17 2 0

We arrived home and I was so exhausted. I ran straight up to the bedroom and began packing. It's true I was exhausted, but mainly because of all the things I was going though right now, and the way Omar treated me. The least he could have done was told me. I would have gladly went out of his way. I won't stop him. It's his choice. He's a grown man and is well capable of making his own decisions. He can marry whom ever he wanted. Even if it's my best friend.

What made me most exhausted was my emotions. It was so strange. I was happy for him, but at the same time I felt like I was loosing the most valuable possession I have. He can't be my possession though. He doesn't belong to me. He never did.

I was ready to get going when Omar stepped into the room. Again looking at me with a strange look.

"You're leaving again? Where to now? We just got here."

"Home Omar. Home!" I snapped as tears began rolling down my eyes.
I started wheeling my luggage pass him, out the door.

"But what do you mean? This is your home."

"I'm done Omar. I'm done playing your sick game or whatever this is. I really don't know when it will end, so I'm taking the initiative and pulling the plug!" I yelled while running down the stairs with Omar following me.

"What game, Ayah?...W-what are you talking about?"

"When were you going to tell me? Huh?" I turned to face him as I reached the bottom of the stairs.

"Tell you what?"

"That you've been looking for a second wife? That you're engaged?...A-and that too with my best friend!" I stuttered in between deep breaths.

"What?! Ayah it's a..."

"Look I'm happy for you. Ok. I am. I know you never liked me and you never considered me your wife, but I can't just hover around you for name sake. And that too when you're getting married to someone you really cared about."


"You don't need to explain Omar. I understand. I knew you were going to rid of me someday and I can't wait that long. Just let me go now. I can't bare it anymore!"

"No Ayah you're..."

"Just say it Omar! I'm ready." I began to tear up again.

"Say what?"

"Those 3 words. Say it and you'll finally rid of me." I yelled

"Ayah stop it!" Omar shouted grabbing my upper arms and pressed me against the wall next to the staircase.

"Say it!" I shouted.

"Shut up! And listen to me. I'm not engaged or getting married. And definitely not to Nadeema. Where in the world did you get that sick idea?"


"Quiet! Nadeema is getting married to one of my employees and I helped them get together. Nadeema went to speak to my uncle that she wanted to get married and he asked me if I knew anyone so I suggested, Kareem my accountant. How could you think that of me?... Well I guess it's coz I didn't tell you. I was wrong in that part."

"Yes... you .." I lowered my head in shame for the misunderstanding. I felt guilty.

"I know I've been unfair to you and I haven't treated you like a wife should be treated. And  i do feel bad about that. I wish I could make it up to you somehow." He let out a big sigh and let me go.

" You want me to say 3 words huh?" He continued.

"Say it!" I shouted as my heart sank.

After all that explainations, he is still willing to let me go? I closed my eyes and tried to prepare myself for the strike. Those words would pain more than a slap on the face. The worst kind.

"I love you." He mumbled.

"What?!" I opened my eyes to hear better.

"I LOVE YOU, AYAH! I DO. And no way am I letting you go away from me again. I practically died without you these past 2 days. Those flowers were for you becouse I was excited to see you. I didn't realise when it happened. It's just...Ayah... I'm crazy about you. I literally can't live without you, becouse ..."

"I love you too." I mumbled cutting him off from all his rambling.

"What?" He leaned in closer to hear me better.

"I love..." I was cut of my Omar connecting or lips and declaring our love.

He lifted me bridal style and took me to the room.

So Nadeema is getting married to someone else? Not Omar! He wasn't getting a second wife. She never loved Omar, but I did...and apparently he loves me too.

I love Omar and he loves me too!


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