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"He was tall, and had a nicely trimmed beard and wavy brown hair that stuck out of his turban, oh and mom he kept smiling at her and the Imam..." I went on excitedly discribing the guy who just proposee to my sister to my mom. I never knew I'd be this excited that my sister was getting married. It almost seemed like I was the one getting married and not Zayda.

"Shut up Ayah. let me talk..." Zayda said putting her hand to my mouth.

"Sorry" I made a zipping gesture across my lips.

Zayda described the guy to us and our smiles grew wider by each description. That's how fascinating he was. His name was Waseem Qadri, 25 turning 26 ,which made him 2 years older than my sister. He was the son of the Imam at the Masjid and studied the Deen aswell as pharmacy. Waseem helped his father with his work and his father organised the function to help him find a wife after many struggles aswell.

"Wait...so how did you guys not meet before?" I asked curiously.

"It seemed the rotation was disturbed by someone and before he got to me, the function was already put to a stop." Zayda said they continued talking endlessly about Waseem's charming personality.

"That brute!" I whispered grunted to myself. But alhamdulillah, no one can ever come inbetween what Allah has written. It's fate...and proof is right here infront of me. I hugged zayda.

"I told you, Duas do come true!" I said hugging her tighter. My mom join in, forming a group hug.

"So when are they coming to ask for your hand?" My mom suddenly asked.

"Tomorrow!" Zayda gasped. She stood up and grabbed my arm dragging me to her room.

"Ayah we need to pick an outfit!" She said as my mom and I both laughed at her.

"You too aytah, I don't want you looking like a homeless person when we meet my potential in-laws" my smile fell to a frown.


The next day was Sunday, again I found myself in my sister's room so early in the morning, grooming her to meet her potential husband and his family. I never thought this day would come and I never even prepared for it. I needed the prep, even in a form of a talk becouse although I was happy for my sister, a part of me was shattered knowing  that my sister would be going away from me. I spent the entire night last night thinking about how much I'll miss her and that resulted in a damp pillow this morning. Must be sweat or something.

"There you go, beautiful!" I said as I fixed her hijab. She looked mesmerising. Even in her simple makeup and a little bit fancy skirt and lace top, she looked perfect. I hugged her tightly. She hugged me back.

"Ayah, the guest are pulling up, come help me greet them!" My mother yelled from the stairs.

"Well that's my cue, you'll do great" I told Zayda before walking out.

The door bell rang and my mother literary flee to open the door. I stood behind her as the Imam's wife walked in firsts, then the Imam, an old lady, probably his grandmother, then Waseem. Behind Waseem came another taller man with a business suit. I couldn't quite catch his face becouse my mother sent me to the kitchen to get savories and drinks for the guests. Something tells me this is gonna be a long procedure. Ugh here we go again, I hope my phone is fully charged.

As soon as I arrived in the living room with the food, I passed down the drinks to the guests and smiled lowering my head at everyone. I was too shy to look at them. Call me crazy but I know I'm quite loud, but I can be terribly shy aswell. It's both a blessing and a curse.

"Jazakallahu Khair for inviting us to your home" the Imam said. Then he made a short dua before introducing everyone.

"I'm Imam Zaid Qadri, this is my wife Rhoda, my mother..."

"Assalaam alaykum my mother and I both said smiling at them, they replied kindly.

"And this is our son, Waseem and his cousin Omar." We both said salaam but I lowered my gaze so I couldn't look at them.

"And I'm Waheeda Latief, and this is my youngest daughter Ayah. " My mom said.

"Waseem here caught an interest on your eldest daughter, Zayda and we came here alhamdulillah to ask you for her hand in marriage" Imam Zaid gracefully said.

"May we see her please" his wife said.

"Sure, Ayah! go get your sister" my mother patted my back.

I stood up and walked quickly to get Zayda.

"It's time" I said as I opened the door to her room and what I saw, either melted my heart or shattered it further.


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