Chapter 40

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Me and Violet walk onto the school grounds and everybody turns to stare at us.
Violet suddenly gets all clingy.
"What?" I ask, looking down at her, so small and fragile.
"Can we go back?" She whispers, looking up at me with puppy dog eyes.
"Why?" I ask.
"Because everyone knows that we went to prison. They won't except us here" Violet whimpers.
"What can they do to us?" I ask.
"I'm not worried about them. I'm worried about them" Violet gestures to our friends glaring at us on their rock.
"Oh. Oh. OH" I shriek, jumping back.
"Yeah..." Violet grins nervously.
"Their not gonna use their power on us here, right?" I ask, mostly myself.
"Well, the whole school knows" Violet says.
"Right...but like... they cant use them violently" I grin hopefully.
"Oh yeah right" Violet says, still not reassured.
"Let's go over and see if anyone missed us" I suggest.
"No!" Violet panics, holding my arm and standing her ground.
I look over my shoulder at her, "really" I say, hair falling in my face.
She nods vigorously.
"Dont make me pick you up and carry you there" I warn.
"Is that a threat?" She asks.
I nod. "Surely you dont wanna be embarrassed that way on our first day back" I smirk.
Something crosses Violets mind and she goes limp and I drag her in the direction of the elementals.
"Hey guys" I say, hoisting Violet up. "Stop being so heavy!" I say through gritted teeth.
Violet gets up and dusts herself off, laughing quietly to herself.
I look back at them, then back at Violet.
Suddenly we're engulfed in a group hug, including all our friends.
"We were so worried!" Someone says.
"We heard about the prison" another sobs.
"Things haven't been the same without you" I hear Ennard say.
"We thought you were dead or injured" Chica wails.
"Give them space" a voice says.
Everyone looks up to find Goldie standing over them.
They all retreat back to the rock guiltyly.
It's only then I realize that the only one who didnt join the hug was Puppet, who's staring at the ground gloomily.
"Puppet?" I start, but then I get interrupted by Marionette, who grabs my wrist and drags me out of eavesdropping distance.
"Puppet hasn't heard from Lefty in a really time and now hes really worried" Marionette tells me.
"Wouldnt it be best to distract him?" I ask, confused.
Marionette shakes her head, "hes probably gonna spend the whole day in the therapists office" Marionette says sadly.
"Why didn't he just stay home?" I ask.
Marionette shrugs, looking over my shoulder.
"Oh his face just brightened!" She squeals happily.

I answer Leftys call, feeling relief fill me up.
"Hey-" I begin.
"I'm so sorry I didnt call you!" Lefty cuts me off.
"Its ok-"
"I know how worried and depressed you get when I dont call on time" Lefty says, interrupting me again.
I dont say anything, because I'll probably just get cut off again.
"Arent you gonna say anything?" Lefty asks.
"Why didnt you call me earlier?" I ask.
"Oh right! I have a surprise for you!" Lefty shrieks.
"What is it?!" I ask eagerly.
"I'm coming to visit this Friday!" Lefty says.
"YOU ARE!?" I yell joyfully into the phone.
"Yes! I heard about your prom this Friday!" Lefty says, explaining the reason behind him coming.
"Thank god!" I sigh.
I hear a voice yell in the background, "oh sorry thats my boss yelling at me to get back to work. See ya tomorrow!" Lefty says.
He hangs up and I shove my phone in my pocket.
"Who was that?" Teal Blue asks.
I jump, noticing that shes still here, "Lefty is coming here for prom!" I say happily.
"Faggot" I hear someone call.
I turn around to see Bon glaring at me with a disgusted look on his face. Chi is also there by his side.
I shrug it off, not wanting to be wanting to be expelled from school otherwise they won't let me go to prom and Leftys coming here would all go to waste.

"Hey hey Bonnie" I say, ruffling his hair.
Bonnie's nose twitches angrily, "stop doing that" Bonnie says.
"What, this?" I say, ruffling his hair again.
Bonnie sighs with a disappointment, making me laugh. I wipe my eyes from the tears coming out of the corners of em from laughing.
"Hey wanna hang out tonight?" I ask.
"Cant. Doing homework with the good ol Freddo" Bonnie says, making Freddy cringe who just so happened to meet us just now.
"Oh hey!" Bonnie says, noticing Freddy.
"Um... hi..." Freddy trails off, covering his nose.
"Hey, lemme boop it!" Bonnie frowns.
"Aye let him boop the nose mate" I say, my private accent coming in heavy suddenly.
Bonnie looks at me strangely and Freddy decides to bolt it.
Bonnie slams his locker door shut and we both take off after him.
Suddenly I grab Bonnie and we come to a halt, Bonnie looks up at me angrily but then realizes what happened.
Freddy ran into Fredrick and now Fredrick is towering over him angrily.
"I wanna help him!" Bonnie whines.
"I don't want you to get hurt. If anything, I'll help him" I say firmly, wrapping my arms around the grapes torso.
Bonnie goes limp in my arms and I smile, glad I dont have to wrestle with him, even though I easily overpower him by like, a lot.

Fredrick punches me multiple times and I cry out in pain all those times. I wouldn't say I'm weak, but I'm not as strong as him. Hes on the football team and works out every week. I'm on the soccer team and I'm in band as vocals.
Frederick slams me against the rock hard wall, knocking the air out of me. I barely have time to gasp for breath before he has his hands wrapped around my throat.
I look around frantically, trying to find one of the elementals in the circle to save me, but of course no one is here. Not even Chica.
"So funny, how you recently got released from the hospital just to get beaten up by your cousin" Fredrick teases gleefully.
"Stop!" Someone says quietly.
Then since no one listened to that tiny voice, another, bigger one can be heard over everyone.
"Enough is enough" Goldies powerful voice can be heard throughout the circle.
Then I see Goldies face, his eyes arent the usual color. They black with a tiny white glowing dot in the middle, the way his eyes are when something angers him, or hes about to let it loose.

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