Chapter 24

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I slam my locker door shut, and it makes a satisfying, metallic clunk.
"Hey Night!" Plushtrap says eagerly, and i smile to myself. I got him hooked, wrapped around me for all of enternity.
"Go away Plushtrap" i hiss.
His smile fades from view, "but i thought you liked me! Like actually liked me this time" Plushtrap says sadly.
"Go away! Leave me alone for the rest of my life" i yell.
He nods and turns in the oppisite direction im going.
"Hey Bonette" i smile.
She stiffens.
"Did i tell you how beautiful you are?" I ask.
She turns around and unexcpectedly punches me in the face, "fuck off you filthy little bitch! I know what youre up to and you cant fool me that easily" she growls happily.
I rub my face where she hit me.
"God ive always wanted to punch you in the face! That felt so good!" She says, then sprints to class.
I furrow my brows and scan the crowd until my eyes land on....Helpy! Hes so innocent and caught up in helping other in his own happy world he wont know what hit him!
"Hey" i say to Helpy.
"Hi! How may i be of service to you today?" He asks cheerfully.
This might be harder than i thought.
"No i just wanted to say that your little top hat looks cute on you" i smile kindly.
"Thanks! If thats all i be going to class?" Helpy asks.
"No i- thats not all!" I frown, and he frowns too.
"What is it? Something you want, need to tell someone?" Helpy asks with a concerned look on his face.
"Not at all!" I say, smirking, "youre just really cute" i say, ruffling his hair.
"Thanks!" He says happily, "youre not so bad looking yourself!" He says.
Hold up, does he know im flirting with him? But he tries to ignore the fact?
"Uh" oh god this has never happened to me before!
"Night, stop hitting on Helpy, hes small and innocent" Bon Bon says, sounding very disappointed.
Damnit! What is wrong with me?

The bell rings amd i escape class. Its finally 3pm! I hate school so much, i stuggle getting up to go to school like what the fuck.
I push my glasses up the bridge of my nose and rush to my locker.
"Hey" Lolbit says.
"Hey" i grin, opening my locker and grabbing my backpack.
"Can i tell you something?" Lolbit asks nervously.
"Yeah what is it?" I ask.
"Im sorry Molten" she whispers under her breath, "i like like you" she says quickly.
"Weird" i mutter, slamming my locker door shut. Then i decide to have to some fun.
I carress her cheek slowly, "you best believe i believe you that you like me" i murmur into her ear.
She blushes when im suddenly slammed into a row of lockers, "keep your filthy hands off her" Molten yells.
"Molten!" Lolbit gasps fearfully.
Molten goes to choke me, and he successfully wraps his hand around my throat.
"I swear if you touch her again" Molten says, and my vision starts fading away.
"Molten stop it! I told him i like like him!" Lol pleads.
"You....what?" Molten says, dropping me, shocked.
"Im sorry! I know you kissed me the other night, but i like him" Lolbit says, tears forming in her eyes.
Molten angrily runs away and i watch him go with wide eyes, then i turn back to Lolbit, "he kissed you?!" I ask.
Lolbit nods guiltily, then runs away. Vincent watches her leave, wait, Vincent?
"What are you doing here?" I ask.
He clears his throat, "i was just asking if you wanted to hang out today" he asks.
"Where?" i ask.
"Either my place or the bar?" He asks.
"Sure i dont really care" i shrug.
"Vincent! What are we doing?" Violet asks.
"Well i was going to chill with Twi-"
"Trainging tonight at 6pm sharp!" Puppet yaps.
"Training?" I wonder aloud.
"Heh yeah, would you like to join us?" Vincent asks.
"VINCENT! He doesnt know" Violet whispers sharply.
"Actually..." Puppet says, peering at me, staring deep into my soul.
"What?" I ask innocently.
"Let him come" Puppet says, snapping his fingers.

At training...

I watch as Vincent places his hand on a light outline of a handprint and a secret door opens in the base of the bridge. I enter with curiosity, we descend a not the steep, narrow staircase until we enter an open area lit by torches resting at the sides of the walls.
Violet, Vincent, Lolbit, Teal Blue, Chica, and Ennard stand in a line, facing Puppet.
"Good, you're all here, including Twilight" Puppet says, nodding his head in my direction, where im leaning against the wall in a dark corner.
"For this training session im gonna get you to control where your power goes" Puppet says, glancing in my direction again.
"Thats gonna be so hard!" Teal complains.
"Try. Now begin" Puppet says.
I watch with great interest as everyone reveals their powers to me, Violet with nature powers, Vincent with fire and ice powers, Chica with the force, Lolbit with light, Ennard with electricity, and Teal Blue, earthquake?
"Hey" someone says, and i look toward the source of the voice. Its Marionette.
"Hey" i say, sitting down because my legs are tired.
Marionette sits down beside me and we stay like that for a while.
"I dont understand why Puppet said i could come" i say, finally breaking the silence.
"Hey, look into my eyes" she says, and i do, i turn my head and look straight into her....beautiful, black eyes that contain the whole entire galaxy in them.
"I can sense something settled deep inside you, i think youre one of us" she says.
"Strange" i say, still lost in her eyes. She looks away, blushing, breaking the trance.
I shake my head, not sure what came over me.
"Hey Mari" Puppet says, sitting down next to Marionette.
"Hey Puppet" she says, they watch the training for a bit. It seems like Chica, Ennard, Violet, and Lolbit got it. Teal Blue and Vincent are having some frustration.
"Who was first?" Marionette asks.
"Ennard, then Chica, then Violet, Lolbit being last" Puppet answers.
"GOT IT!" Teal exclaims happily.
We watch Vincent in silence for a bit, when Puppet says, "entertaining, isnt it, Twilight?" He asks me.
I nod.
"Finally!" Vincent says ten minutes later.
Puppet gets up, "welp, thats it for todays training session" Puppet smiles.
I sneak a glance at Marionette, i catch her looking, and she looks away quickly, blushing.
"You are all dismissed, Twilight, stay back for a moment" Puppet says. We watch everyone leave.
I approach Puppet.
"Come to my place tomorrow after school, third avenue" he says, handing me the adress, "i need to talk to you, but it cant be now because im busy now" he turns and disappears into the shadows.

FNAF: The Elementals (Book 1 Of Fnaf High School)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant