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The rest of the week was pretty hectic. With exams going on and less that two months to prepare for two wedings? Eek it was stressful. I still found it hard to believe that I was getting married. Well forced to, but then again, I've never seen my sister so happy and excited. That made me feel content.

I locked myself in my room the weekend to prepare for my final two papers in the week. I wanted some peace and I needed to focus. God knows if that brute will allow me to study when we are married. My life is clearly going to continue as normally and I won't have him Kill my dreams and destroy my passion.

Suddenly the door bell rang throwing of my focus. As soon as I heard my mother open the door, Iwent back to my studies. Not long after that my mother yelled from the stairs. Seems I will never get any peace. I should have gone to the library.

"Ayah, your fiance's here. Come down!" What?! Omar was here? why?

I threw an abaya over my PJs and wrapped a scarf around my head. Just to cover up. Then I head out my room only to be pulled back into my sister's room. Which was next to mine.

"Na-a you're not going like that. You're gonna get married soon. Learn to look more presentable." She scholded. I could care less how I looked for that idiot.

After dressing me in a pretty long maxi dress and cardigan with a matching scarf, we head off down stairs to meet the guys. They talked sweetly with mom and Zayda as I sat still glaring at Omar who spoke like the sweetest person on earth. Such a fake! I bearly heard what they said, but apparently it was about the wedding.

"Are you ok with it Ayah?" My mom asked.
I snapped out of my thoughts. Ok with what? I might just nodded my head and agree to be offered as a sacrifice for some type of cult.

"Hmm?" I asked.

"Moving the wedding a month earlier. Is it ok with you?" She asked again.

Wait... what? what's wrong with 2 months of freedom? Who's idea was this? I turned my head to Omar who had a devilish smirk on his face. Ugh he's annoying.


"Uhm...I have exams to finish, how will we get ready in time?" I asked hoping they delay the date.

"My family and I would be happy to help you. They'd love to spend more time with you" Omar said. I glared at him.

"Perfect. It's sorted then" my mom said happily.


"Girls, escort the guys out will you, I've got a curry to finish." Mom said leaving the room.

Zayda led Waseem out the front door with Omar behind them and me trailing behind him. Zayda bid Waseem goodbye as he got in the car. Omar stood beside me and began to laugh as I adored the two love birds.

"Don't cast you're evil eye on them. It's bad enough you're related to her!" he suddenly said harshly followed by an evil laugh.

I glared at him then turned to go back into the house.

"Goodbye my sweet fiancee" he continued. I didn't look back.

"Ayah?!" He called after me.

"What?!" I grunted.

"Always keep your ring on ok. Guys will feel safer knowing your taken!" he laughed before getting into his car. I swear I'm going to kill this guy. I wonder how I'd survive being married to him. It surely won't last.


On Tuesday I went to school for my second last paper. My last will be on Thursday. Nadeema welcomed me warmly but still looked a bit sad. We went to our exam rooms and wrote our papers gracefully. After the paper we both went to the bathroom to freshen up. As I washed my hands on the sink I noticed my engagement ring wrapped neatly around my finger. I took it off and placed it on the sink as I washed my hands. I hated the thing! I wished it would fall in the drains. It reminded me of my misary and the mess I was getting myself in..no no don't blame yourself Ayah, it's that idiot's fault.

Nadeema came out of the bathroom and began telling me why she was distressed as we washed our hands.

"There was a guy I saw at the speed dating thing. I kinda liked him but didn't get to speak to him. I'm trying to get my parents to speak to the Imam about him." she said sadly.

"Don't worry everything will be alright. I'm with you." I said carelessly putting on my ring, forgetting that I never told Nadeema about it. She'll be so upset.

"What's that?" She asked.


"On your finger... Ayah!?"

Oh-oh here it comes.


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