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"Ayah, we are going to be late!" my sister yelled from the living room downstairs. I was busy putting on some make up for the function I was forced to go. It was my sister zayda's best friend Hawa's wedding. I know they are very close, but what's the need of me to go along, and besides I have alot of work to do.


"Hold your horses, I'm coming" I yelled slipping on my black pumps. I was wearing a simple but fancy black floor length dress my mother got me for Eid and paired it with a red scarf and a red clutch bag. Even though it was last minute, I had to look presentable,  although I don't aim to impress anyone. Like I said before it was 'my sister's best friend's' wedding and I had no business there. But i guess my sister needed a plus 1...and I didn't want to let her down.

I skipped out my bedroom door and slid down the strair bars landing right infront of the front door.

"All ready...let's go!" I said sarcastically.

"Why did you do that, you could have damaged your dress" my sister whined checking if I did any damage to the dress. Like I cared. I could have worn my PJs if I wanted to.
"You look good. Now let's go support our friend" she said snaking her arm around my elbow leading me out the door to her car.

My sister Zayda, got her own car after 2 years of working for the national bank. She hated her job but she had to work there because she was on a contract. My mother told her to get married and quit the job to allow her husband to take care of her, but just like me, we had no interest of being housewives or wives at all for that matter. What's the point in getting into something that might end in failure...just like my mother's case. Even though she says that's not always the case. By the amount of divorcees in our community...ehm...I beg to differ.

"You mean yOuR friend?!"

" But you're my sister so basically she's yours too"  Zayda said before driving away.


I was glued to my seat pretty much the entire evening as I watched people walking around convercing and complementing the lovely couple, with their stunning expensive glamorous gowns flouting all over the place. It was very dragging as I grew more bored by the second. The fact that my plus 1 was not even with me, made it worse. We got separated since we came here and I was left by the loser table just looking around and finding something interesting to gaze at. This wedding was a total bore. Not to be mean or anything. The room showed the effort they put and it looked glamorous and beautiful. That's the only thing that made it interesting.

In the midst of my thoughts and admiration for the decor my stomach began to grumble. Serves me right for skipping lunch to get my work done. I was working on a project for my final paper at uni. I was studying interior design. Something I've been passionate about ever since I was little. I decided to go to the buffet and grab whatever looked appetising.

The place was pretty empty with hardly any food on the table. The hungry guests had beat me to it. That made me even more frustrated, but I managed to grab a few samosas and a spring roll. As I turned to get back to my table a tall lean looking figure stood before me with his back facing me. He was wearing a fancy black tux. Must be a rich guy or something. He totally gave off that vibe, by the way he held his phone and how he carelessly stood in my way even after I said excuse me several times. I knew he could hear me, because other than my stubborness I was also blessed with a pretty loud mouth which my mother begged me to control.

"Excuse me, may I go through" I said trying to keep my anger down. But the guy didn't budge. So arrogant he is.

"Yo bozzo, move it will you! Some people are trying to get through"
And with that he put his phone down and turned to me aggresively.

"What did you just call me!" He scolded softly.
Oh-oh. Something tells me this is about to become a fancy night. I swallowed dryly.


Eid- A Muslim festival celebrating the end of a fasting period.

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