Chapter 31

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The cops questioned some people while I pull Vincent to the side.
"I have to tell you something" I tell Vincent.
"What is it?" he asks me.
"Do you have a cousin who works as a nurse in a hospital?" I ask.
He nods.
"Well I uh....I kinda killed her" I say sheepishly.
"Thank you so much! She's so annoying! Always posturing me for details about everything!" Vincent says gratefully.
"Look! Its Vincent Odette! The infamous criminal" a cop says when questioning Chica.
The two cops walk over to me and Vincent.
"Shit" he face palms himself.
"Sir you're under arrest. You have the right to remain silent" the cop says as he puts handcuffs on Vince.
"Wait!" I gasp, shooting vines at the handcuffs, slicing them in half.
The cops look down at the broken cuffs in confusion, then shrug it off and get another one.
Puppet shoots shadow out of his palms in panic, knocking the cuffs out of the cops hand to the ground.
I sucks the shadow back in quickly, before the cops can turn around and look for the culprit.
Everyone stands there, acting clueless. The other cop reaches down to pick up the pair of cuffs when the ground opens up underneath them.
I look up to see Teal Blue smirking, obviously recovered from the Maribelle incident.
"What the hell?" The cop asks.
"How do you think we saved the school from Maribelles villains?" Puppet asks.
"We are curious..." the cops say cluelessly.
One by one we each show them our powers, and Puppet erases their minds afterwards.
Do they have more cuffs? I wonder.
Suddenly the cops pull out another pair of handcuffs and clip them around Vincent. They started leading him toward their car and he glances at me, panic starting to set in his eyes.
"Help" he mouths.
I gaze at him, watching they shove him into the car, helpless.
Then suddenly I get an idea.

"Wait" Violet says, and I glance up from my spot into the car. The cops hand is on the door, about to close it.
"Take me instead" Violet pleads.
"Sorry ma'am we cant do that" the cop says.
The one who's hand is on the door is called Joe, and the other is Dave.
"Please! Hes going to change!" Violet begs.
"Violet" I warn.
She wouldn't last one day in juvie, whereas I have been to prison multiple times before. So many time I actually lost count.
But Violet is much more thin than I am, and her skin is sallow from hiding away in her room all day.
I flip back to reality when I hear a shout.
"I'll guess we'll take both of em" Joe shrugs cluelessly.
"That's not the point!" Violet begs.
"What, you both murdered at least one human being" Dave says.
I scowl at them.
Suddenly the door slams shut and I jump, because it was unexpected.
I peer out the window and see the cops advancing on Violet.
Something strikes her, and she glances down at herself in a puddle. She glances up again fearfully and let's out a Yelp when one of them grabs her arm.
"Go away!" I hear her muffled voice shriek.
Vines crawl up the legs of the cops and they call for backup in a hurry of fear and panic.
Moment later several more cop cars show up, and they all advance on Violet.
They came prepared, with knives and daggers to cut away at the vines.
She flings vines at them still, fear sneaking onto her face.
"VIOLET!" I scream, banging on the windows, but I'm not strong enough to break the window.
But then I get an idea.
I place my hands on the window, and watch as the ice overtakes the window. All of a sudden it shatter and i race out the window.
I kick and punch and freeze then shatter the cops.
Suddenly special handcuffs lock onto my hands.
I look up into a cops eyes, panic setting In.
"She wouldn't survive one day in juvie!" I beg.
"Sir, please calm down. We are holding you for questioning. Your... twin or whatever is coming too" the cop says.
I glance back at Puppet, and he looks on apologetically.
"Its for the best" Twilight says. I swear that guy can read minds!
"Vincent! Please help, do something!" Violet shrieks, struggling in her bindings.
"I cant" I say. I feel tears welling up inside my eyes, and I blink them away stubbornly.

We arrive at the station, and me and Violet get out.
"I swear it'll be ok" I murmur to her, before the cops shove us away from each other.
When in the station me and Violet get pulled separate ways.
I am shoved inside a small room, with a table in between two chairs, and on one side of the table a pair of cuffs are attached to the table.
I watch as the cop removes the original cuffs and attaches my cuffs to the small platform, forcing me to sit in the chair.
"Someone will come talk to you soon" the cop called Joe grunts.
He leaves the room, the door clicking shut behind him.
Theres a camera in every corner of the room, the doors are usually locked. Plus, these cuffs are made of a special material i cant break through.
I wonder how Violet is doing...

My cuffed hands hang by my thighs, as the cop called Dave leads me to a cell.
Leads me to my death.
Vincent is right, I wouldn't survive a day here.
I pass by a guy wearing a eye patch that is bald. He tries reaching through the bars to choke Dave but Dave tases him.
Then theres a guy who hides his face with black hair and his body is covered in tattoos.
And a women with lavender hair that shines like it was washed.
Suddenly I'm shoved into a cell near hers, the cuffs off my hands suddenly and the bars slam shut, the chains rattling.
I look around my cell, theres a toilet, a sink, and a bed.
With a sigh I plop down on the bed. It isnt very comfortable, but I bet it's better than the floor.
And i better get used to doing my business in front of complete strangers.
"Hey" someone says.
I look up with a sharp intake of breath, and exhale to find it's just the guy with black hair hiding his face. I just noticed how skinny he is. His cell is just across from mine.
"Hi" i say, voice wavering.
The guy chuckles, "theres nothing to be afraid of. Except the cops" he says.
"I know, I just... I never expected someone to talk to me here" I say.
He laughs, "I get ya. I'm Shadow by the way".
"Im Violet" I say shyly, tucking a strand of hair behind my hair.
"You look awfully a lot like Vincent" Shadow observes.
"You know him?" I ask hopefully.
"Yeah we talked a bit. Hes been here before. Decent guy." Shadow says.
"Hes my boyfriend" I admit.
"I was gonna ask about that, but then I thought what if you guys are twins?" He says.
I laugh, "yeah we get that a lot from strangers."
"Heh. So what are you in for?" He asks.
"Um. Not much. I killed Vincent cousin."
"Ah. I'm a drug dealer. Or... was a drug dealer. You see that guy over there?" He points to the tased guy.
I nod.
"He was one of my customers. Hes In for murder" Shadow says.
"Oh" I say.
"And that one?" He points to the lavender haired girl.
I nod again.
"Murdered her husband. She never revealed her true name to anyone so we all nicknamed her Lavender" Shadow smiles.
"Ah" I say.
"I wonder when lunchtime is gonna be. I'm starving. The food here may be horrible but it's better than nothing. Like chokecherries" Shadow says.
"Huh" I say.
"Not much of a talker are ya?" Shadow asks.
I shrug.
"Well whatever. I doesn't matter. Life here is not so bad. This is my second year in juvie. We get yard time so we dont go insane. You could strengthen your muscles there, play some B-ball. We get three meal courses three times a day. Plus theres all the friends you make along the way" Shadow says happily.
"Vincent says I wouldn't last a day in here. What do you think?" I ask, desperate for an answer.
"Well, since you're pretty hot, there are a lot of sexual predators here. If you say the wrong thing or speak of dont do as you're told it's either you get tased or miss a meal. I'll make sure you survive, domt worry Vi" Shadow says.
"Thank you" I say quietly.
"Anythimg else?" Shadow asks.
"Why do you hide your face all the time?" I ask.
"Oh. I have scars that make me hideous. I'm just self conscious, I guess" Shadow shrugs. 

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