Chapter 13

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"What was that all about?" I ask, referring to what Marionette said earlier.
"Nothing" Vincent shrugs.
"Dont be keeping secrets from me like that!" I yell, as we walk home.
"Ok fine, i'll admit, Puppet kissed me" i say, rubbing the back of my neck sheepishly.
"Nice" Violet smirks, then gasps, "what about my dad?" She asks.
"Dont worry, Puppet erased the scene from everyones memories" Vincent smiles with ease, making me sigh with relief.
"We're home!" I call, as we enter my apartment.
"Welcome home, dearies!" Mom says, hugging me. I awkwardly hug her back.
Me and Vincent put our backpacks on the floor of the entrance and head into the kitchen, preparing PB and J sandwiches for our after school snack.
"Whats the rush?" Mom asks.
"Me and Vincent are going to shop for some new clothes" i say happily.
"Are you going to the library after that again?" Mom asks.
Vincent looks at me with narrowed eyes, but the gaze is sweet this time, like, a piercing sweet.
"No we're going to see a movie after" i say, knowing which one me and Vincent will absolutely love because theres a lot of blood and gore.
"Did you just ask me out?" Vincent asks between mouthfulls of PB&J.
I nod, finishing off my sandwich.
"Well you two enjoy your movie then" Mom smiles.
"Yes ma'am" me and Vincent joke.
"Welp, cya later" i say, and we're off.

We step out of the building into a slight drizzle.
"Welp" i say flatly.
Violet laughs, "cmon Vince! If we walk faster, we get to cover quicker, we dry quicker. We can buy an umbrella at the mall" Violet says.
"Vince?" I ask.
"My nickname for you" i smile.
"Ok" i shrug.
Twenty minutes later we arrive at the mall, my shoes squishing because they got soaked.
Violet pulls me into the closest shop, then gasps, pulling me out, giggling.
"Sorry about that, i wasnt looking at the store i pulled you in" Violet laughs, gesturing to a lingerie store.
I gasp, my face flushing, "Vi!" I say, since she gave me the nickname "Vince".
"There!" Violet gasps happily, pointing to another shop.
I make happy Vincent noises and dash into the shop, picking up every single item i like.
When im done i have ten different shirts, the styles kind of alike. I have several pairs of skinny jeans, two new pairs of socks.
"Im not paying for your clothes! They're expensive!" Violet grins when we aproach the counter.
I just smiles and place them on the counter.
"That'll be thirty fifty please" the cashier says.
I smile and hand him a two twenties, taking the bag my clothes were shoved in.
"Have a nice day" the cashier says.
"You too" i say.
"Where do you get all that money from?" Violet asks.
"My parents" i smile.
"WHAT! I thought they were horrible assholes" Violet shrieks.
"Shut up! This is a library" i laugh.
"No its not!" Violet says, as we entering a girls clothing store for Vi's clothes, "so...youre not at all concerned that we just entered a womens clothing store?"
"Nope" i say, my smile disappearing so i dont look like a creep.
Ten minutes later Violets ready to pay.
"That will be fifteen please" the cashier says.
"Crap! I only brought a ten with me for clothes" Violet gasps.
"Here" i say, giving the cashier one of my fives.
"Thank you have a nice day" the cashier smiles, blushing at me.
"Hey hes mine!" Violet says, "but same goes for you too!" We leave the store.
"The movie starts in ten minutes" Violet says, walking towards the in mall theatre.
"How long is the movie?" I ask.
"Its an hour long, so it'll be done at five thirty" Violet says.
"Nice" i say, "what movie are we watching anyways?" I ask.
"You'll see".
Ten minutes later we pay to get and see the movie. I glance down at my ticket, "my demons?! Ive always wanted to see that movie!" I exclaim, making even more happy Vincent noises.
We chat away in the theatre, until the screen tells everyone to turn off their phone and shut up so that everyone enjoys the show.
The plot of the show goes like this: Saton births son, son goes to human world, son runs into trouble and depression, son meets girl, son falls for girl, girl falls for girl, son turns gay and lives happily ever after with his boyfriend.
"Interesting. But what are we gonna do for the ten minutes we have left?" I ask, since it will take us twenty minutes to get to the bridge from here.
"Easy" she says, and pretty soon we're in front of a nail salon, "you might not want to do it" Violet says guiltily.
"My bi ass is saying hell yeah!" I say, and pretty soon we're both getting ten minute manicures.
"That will be fifty please" the cashier says.
Since Violet doesnt seem to have brought any more money with her i magically produce my fifty dollar bill.
We both got our nails painted black!
"Crap, we got fifteen minutes!" Violet gasps.
"No problem" i say.

"Their a minute late" i say.
"Oh silly! Youre just eager to see Vincent!" Marionette teases me.
"What?" Teal Blue and Chica ask, stopping their conversation.
"Nothing! Mari's just teasing me cuz of a show she saw" i cover.
Marionette frowns, "Puppet, you never use my nickname in public. Whats up?" She asks.
"Nothing is up, except the ceiling, the light, the clouds, and the sky, oh and space, the moon, the stars, black holes, Jupiter, Saturn, Mars, and other planets. Oh and the sun" i say.
"Jeeze you dont have to get so technical on me" Marionette says, rolling her eyes.
"Sorry we're late, we got manicures" Violet says, as her and Vincent burst into the room.
"Huh. A boy got a manicure" Teal Blue says.
"I bet its only because his girlfriend got one!" Chica teases.
"ITS NOTHING LIKE THAT!" Violet gasps.
"You wish" Vincent says, as Violet hops off his back.
"We're just friends, Vince" Violet says, booping Vincents nose.
"Alright, we have a training session here now" i say unprofessionally.
"Are you sure youre ok, Puppet?" Marionette asks.
"I said yes, Mari" i bristle.
"Ok then" Mari sasses.
"So...for todays training session, we will be.... we will be..." i trail off.
"Puppet something is obviousky wrong with you" Marionette says.
"No im fine!" I claim.
"No youre not! Tell me whats wrong" Marionette pleads.
"Yeah, Puppet. Tell us whats wrong" Teal says.
"Like i said, nothings wrong" i say, feeling a bit dizzy, "lets continue on with the session" i try, "today we will be...doing.....fuck it!" I say, thowing my hands in the air, "i cant do this anymore" i head into my office.
"Puppet!" Marionette pleads, "please!"
"What is it, Marionette?" I ask.
"We both know the reason you are doing this" Marionette says, voice emotionless.
I collapse on the ground, tearing up, "i cant Mari. I just cant!" I say, hiding my face in my hands. This is so embarrassing.
"Puppet, i am unable to do this, thats why you have to" Marionette says.
"Because your emotions got in the way, thats what happened to mom, then she met dad. Dad killed mom then killed himself, passing it down to me, because us males never let feelings get in the way" i say.
"Puppet...please dont tell me..."
"Yes. Its excactly that. I caught feelings for Vincent, and now i cant anymore" i say, letting a sob get out.
"Puppet no!" Marionette says, her voice fading.
"Im lost" i say.
"Please domt say that! If this happens will accept us, we dont want it to happen" Marionette says.
I stand up, drying my face, "youre right" i say, facing Marionette with narrowed eyes, "i might as well go jump off a cliff before dad kills us" i say.
"You dont mean that, do you?" Marionette asks.
"No i dont..." i faint.

I rush to catch Puppet before his head hits the ground. Oh shit.
I let go him quickly and scramble away in fear, "no. Impossible" i whisper.
"What is it?" Marionette asks.
I leave the bridge, into the thunderstorm. Fear engulfs my vision entirely.

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