more people in the yard I domt know, but i domt really care.
"Hey Violet. Wanna go play some ball?" Shadow asks.
I have survived this hell for six days already. I saw Vincent being escorted down the hall, but his cell was too far away to talk to him.
"No thank you" I smile apologetically at him.
"Ok" Shadow says.
I expect him to go continue his game but instead he tosses the ball aside and sits beside me.
"Why domt you show me your face?" I ask.
I have learned a lot about him these past six day, and he has learned a lot about me.
"Really." He says flatly.
"Please" I say.
"Well...ok then" he says. Then again, "follow me" and i do.
He leads me behind the bleachers and faces me, then sits down cross legged, urging me to sit down as well, and i do.
"You should mentally prepare yourself" Shadow warns.
And he brushes the hair out of his face.
His eyes are a bright vibrant red, he has a red scar sprouting from his left eyebrow, and another one on his right cheek. His left cheek contains a blackish scar, that fades away near the bottom. It looks kinda like a burn.
"What the..." I trail off, disturbed.
"I had my soul sucked out of me, by Maribelle. I assume you know her" Shadow says.
"Yes. She actually tried commiting suicide at the school the other day" I say.
"Oh yeah, you told me that story" Shadow says.
I nod.
"But yeah then an exorcism was performed and I was gifted these eyes of powerful obversation" Shadow finishes.
"Oh. Can you tell me what the scars are from?" I ask.
"Sure" he says, and points to his eyebrow scar, "the one time I got shot play Russian Roulette" the right cheek one, "when I got into a fight with Vincent" that one made me laugh. Then he points to the fading black one, "saving a child from a house fire" he says.
"Wait what" I say, disbelieving.
"Oh yeah I dont think I told you that one before" he clears his throat. "So one night I was just taking a lovely stroll when I heard screaming, and saw the firs ahead. The poor family said their little girl was trapped inside, and they left their cells inside. I told them not to worry, called 911 and dived headfirst into the fire. Being the fire bender I am, it was easy, until I let fear overcome me, and the fire scorched my cheek" Shadow completes.
"Wait, are you elemental?" I ask.
"Yeah. I'm fire" he says, and fire sprouts from his palms.
"Oh my good heavenly father of Satan! Puppet and Marionette are shadow, Lolbit is light, Teal Blue is earthquake, Chica the force, Vincent has everything, and Ennard is electricity!" I say excitedly.
"So there are others?" Shadow says hopefully.
I nod.
"And get this!" I sprout vines from my fingertips and they tickle Shadow.
"Stop stop! I get it!" He says, and I stop.
"Violet, cam I show you something?" Shadow asks.
"Sure" I giggle.
And suddenly he kisses me. The background blurs as I kiss back, and I knot my hands in his hair.
This makes no sense. I know I'll never end up with him, and my heart belongs to Vincent all the way. How will I ever forgive myself?
Shadow tastes like strawberry mint, the plant.
We split apart, and Shadows eyes have lit up.
I realize what happened and I freak out, shoving him away.
"I'm so so so sorry!" Shadow says.
I get up and turn away.
"Wait" he says.
"Leave me be" I growl, and jog away.

I wake up one morning and forget what day it is. All I know is that the sun is on my eyes and I feel like I got no sleep.
I shield my eyes from the sun and then flutter my eyelids open. Its morning, and i glance at my phone.
I turn over and pick it up, realizing what day it is and what happened yesterday.
Well shit.
There is a knock on my door.
"Come in!" I holler.
My maid opens the door and gives me my breakfast, "good morning. Birds are chirping!" She says happily, in a desperate attempt to lift my mood.
I just roll my eyes and thank her for breakfast. She nods and walks away, the corners of her mouth twitching.
I glance down at the food and demolish it in a few bites. It was a fruit platter with waffles and Vincent's favourite: toast.
I ring the bell above my bed and a maid comes to take the tray away, the cutlery rattling on the gold.
With a sigh I get out of bed and enter my closet, searching for something to wear. My soft silk pajamas are getting extremely boring and I dont know what to do. Its horrifying to think some people live in small houses. With big families. And no maids and butlers.
I find a nice gray suit and tie and decide, yes that's gonna be my outfit for today.
I touch it and immediately take my hand back, accidentally having burnt through the soft material.
Well there goes my outfit for the day.
I take a look around and sigh. I domt wanna have to wear a hoodie and skinny Jean's again. That's literally all I wear to school.
I glance back at the suit and ring the bell. The butler comes immediately and takes the suit away to be fixed.
I take a deep breath and look at my fingertips. The electricity, the fabric, the soft material.
It's either the material, or I need better control of my power.
I find another light gray suit and reach for it again, and surprisingly, I dont burn through the material.
"Thank you" I say, breathing a sigh of relief.
I quickly change into it and look at myself in the mirror. My narrow eyes look fierce, my silvers hair a fluffy mess, and my nose is pale red, as always.
Yes, this is my look for today.
I exit my room by pulling the double doors open, and I navigate through the ten billion hallways and rooms. We have a theater, a pool, an arcade, a games room, a dining room, a kitchen, several living areas, several bathrooms, and several bedrooms.
I finally make it downstairs and I try to sneak past the kitchen which my parents are sipping coffee in, but they catch me.
"Have a good day at school" dad says.
I roll my eyes.
"We love you!" Mom calls, just before the exit the house.
I'm immediately blasted by cold air and a bitter wind, and the air is knocked out of me.
I watch the bus leave without me and I blink back tears.
I head back inside.
"I might need a ride" I say quietly.
"Say no more" my dad says, coming downstairs in button up shirt and denim jeans.

FNAF: The Elementals (Book 1 Of Fnaf High School)Where stories live. Discover now