Chapter 34

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•Scrap Baby•
I roll off my bed at 7AM and my dad comes storming into my room angrily.
"I'm up!" I say, sitting up and rubbing my eyes in panic.
"Now get ready for school or you're getting your ass whooped" he says, then storms off somewhere. Probably the kitchen, unless hes doing his morning workout.
I slip on an orange dress and pull my hair up into two pigtails, and I apply my mascara and orange eyeshadow.
I head out of my room, resisting the urge to yawn and pour myself some cereal.
My dad isnt in the kitchen so I'm thankful for that. Maybe I can leave without saying goodbye to him.
After I finish breakfast and start packing my bookbag my dad walks into the main room.
"Oh hey dad" I grunt, shoving my English textbook into my bag.
"Hello. Hurry up or you're gonna be late, and if your late you know what that means" dad says.
"Yes sir" I say, and leave, pulling my bag onto my shoulders.

I arrive at the school after twenty minutes of walking and I suck in a sharp breath. Everyone is dressed so nicely, no dirty clothing ripped everywhere like mine. Sure there are the people with holes in their jeans, but that's actual fashion.
I see someone getting beat up by another someone bigger than them.
Someone with purple hair is kissing someone with rusty red hair.
I shake my head and glance at my phone, seeing I still have plenty of time to check in and get to my locker and receive my schedule.
"Hey you!" Someone shouts. I turn around and see a guy with brown eyeshadow, messy brown hair, and red eyes staring right at me.
"" I ask nervously.
"Yeah you" he says.
"What is it?" I ask, voice shaking.
"What are you doing here?" He asks, punching me, knocking me out.
I'm floating in a pastel pink amd orange universe, feeling bubbly and calm, when all of a sudden I'm woken up.
I look up and see someone fighting the brown haired guy.
The guy gets knocked to the ground and guy with black hair and a black and white button up shirt steps on him.
"Hopefully that will teach you not to mess with newcomers. Not on our watch" he says.
The guy nods, terrified, and gallops away when released.
The black haired guy turns to me and offers me his hand, "I'm Puppet. That was Fredrick" the guy says.
I push away his hand, shaking my head, and stand up myself.
"Is he always like that?" I ask.
Puppet nods sadly.
"Oh. Well, I'm Scrap Baby, but my dad just calls me Scrap" I say.
"Nice to meet you! Why did you refuse my hand?" Puppet asks.
"Because if I did you might hurt me" I say truthfully.
Puppet frowns at this, "I offered you my hand for a reason" Puppet says.
"Whatever" I shrug.
"That's Marionette, my twin sister...kinda" Puppet says, and turns around.
"Really." Puppet says flatly.
Marionette nods vigorously, "what do we do?" She asks.
"I guess we just let fate happen. What about Violet?" Puppet asks.
Marionette just shrugs.
"Probably talking to that monster" Puppet spits.
Marionette looks sympathetic for a second, before finally noticing me, "who's that?" She asks.
"That's Scrap, I caught Fredrick beating her up. Those nightmares are everywhere. I'm kinda glad Vincent minused one" Puppet smiles thoughtfully.
"Oh well nice to meet you Scrap!" Marionette says happily, offering me her hand to shake.
I nervously reach out and wince when she grasps my hand. She shakes it gently and let's go and I give her bewildered look, which she doesn't seem to notice.
"I better be on my way. Nice meeting you two" I say, and run away quickly.
I trip over my feet and fall face first into the ground, grass entering my mouth.
"Woah there! You shouldn't be running at this crowded school" someone says.
I look up and spit out the grass, and find myself looking up at someone... I shake my head. Dad would never allow it.
"I'm so sorry" I say quickly getting up and dusting myself off.
"Woah, looks like you're bleeding there" he says, wiping my cheek.
"Oh" I say, looking down.
"Let's getcha to the school nurse" he says, "I'm Molten by the way".
"I'm Scrap, and I domt need a nurse. I'm perfectly capable of faking care of myself" I say.
"Doesnt look like it. I can tell because of the bruises on your arms and legs" Molten says.
I look down, blushing.
"Hey" Molten says gently, "wanna meet some people?" He asks.
I nod my head nervously.
He reaches out for my hand and wince away.
"I'm not gonna hurt you" Molten says, smiling.
I nod and reach out to grab his hand, my hand shaking.
"Woah, calm down. Take a deep breath" he says.
I do as he says and I find myself in front of a whole bunch people chilling out on and around a huge rock.
"Hey guys!" Molten says, "this is Scrap!"

I heard that I have entered a coma after getting hit by the bus. I have no idea where I am. The last thing I remember was being put into an ambulance on a stretcher, half awake.
What I do remember is walking to school on a cold spring morning, and I was walking across the road when I heard someone shout something, and then I saw stars.
I blinked up and saw someone with silver hair wearing a gray suit staring down at me with a worried expression, and I assumed it was Ennard.
I heard the wail of the siren coming closer, and flashing red and blue lights which I assumed was an ambulance mixed in with a cop car, so they could arrest the bus drvier that hit me.

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