Chapter 35

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After school

I sniff, wiping tears from face. I grasp Freddys hand firmly in mine. Theres a knock on the door, and I look up, seeing my friend, Mangle enter, without her boyfriend.
"Hey" she says gently, pulling a chair to sit beside me.
"Hi" i cough.
She runs my back gently. She's like a mother to me when i need it.
"Itll be ok" Mang says.
I nod, "it's supposed to be me laying on the bed" I say, voice wavering.
"No it's not. The universe did this for a reason. Lest that reason be good or bad" Mangle says.
She wraps her arms around me in a warm hug, and I cry into her shoulder.

Yard time. Yay. I look around the courtyard and spot that one guy...coming towards me.
"Yo skinny ass" he teases me.
I furrow my brows, "I have a skinny ass?" I ask.
The guy stops in his tracks and I take this time to bolt away and hide behind the bleachers.
I look down and spot a note. I take it and read over it quickly.

Shadow is hitting on me. Send help ~Violet

That triggers me.
I hoist myself up so I'm sitting on top of the bleachers. I scan the yard, and I spot Shadow lurking in the shadows. The prison guards keep me and Violet apart in attempts to keep everyone alive, and probably torture us even more than we're being tortured already.
I hop off the bleachers and sprint towards Shadow, grabbing collar of his suit and slamming him against the wall.
"Leave my girl alone" I hiss under my breath.
"I'm protecting her!" Shadow gasps out of fear.
"Yeah right. Explain this" I yell in his face, shoving the note under his nose.
"Violet is lying! I'm not hitting on her!" Shadow says after scanning the note.
"Says the liar himself. I know you, Shadow Brisg" I hiss.
"HOW DO KNOW HIM! HOW DO KNOW MY OLDER BROTHER!" Shadow screams, terrified.
"Oh he goes to my school" I smile, embracing the moment.
"Ok I'll admit I did die. I was legally dead for 3 minutes and 48 seconds. I saw an abandoned crumbling building amd then I woke up, facing Maribelle."
I release him amd he drops to the ground.
"And I do like Violet, but I'm not hitting on her" Shadow admits sheepishly.
"Shes mine. Domt do anything sexual" I sigh.

•Scrap Baby•
"Well hey, nice to meet you" Ennard says, shaking my hand. He has pastel blue eyes and wears a nice grey suit.
I can see uncertainty in his eyes while shaking my hand, searching my face for some kind of reaction.
I domt give him one. My face remains a solid neutral expression.
He draws his hand back and cradles it to his chest, then glances back at me. Those eyes have seen some thing.
I glance around at everyone else's eyes. They have all seen some thing.
Marionette urges Puppet to the side, away from the rock and everyone else, and my eyes trail after them.
I watch as Puppet shakes Marionettes shoulders, and she buries her face in hands, shoulder heaving like shes crying.
I cock my head towards them with interest and my eye twitches.
"Earth to Scrap" Molten says, and I can feel my body shake while moves my shoulders back and forth.
I shake my head, "sorry what?" I ask.
Molten clears his throat awkwardly, "we have a lot of questions to ask you." The bell rings. "Which will be asked later, at lunch probably. What class do you have?" Molten asks.
"Um, I didn't even get to the office yet" I say quietly. "I dont know where it is" I add in.
"Well I'll show you" Molten says, half-smiling.

I sigh, getting out of my car. I took lessons a year ago and only just got my license.
I read the words spread horizontally across the front of the building: Scawthon Prison.
I heard from Marionette that my brother is still alive. My little brother, after all these years.
I step into the building and the man at the front desk looks up. He has a scar running across his nose and a scratch on his hand when he reaches it up to wave at me.
I approach the desk, "hello. I'm hear to speak to Shadow Brisg" I tell the man. He has full green and shocking blond hair. He has stubble on his chin and when he opens his mouth to speak he has a tooth missing.
"I assume you're Twilight Brisg?" The man asks.
I nod nervously.
"Perfect! Shadow should already be waiting for you. Say, I've never seen you around here, but judging by the last name you two are brothers?" He asks.
I nod.
"Ok. Well domt wanna keep you up waiting too long. Down the hall on your first left" he says.
I repeat the directions to the phone room under my breath. It's very simple but I'm terrible at directions.
I enter the first room to my left and there, I see a worried fifteen year old pacing.
I sit in a booth amd grab the phone since we are separated by very soundproof plastic.
"Hello?" I ask.
Shadow sees me and sits across from me. "Long time no see, brother".
The words are hot on his tongue, and I can see one of his eyes turning red.
"Why is your eyes red?" I ask nervously.
His gaze falls to the table in front of him, whom he is leaning on. His posture is slouched now and his hair falls in front of his face, covering his eyes.
"We dont talk about that. This is my first and final warning to you" Shadow says with a hint of anger in his deep voice.
"Ok" I simply say, because I'm too stressed to say much of anything else.
"So how've you been?" Shadow asks.
"Good" I lie.
Shadow looks up and looks me straight in the eye, they narrow the more they stare into my soul.
My hands starts to shake, not from the cold, but from the fear.
His eye starts to turn red again, while his nails grow longer and curve until their fully grown claws like a monster.
"Liar" he whispers.
"What?" I whisper back.
Bony wings sprout on his back and the scars on his red eye become more visible.
"LIAR!" Shadow yells.

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