41: I CARE?

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A few days passed and still no words about Nadeema or their little meeting, from Omar. I was getting frustrated. The thought of Omar and Nadeema being a thing or planning to get married kept bothering me. She did afterall love him, and he never considered me his wife. He is allowed to Marrying 3 more wifes afterall. Well if he does plan to get another wife, I wount stand for it. Well I want him to be happy, I'd just ask him to divorce me...maybe?

But what will be of me. The thought of him uttering those 3 words of divorce (saying talaq 3 times constitutes a divorce in islam) made me sick to the stomach and a lump to build in my throat. I know the way we got married was not favourable, but I grew very close to Omar. So much that I don't want to part from him. Or I do? I don't know. But if anything, I'd want him to be happy. Even though it's not with me. Becouse, I think... I loved him.

What are you saying Ayah, the guy hates you. He's practically forced to tolerate you.

My head was killing me from all the reading I had to do and ofcouse the overthinking. I needed a break. Just as I stood a pencil fell to the floor. I knelt down to get it, but a few papers went down with me. Ugh!
As I gathered the papers my eyes fell upon the name of Omar's mother. I took the contact and read it thoroughly.

"What!?" I gasped.

Oooh I found something very valuable. This will help in the case greatly. I need to tell Omar. Just as I said it I heard the front door close. Omar was home. I gathered the papers and cleaned the floor quickly then rushed to Omar downstairs.

I reached the kitchen first becouse I thought he'd be there getting something to drink. He wasn't there. He's study maybe? No...not there. Living room. He must be there.

"Omar I found something you need to see..." I stopped myself from the Schock of what I saw before me.

"Ayah, you're...you're home?" Omar said with surprise.

"I cancelled for tomorrow." I said while scanning the room. I wanted to do some last minute shopping for graduation today.

The living room was filled with people. And not just any people, it was Nadeema's family with her sitting shyly between her parents. Imam Zaid was there too. This setting looked alot like it did back when Waseem came to propose to my sister. So I was right! Omar was getting another wife. And not just another wife...he's going to marry Nadeema.

My heart sank. Nadeema and I were to be sister wives. This was too twisted. I can't be the wife of my best friend's husband. She loved him, and I didn't. Well maybe a little but... He clearly is interested in her. To do this all behind my back and still bring her to his house to propose to her. That's gatta take courage only love could bring. No. Omar has to get rid of me first. He can't marry her and me at the same time. I refuse!

I walked out of the living room and ran the rest of the way to the bedroom. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I reached there. I took out my suitcase and began packing. Omar was getting married, he doesn't need me. I mean he made the decision without me. He has to let me go today. He needs to utter the words of talaq and let me go. I wount stand for this. I'm done with his torturing.

I packed all my bags and things then waited for Omar to finish with his meeting downstairs. I don't want his new in-laws to get a bad image of him. I cared about him too much to do that to him.

I can't believe Omar!

I can't believe I'm about to be a divorcee!

I can't believe I actually care about this!


Talaq- divorce

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