32: WORK

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I stayed with grandma until she fell asleep. After she fell asleep I had to go to mine and  Omar's room to sleep. The other spare room was occupied by Bisma and Ahmed. I opened the door to a dark room, which was lit by the street light outside, illuminating through the thin curtains of the large windows.

I walked to my suitcase on the floor and managed to pull out a hoddie and tights. After changing In the bathroom I went to the bed. Omar was asleep on the bed. I decided to do what I usually did. I started looking for an extra blanket to sleep on the floor.

"What are you doing?" Omar said in his sleppy voice causing me to flinch.

"Getting a blanket what else"

"Come sleep on the bed."

"You'll take the floor?"

"No, just come to bed. We don't live alone anymore."

"What do you mean, you don't want them to see how you treat me?"

"Please don't argue, we are all exhausted."

I stood still and stared at the empty side. The bed was big enough. I could just sleep right at the edge and pretend to have fallen or something. No one would even susp....

"Just sleep on the bed, will you!" Omar yelled.

Right away sir. I jumped up and got on the bed. It was comfortable actually. I fell asleep instantly.


The bed's soft comforting sheets and covers relaxed me. But the best part about it, was it's warm soft pillows that I woke up to. They where furry and soft as I was pulled tighter into it. A smile erupted on my lips as I cuddled closer into it. It began to move up and down as I rested my head on it.

Wait...it moved up and down as I rested on it? I opened my eyes. I was cuddling Omar?! The worst part is he cuddled me too! Eeeeew!

I jolted up and pulled away. He did the same instantly. We looked at each other with embarassment. It was the longest most uncomfortable and awkward moment of my life. The little Uhm...

"I'll go shower." I broke the ice. It was about 7am. I knew it was a bit early but I had things to do today.

"Hey, I'm showering first, I need to go to work!" He said jumping off the bed and pushing me aside to get to the bathroom.

"Well I have things I needed to do today, shopping with Bisma, school and the stupid job you got me into."

"I don't care, I'm showering first!" He said before running to the bathroom and locked the door behind him quickly. Grrr!

While waiting for the shower I cleaned up a bit and got my things ready. After about 20 minutes the guy was still in the shower. I went downstairs to the kitchen and made a coffee. After 15 minutes, Omar came down all dressed and made himself a coffee too. I ran upstairs to get ready.

The water was freezing. The snob used up all the hot water. That's not fair. Omar! i left it. I needed to get ready and get started with my long day. I needed to sort out my online classes and prepare for the job I was given. After getting dressed I went downstairs to call for an Uber. I needed to get a laptop. It was more convenient.

"Come let's go!" Omar said approaching me from the living room.


"Your new job, don't you need to see the project your about start on, and measure it design or whatever rubbish you do."

"Rubbish!! You..."

"Save your breath." He said before walking out to his car. I followed him.

I guess we're going to his office. It wasn't that far actually. It was like an hour away. Still long though. The place was magnificent. It was a glass building with the company logo at the top and revolving glass door at the entrance. There were security guards on each side of it. As we waking in there was a waiting area which looked more inviting than any living room I've ever seen and a reception area right at the centre with an elevator behind it, and a door that led to a stare case, next to it.

Omar greeted the receptionist and she looked at me in disgust as he introduced me, surprisingly as his wife. I wonder what's that about. He then led me to the elevator to the 10th floor. As the doors open I was welcomed to a more office like environment with cubicles in the centre that ware each occupied by a worker, who all stared at me as I walked in behind Omar. He just walked carelessly pass the eagle eyes to a room on the far away end of the floor, with glass but opaque doors.

"Why are you following me?" Omar spat as I walked in.

"You brought me here, I don't know where to go?"

He dialed the phone on his desk and summoned some, Libby to the office. She came in all dressed in a tight short skirt and shirt that missed a button at the top. I cringed.

"Show Ayah, her working space."

"But, how do I know how the design..."

"Libby! Give her the office blueprints. Feel free to walk around Ayah, just don't bother me."


"That will be all. Now leave!"

Libby and I excited together. She talked a bit about the company and the snobby but hot boss she worked for. Doesn't she know he's married? And that too to me? Omar what have you gotten me into.


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