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I got home after a long hard day of bargaining. Someone found out that I was planning on quiting the company and planning to start my own and the board was made aware. As viciouse as they were, they had to set ultumatums. Like I haven't had enough of those. Marrying Ayah for instance. They said I needed to make a certain amount of money and increase sales and profit by 20% before I quit. Those greedy pigs. They just wanted the money because they knew without me there, they'd loose it all. Infact the business aswell. Reaching that ultumatum wasn't impossible. But it was diffpicult, and I need all the help I can get. Anything to get out of that place as soon as possible.

The house smelt delicouse and looked clean. I was amazed. This must be Ayah's doing. It was nice to come home to such an environment. I instantly felt warmth and relaxed. I thought she said she was lazy, and burnt food? After a warm shower I did a bit of work then went to the kitchen to get a bottle of water. I met her there eating her food and was surprised she left a plate for me. The food looked good and I almost drooled. But I wasn't going to let her have it, so I just ignored her and went back to continue my work.

After about midnight I was still awake, and  hungry so I warmed her food and ate it silently in my room. It was delicious. The girl has a gift i tell you that. Masha Allah.


My sister had one more week until she resumes work and I had 2 more to go until school opens. I couldn't wait to go back to reality. Zayda and I spent the whole week talking and laughing then shopping and hanging out. I bought house things and an extra pillow for me and a blanket. The couch cushions were nice but gave me bad neck pains. It was horrible. I told my sister we didn't have enough pillows and I needed an extra blanket. If I'm going to live in that house, might aswell get comfortable.

Omar and I barely spoke nor saw each other much. He would leave early for work and return late in the night where I'd be fast asleep on the couch. He'd eat my food at night as I found dirty dishes in the sink every morning.

I was extremely bored the week Zayda went back to school. I decided to go and visit my mom since we didn't live that far away. Also becouse school was starting soon and I needed to get my things from my room.

"Ayah, my little nutcase. I've missed you my dear!" my mom cheerfully greeted.

She looked happy and relaxed. The weight of carying two girls had been lifted and now she was free. I thought mother's become misarable after their daughters get married? But then again it has been almost 3 weeks. Maybe she got over it.

My mother and I talked the whole day that I did not notice it getting late. It was already magrib time and I asked her if I could spend the night. I missed my bed after all. She insisted I let Omar know, but the idiot didn't pick up so I told her I left him a message.

It was so nice to be back home. I might just stay here forever. I missed it.


Masha Allah- as per God's will (well done)

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