Chapter 16

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The next morning...

"Get up sleepyhead" Vi says.
"Im not going" i say.
"Dont give up now" Vi says.
"Im too tired please leave alone tonight" i say, rolling over with my eyes still closed.
"Fine i'll let you have it just this once" Vi says, leaving.

Oh look, theres Lolbit.
"Hey wheres Vincent?" She asks.
"Hes taking a day off. He deserves it" i tell the famous Youtuber.
"Oh ok" Lolbit says.
"Wanna have some have fun without him?" I smirk.
Lolbit nods eagerly.
"Wanna leave the school grounds today?" I ask, of course Lolbit nods, "have you ever drank before?" I ask.
"Nope!" She says.
I roll my eyes, "it shows".
"Yo! Where are you two off to?" Molten asks.
"We're leaving the school grounds, wanna come?" I ask.
"Count me in!" Molten smirks, jogging to catch up with us.
"Where are we headed?" Molten asks.
"You choose. You know the city better, also, the bar is out of the question" i tell him.
"Aw! Whatever. Ok about that cafe near the bar?" He asks.
"Sure! I used to go there for coffee" i nod, and Lolbit agrees.

"What is it, Chase?" I ask.
"Nothing..." Chase smirks, a light shade of pink brushing his cheeks.
"Well if its nothing can you go?" I ask.
"Well, um...actually..." Chase begins.
"Uh huh" i nod, wrapping my ear buds around my phone.
Suddenly Chase grabs my collar and whispers in my ear, "would you like to go to the cafe and ditch school?" He asks, then he pulls back.
Its only then i notice his features, he has pale baby blue eyes, messy brown hair that looks like his brothers, and his cheeks have a slight brush of pale freckles, only a shade darker than his skin.
"Are you kidding me? Yes!" I exclaim quietly.
"I knew you would come!" Chase says, smiling with victory.
Then i notice that hes wearing eye liner, "wait, youre wearing eye liner?" I ask.
"Yeah, so?" He asks, flashing me a bright, white, shiny smile.
"So let the fun begin" i say, ditching my books in my locker and we head for exit.

I glance down the hallway as usual, looking for Foxy. He heads down the hallway towards me, "hey Mangle. Do you know Springtrap?" He asks.
"Yeah...thats that edgy kid who dyed their hair green permantly for a dare" i say, trying my best to remember, "the last i ever saw him was when we got partnered up for a project last year, why?"
"Well, we were hanging out earlier today and he said he likes you" Foxy says.
"Like, like likes?" I ask.
Foxy nods.
"I dont believe it" i say calmly, shaking my head.
"Lassie! If you dont believe it then i guess Springtrap will just have to confront you himself" Foxy says.
"Heh..." i say sheepishly.

•Vincent •
"And you know what i said to him?" The bartender asks me.
"Yeah...i dont really care but ok" i say, gulping down another glass of beer.
I block out what he said because i didnt really want to hear it. I should get out of here before they show the wanted criminals on TV...
"Thanks for the beers man, cya" i leave the tip on the counter and i head out.
"Finally some fresh air" i murmur to myself.
Its twelve pm right now, Violet and the others would be having lunch by now i decide to grab something to eat in the cafe, its only a ten minute walk, really not that far away from my favourite bar in the whole entire city.
I enter the cafe and see Violet, Lolbit, and Molten laughing and having fun together. I guess they decided to eat here.
"Hi what can i get for you?" The cashier asks.
"A plain bagel and cold glass of water please" i order.
"Coming right up, that'll be two fifty please" she says.
I give her the money and head over to the small crew, "hey guys" i say.
"Oh Vincent! What are you doing here?" Violet asks.
"Well, whem i woke up at ten i decided to go to that bar ten minutes from here, and then i decided to lunch would be nice so here i am. I had to sit through the bartenders terrible jokes again" i roll my eyes.
"Wait, so..youre drunk right now?" Lolbit asks.
"Yeah" i say.
We all just exist in that awkard silence right now, because nobody knows what to say.
"Order for Vincent O'Dair?" The cashier calls.
I go up to the counter quickly and head back to my friends, "what were guys laughing at" i ask.
"Oh something Molten said" Violet says.
"Sorry i must be a burden to you guys right now. You go have your fun" i say, turning to leave.
"No its not that Vincent, we were just shocked to see you here" Lolbit says quickly.
I sip on my cold water and take a bite of my bagel, "ok then" i say, watching at two Freshman enter the cafe.
"Oh look its Vincent" the green haired kid whispers to the brown haired kid.
I narrow my eyes at them, its Plushtrap, and Chase, the player.

I watch as Bonnie crosses the football field toward me. Me and Mangle are just fooling around, having fun together.
"Hey" Bonnie says.
Mangle glances at me with a knowing smirk. I try to make my face as emotionless as possible, "hey".
"Sooooo" Bonnie says awkwardly, not knowing what to say now.
"Hey Bonnie, Springtrap is your cousin, right?" Mangle asks.
"Yeah why?" Bonnie asks.
"Foxy said Springtrap likes me?" Mangle phrases it like a question, i know its not.
"Oh...welp" Bonnie says, glancing toward the school, "there he is".
"Oh yeah he was gonna tell you personally that he likes you, Mang" i remember.
"Oh" Mangle says, blushing. Everyone falls silent as Springtrap approaches.
I decide to break the silence by acting normal, "hey Springtrap, whats up man?" I greet him.
"Nothing much, i know for sure that im a nervous wreck though" Springtrap says, shaking his head, "Mangle, did Foxy tell you that i like you?" Springtrap says bravely.
"Yeah he did" Mangle says.
"Well i was wondering if you'd like to go out for dinner tonight" Springtrap asks.
"Where would we go though?" Mangle asks.
"A cheap date, i was thinking" Springtrap says nervously.
"Sure, we'll split the check" Mangle agrees happily, making Springtrap smile.
Bonnie's phone dings and he checks the text he got.
He slips his phone back in his pocket and clears his throat, "Foxy, may i speak to you in private?" Scarlet crosses his cheeks.
I try my best to remain emotionless and i say, "sure" without asking questions.
I follow Bonnie to the sidelines of the football field where the bleachers are.
"I have something to tell you" Bonnie says.
"What is it?" I ask, curious.
We glance back to where Springtrap and Mangle are laughing something, making sure our relatives are ok with each other right now.
"I like you. Like like you" Bonnie chokes out.
My face remains emotionless, i know its not very comforting for Bonnie right now but i have to hide my feelings.
"Youre really good at hiding your emotions" Bonnie notices.
Fine i'll tell him, "i like you too, but my dad doesnt support lgbt, so if we start i'd have to keep a secret" i say.
"Do you want to be my boyfriend? At all?" Bonnie asks, his hands shaking.
"Yes i do" i say, smiling, "but i have to tell my dad that youre just a friend" i add.
"Thats fine by me" Bonnie says, looling relieved at my show of emotion.
We wall back over to where Springtrap and Mangle have serious expressions, so they must be talking about something serious.
"What are you guys talking about?" I ask, letting curiosity get the better of me.
"The upcoming math test" Mangle says.
Well that was an unexcpected answer.

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