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"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ANN!" Hoseok and Sara cheered the moment they saw Anna turn the corner into the corridor.

"Thank you so much, guys!" She hugged each of them tightly.

"I bought you something!" Sara sang as she dug through her backpack.

"Actually, the three of us bought it." Hoseok corrected, nudging his busy girlfriend.

"Was my idea though." Sara stuck her tongue out at Hoseok and continued shoveling into her bag.

"Gosh, can you both quit quarreling? It's only 8:30 in the morning!" Jungkook exasperated.

"Ah, here you are!" Sara mumbled to herself with a smile and pulled out a small box from her bag, holding it before Anna.

"Go on, take a look." Hoseok clapped his hands, a heart-shaped smile adorning his face.

Anna took the box and opened it. Her breath caught in her throat.

"Oh, my god!" She gasped, cupping her mouth with one palm as her eyes studied a delicate, gold chain with a pendant of the sun, moon and star together.

"Oh, my god!" She gasped, cupping her mouth with one palm as her eyes studied a delicate, gold chain with a pendant of the sun, moon and star together

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"This is beautiful, guys!" Anna gave them her warmest smile.

"This represents our friendship, Ann. I'm your sun that'll shed light when everything is bleak." Hoseok brushed Anna's mane.

"I'm the moon that'll accompany you through your dark nights." Sara smiles at her best friend.

"And I'm the star that be there for you no matter what, whether it's day or night, I'll always be there for you." Jungkook kissed his girlfriend's temple.

"Woah, woah! Wait, a second!" Sara exclaimed.

"Are we missing something?" Hoseok inquired.

Anna pursed her lips, holding back her smile as she looked at Jungkook who was giving her his iconic bunny-smile.

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