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"Yeah, and it was pink mom!" Zayda told our mom what she saw and couldn't stop laughing no matter how many times the story got told as we finished up the packing.

My mom decided to move in with my aunt since she was always alone in such a big house. She put the house on sale and wanted us to say goodbye to it and also collect a few childhood memories.

To be honest I'll miss this place. Although Omar's grandma's house was comforting, nothing can ever replace the place you grew up in. I marched up to my room and got a bag of the things I wanted to keep. The rest I donated them. Just as I took in my last deep breath of my childhood, my phone rang. It was Omar.

A: Hello Pinky!
O: Where are you?!
A: At my mother's place. She wanted us to help her with the move.
O: Just get back here as soon as you can, something happened.
A: Yeah yeah, like I'm gonna fall for that. You just want to get back at me for the pink hair thing.
O: So it was you! You could have chosen any colour...but Pink! Pink of all colours, Ayah!
A: (Laughing.)
O: Anyways. Grandma needs you back soon. So please make it fast.
A: Ok bye.

After helping our mom, the moving trucks came and took everything. All was left was the lock up and driving our mom to aunt naeema's.

As we got there my phone couldn't stop ringing. Omar was so annoying some times. He can be such a prick. I told Zayda and we greeted everyone. She drove me home.

"What Omar!" I yelled as he opened the door, wearing a beanie on his head.

It took everything in me to try not to laugh at him. He looked funny.

"Grandma has been asking for you. Go!" He said softly.

I walked in the room with Omar behind me. I sat next to her bed as her weak smile grew wider.

"Assalaam alaykum grandma, how are you?"

"Wa'laukum salaam dear. So much better after seeing you...and Pinky." She said in a soft laugh.

My smile faded as she coughed badly.

"Take it easy grandma." I said rubbing her back and giving her some water.

"I know all about you and Omar's relationship dear. My husband and I were in the same boat. But you beat me at Pinky." she laughed again softly this time.

"That's why I know you too were meant to be. It's been written by fate. Not just an ordinary deal but beyond that. And I'm sure you see it too. But promise me one thing Ayah. Always stand by his side, through think and thin. And I'll rest happily" she said before she started coughing uncontrollably again.

"What do you mean rest happily?" Omar rushed to the bed and knelt on the floor holding Mine and her hands into his. That's how tiney my hands were compared to his.

"Take care of each other kids." grandma said in between coughs as Omar began to panick trying to get her to talk and stay calm.

I got up emmdietly and dialed for an ambulance. It came by swiftly as grandma continued to cough and they took her via a stretcher to the ambulance.

"Come with me Ayah," Omar said leading us to his car. Just then Ahmed called Omar on his phone, but he passed it to me to answer as he began to drive.

A: Assalaam alaykum.
Ah: Wa'laukum salaam. Are you with Omar?
A: Yes... what happened?
Ah: Bisma is in labour!
A: What! Really? Where are you guys now?
Ah: At the Hospital.
A: We are on our way there actually, we'll meet you there.
Ah: Really? For what?

(I looked at Omar for confirmation , whether I should tell him or not. He shook his head.)

A: Will tell you later. See you then.

I cut the call. Subhana Allah Bisma was in labour as grandma was on her last few breaths. Omar was panicking and I just had the worst driving experience with him.

We arrived at the hospital and were told to wait as grandma was put in the ER. We asked the receptionist for Bisma and Ahmed's where about. We walked past just a few rooms from grandma's and met Ahmed smilling uncontrollably.

"Everything alright!" Omar asked before Ahmed turned to him and began to laugh uncontrollably.

"Seems you came prepared!" He said laughing while I tried to contain mine. It wasn't that funny at all, at least not in this situation.

"How's Bisma?" I asked as I noticed Omar's unamused eyes glaring at me.

"She just gave birth, the gender can be told by his hair." he laughed.

"Mabrook to you Ahmed. When can we see her?"

"In just a few..."

A doctor run up to us interrupting Ahmed.

We followed him to grandma's room and we stood at the door.

"Mr and Mrs Qadri...I'm sorry to inform you that...we have lost her. My condolences to you and your family." The doctor said before walking away.

Omar fell to his knees and wrapped his hands over his face.

"She's gone?" Was all he said.


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