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"you ready!" I asked.

"As I'll ever be. I've been waiting for this moment my entire life!" Omar said smiling and taking a deep breath.

For months we've been waiting for this moment. Now it was finally here. It's time for us to take back what was ours.

I laced my hand in Omar's. He looked at me before kissing it and held it tighter.

"Let's go!"

We marched into the board meeting room. It was filled with middle aged men in suits and one of them being Khalid. Omar's step father and obviously his Mather Zainab, came with. We sat at the edge of the long table and Omar took a sip of water before he stood to start presenting his case.

The meeting was long. Filled with debates and arguments. Omar was sweating from anxiety and I was telling the men were overwhelming him. Little did they know, he brought his loud mouthed wife along with him. Yes ...I said it. Wife. I'm Omar's official wife now. His life. atleast that's what he called me.

"Ok, listen up everyone!" I stood and hit the table with the palms of my hands, like Omar does. It actually hurt badly I wonder why he did it often. I got the attention from everyone in the room. It kinda intimidated me a little, but I needed to stand up for my husband. I needed to show that I supported him and that he was never alone.

"First of all, the board has no argument in this case becouse of the whole 50% fraud that Omar mentioned and prooved earlier. We are aware that the only available shares that you could have been in possession was 20% which, as we see here belongs to Mrs Zainab Malik." I boldly stated.

"And as I stated before, those shares belong to me and me alone. So what's the deal with you!?" Zainab snapped.

"The deal is, we can't investigate or assume that all these men here work for you. Unless you state so yourself and it's not good to assume. So why don't we just come to an agreement?"

Everybody including Omar tuned to me in schoock and confusion.

"What agreement?" Zainab asked curiously.

"We will buy you're 20% and the business will belong fully to us."

"Never! I'm not letting go of this. This is my life."

"Well then, you can buy our shares and the business can be yours."

"But Omar practically owns this..."

"I don't want it," Omar cut her off. "I never did. Infact if I buy your shares I would just close it down anyways."

"You can't do that!"

"Yes I can. So it's your choice. Either sell your 20% to me or buy our 80% at a reasonable price. Then the whole business will belong to you. And your minions over here."

Zainab stood up from her seat and scanned her papers. It was a win win situation. She gets the business and Omar gets out.

"Fine!" She yelled closing her binder aggressively.

"I'll buy your shares. But only at a reasonable price. "

"Yes!" Omar and I said in unison.

"Congratulations kids. It seems you guys make a good team." Zainab said before walking out of the room with the men behind her.

It's right to say that they clearly worked for her. She was behind this whole thing. She knew she couldn't manage this business without Omar becouse he had the bigger shares and the wits. Cunning lady.

"Ayah you're amazing, when and how did you think of that!"

"It just came to me, I guess."

"But you don't have to sell your shares I mean if you don't want to I understand"

"No Omar, I don't want this. I already got what I could ever want. And besides what will I do with this business. My heart lies in interior design."

"And my heart lies with you. Zawjati." he said poking my nose. It took a while to get used to cheesy Omar. We still teased each other but lovingly. But hey, we won.

Just then my phone began to ring. I picked it up immediately.

A: hello?
W: cine to the hospital quickly!
A: what happened? Hello.

He cut the call.

It was Waseem. He sounded like he was running and he was panicking. Why would he call so suddenly and in that state. One word popped in my head and left me devastated.



Zawjati- my wife.

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