Chapter 46

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"Dude I'm so stressed right now" I tell Bonnie.
"Um...why?" Bonnie asks.
"I um... I kinda... i find someone else, better than Chica" i say.
"Why dont you tell her that you're breaking up with her then?" Bonnie asks.
"What if she kills me?" I whispers, tears forming in my eyes.
"She won't. Just go tell her" Bonnie promises.
Its fifteen minutes till the bell rings for the start of school.
I nod and head over to where Chica is chilling, with her sister.
"Chica, can I talk to you in private?" I ask.
"Yeah... sure?" Chica asks, confused. She glances at her sister.
"Go on, I was about to meet up with Bon anyways" Chi says, pinching her little sisters cheeks before leaving us alone.
"What is it, Freddy?" Chica asks, standing up.
"I... I found someone better."
"So what are you saying?" Chica asks nervously.
"I- I'm breaking up with you" I stutter.
"WHAT!" Chica gasps.
She stands there in shock for a few minutes.
"I'm really sorry-"
"Sorry my ass, Freddy Fazbear!" Chica yells.
She throws her hands in front of me, sending me flying through the air with her force.
I let out a blood-curdling scream, and I land on the ground painfully.
Puppet and Marionette run over.
"Get back Monster!" Chica screams.
"Chica i didnt mean any harm!" I say, slowly advancing on her.
"GET BACK MONSTER!" Chica screams, throwing her arms in front of herself again.
I brace myself, arms in front of my face, and I dig up dirt as the force slides me back.
"I'm sorry, Chica" I say.
"What the fuck did you do to her?" Marionette asks, slapping me across the face.
"I broke up with her" I growl.
Suddenly I cant breathe, and I realize Chica is slowly choking me to death.
"Chica stop!" Puppet says, panicking.
Marionette whirls around.
"Puppet! Look out!" Marionette gasps, but it's too late, and Puppet is flying through the air.
Theres a rather large crowd around us now.
I gasp for air and Puppet gets up, a wild look in his eyes.
"Chica!" I choke out. "Chica...stop!" I gasp for air again, and my vision starts fading.
I fling my hand outward, towards Chica, and fire shoots out of the palm of my hand.
Chica screams, and let's go of me.
I drop to the ground, gasping for air. I close my eyes, feeling exhausted, and when I open them again I see clearly again.
The Elementals stare down at me in shock, along with the other student.
I sit and sit against the wall, "I didnt know, I swear!" I say.
Twilight pushes through to the front of the crowd, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose, and offers me his hand.
I take it.
"Welcome to our world, Freddy" Twilight says.
"Wait, but- you're not part of the Elementals" I say, standing up.
Twilight smiles, folds his glasses and slips them in his pockets. He looks at me with tired eyes, and my heart skips a beat.
Under his cap, he has bags under his eyes, and a pale, sallow face. His hand is cold, and shakes in my grip.
With Twilights other hand, he throws it into the sky, creating a rainbow with a gust of wind.
Everyone gasps.
"Are you...who I think you are?" I ask, referring to god.
He chuckles, "no. God is here somewhere though" Twilight says, winking at Puppet.
Twilight let's go of my hand and puts his glasses back on his face. He looks at me, smirking. I feel myself start to blush.
"This is ridiculous!" Chica says, fuming. "I quit!" She stomps away.
"Chica wait!" Violet gasps.
"We need her!" Puppet says, the color draining from his face.
"I'll go get her" I say, glancing at Puppet.
He smiles, and nods.
"Chica wait!" I say running after him.

I feel Freddys hand grab on my shoulder and I take it and twist it. He screams in pain.
"You messed with the wrong Chicken, Freddy" I hiss in his ear.
"You messed with the wrong Bear, Chica" he smiles, breathing fire in my face.
I shriek in pain, letting go of his hand.
"We need you, you're important!" He tells me.
"Fuck off, Mr. Perfect" I yell.
Freddy screams, and blacks out. I see Twilight and the other student and Elementals running over, so i bolt it.

"Freddy!" I yell, running over to him. I love this boy, and I'm not denying it.
"Shes gone!" Marionette tells the group.
All I care about is Freddy though.
"Freddy, are you ok?"

•Rockstar Foxy (RF)•
"Isnt this party amazing?" I ask RB.
He nods, downing a whole beer. The rave lights flashing is enough to give a person even without epilepsy a seizure, but me and my friends are used to it.
My friends are in a band we created called The Rockstars. The band and my my friends consist of Rockstar Bonnie, Rockstar Chica, Rockstar Freddy. RFred is the lead singer, and I'm the vocals.
The beat of the music fills my chest with this feeling, like I can never be sad again.
"Hey NB! Dance with me?" I ask.
He nods, and I take his hand.
I give him a peck on the cheek and we start dancing to the sick beat. Tomorrow we're supposed to be one of the bands performing at Scawthon City School's (SCS) prom.
I twirl RB and he laughs with joy, still not drunk after the ten beers he downed.
One Kiss by Dua Lipa (feat. Calvin Harris) comes on.
I smirk at RB and he returns the smirk.
I peck his forehead and he returns the kiss to me, laughing. We go to the drinks table, and pour ourselves beers, downing them in a few gulps.
We return to the dance floor, dancing our hearts out to the song.

Me and my friends return to our suite. We turn on some music, still laughing from earlier.
"Hey guys!" I say, and start twerking. Dance Monkey is playing right now, (Tones and I).
RB smirks and tweaks with me, and RF is screaming with laughter, along with me and RB.
"Guys! Stop it!" RC says, crying with laughter. Shes the only girl in the band.
Pretty soon we're all dancing and twerking and laughing.
Soon enough RF straightens up and becomes the leader of the group again, "guys we better relax and get some shut eye. Tomorrow is Friday."
We all mutter our agreements and turn the station to the chill radio station. We all fall onto our beds in our designated rooms, shutting our eyes and quickly falling asleep.

FNAF: The Elementals (Book 1 Of Fnaf High School)Where stories live. Discover now