Chapter 21

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I look up from the floor, as Chica completes the dare she was given. She dances around the circle like a monkey as everyone laughs, that is, except me and Vincent.
Vincent has his eyes closed and his head back, seeming deeply disturbed my something.
Suddenly my phone dings and i check the text.
"Puppet its Lefty" i mutter.
"What does he say?" Puppet asks.
We both peer down at the tiny screen.
Lefty: Im coming back this friday
Me and Puppet stare at each other in shock.
Mari: thats great! Me and puppet miss u so much!
Lefty: under different circumstances i would be happier
Mari: why whats wrong?
Lefty: im working on a murder case, lemme send the pic of his face
Lefty sends the picture and its the photo of Vincents face!
Mari: hes all over the news
Lefty: ik could u guys help me?
Mari: im sry we cant
Lefty: why not?
Mari: gtg playing t or d w friends
I turn off notifications, then i slip my phone back in my pocket. Me and Puppet share worried looks.
"Puppet truth or dare" Freddy says.
"Dare" Puppet smiles.
"I dare you to kiss Marionette because why not" Freddy shrugs.
Me and Puppet start laughing, "we kiss each other all the time" that recieves a few strange looks because everyone here knows we're siblings. Puppet kisses my forehead and backs away, and we assume our natural positions.
"Violet truth or dare".

"Truth" i choose.
"Hm, is it true that your dad is the chief cop?" Puppet asks, a thoughtful expression plastered on his face.
"Yeah" i say, nodding.
"Whats it like?" Puppet asks.
"The same as having a dad with a normal not so important job" i shrug.
"Cool" Puppet grins.
"Vincent truth or dare" i say, staring at the floor with a distant look, or i think i have distant look on my face.
I wait patiently, my eyes feelimg kinda heavy. Ok now hes taking so long to answer.
"Vincent, truth or dare" i say irritatedly, looking up soon to find out that hes asleep, "oh jeeze" i sigh. Then i noticed the disturbed look on his face and the sweat beading his forehead.
I look around and it seems everyone else has noticed as well. Suddenly he jerks awake, eyes wide.
"Hi welcome back to life" i say.
"Huh? What?" Vincent asks, a wave of confusion crossing his face, which is short lived as i explained what had happened.
"Oh sorry" Vincent apologizes.
"Yeah, so truth or dare?" I snap.
"Truth!" Vincent blurts out.
"What were dreaming about? You had an unsettling look on your face" i say, concern crossing my face.
"What?" Vincent asks, looking up.
I ask the question again with more annoyance in my voice.
"Sorry what?" Vincent asks.
"It would be really helpful if you were actually paying attention!" I say.
"Sorry" Vincent looks down at his phone, "its one am and im exhausted" i sigh.
"Fine. Lets go home" i say, standing up, "we'll see you all tomorrow, Vincent needs sleep" i say, they all nod, and me and Vince leave.

At home

"What was your dream about? Please tell me!" Violet begs.
I just shrug, im haunted by that effing dream.
"Tell me now or im forcing it outta you" Violet says fiercely.
"Ok. I had a dream, i was running. Away. Just running, the breeze, the wind blowing through my hair, pushing it back, leaving ny face exposed. I could finally breathe. Then i was at the beach, i looked down and saw a face, i couldnt quite tell the features of it but i have a pretty good feeling it was you.
Suddenly i was running again, but it was raining. I could stop, but i didnt want to. I felt so refreshed, running, dancing, prancing in the rain.
Then i was falling, i cried out, reaching up as the darkness swallowed me up, abut nobody heard my cries.
Then i saw a hand, reaching, grabbing onto my redm scratched hand from moving aside bushes filled with thorns, and i held onto that hand like it was my lifeline, and all along it was you i was grasping onto" i conclude.
"Thats a very disciptive dream there, Vince, what could it possibky mean?" Violet wonders aloud, but our thoughts are interrupted when the soft click of the door rings through the silent house.
"Mom? What is it?" Violet asks, coming out of our room, me following shortly behind, "i mean dad..."
"I have good news" Mr. Aflet says happily, "we have a lead" he cheers.
"Thats good, isnt it?" Violet asks, unsure of her reply. We share a worried look, but my look soon becomes one of confusion. What does she know?
"Could we get Vincent a therapist? Hes going through a hard time in his life right now" Violet asks.
"Sure. Your mom is getting paid soon so we're able to afford that" Mr. Aflet says happily, taking off his light buisness coat.
"Thanks dad" Violet smiles, and with that we head back into our room.
We sit in silence for a while, me, playing with a thread on my purple long sleeve shirt, her, reading a book.
"Hey Violet" i sigh.
"Hm?" She looks up from her book.
"I just wanted to say thank you. For entering my life and making me to feel better" i smiles at her truthfully.
"I was just about to say the same thing" Vi says, sitting down on the couch next to me.
"If it werent for you i'd probably be lost, wanderimg the lonely streets, homeless" i say.
"I know" Vi says softly.
"Wanna go get lit tonight?" I ask.
"Sure. We'll leave around seven, telling my parents that we're studying at the library. We'll have five glasses of whatever we want and wait till one in the morning to return" Violet plans quietly, so that her dad doesnt hear.
I nod, agreeing with her plan.
"Also, when are we going to tell your parents?" I ask.

FNAF: The Elementals (Book 1 Of Fnaf High School)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ