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"Morning, beautiful." Taehyung placed a kiss on my cheek and turned me around to face him.

"Morning." I snuggled my face into his chest, feeling my body heat up at last night's memories.

"Did you sleep well?"

I hummed in reply, "I did. Did you?"

"The best sleep I've had in years, baby." Taehyung's arms encircled my waist, pulling me close to his torso, "Can I take you out tonight?"


I managed a smile and nodded my head, "Yes, you can."

"Wonderful!" Taehyung let go and sat up, "Let me make some breakfast for us!"

"Tae... I need to go home. I'm sorry, I need to fix things with Jungkook."

Even though I saw his smile fall a bit, he nodded, "I understand. Let me drop you home, at least."

I shook my head slightly, "I messaged Hobi your address, he'll be here in an hour."

At first Hobi was shocked when I revealed that I was dating none other than my high school art teacher, but he didn't judge us or our relationship. In fact, he was quite warm and accepting. After a good exchange of greetings and getting to know each other, Hobi and I finally left Tae's house.

"I'll miss you." I said. I didn't want to think that this was possibly the last time I was seeing him.

"I'll miss you too, but I'm gonna see you this evening anyway." He smile and kissed my lips. I kissed him back like my life depended on it. Like it was the last time. I hugged him tightly one last time before walking away with Hobi.

"You smell like sex." He sniffed the air like a little puppy while I stared at him with wide eyes. I didn't think he'd catch me off-guard like that.

He looked at my shock-struck face and chuckled.

"I'm sure you'd know what it smells like." I smirked, this time I was the one to catch him off-guard while his chuckles stopped abruptly.

"Funny." Hobi unlocked his car, "We've been friends for so long, and yet, we've never spoken about these things before."

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