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Grandma forced me to take part in the wedding prep process. It's decisions and everything to do with it. She said they needed all the help they can get. I was talked into going to fetch Ayah from her university and join then along with her to talk to the planner. She's the only one who can make me do things I didn't want to do, for instance this wedding. But I loved her non the less.

I pulled up at the back entrance where I was told she would be and I noticed her gloomy face. It looked puffy like she was crying or something. I won't lie, I felt a bit guilty. I am the one forcing her into this arrangement. Out of natural instinct, I felt the need to console her. The little scare idea didn't quite work so I decided to get her ice-cream. My sister told me it was a mood booster for most girls so I went for it. Of course I wasn't going to let her in on my sympathy. So I teased her a bit.

The ice-cream must have worked becouse she began teasing me and laughing while we were at the wedding planner. This little tip may come in handy at times. I took a mental note.



Finally it was my final paper. After this I'm free for a few months then back to school for my final year. I was so excited, but not too much becouse Nadeema was still mad at me. She barely answers my calls, nor my texts.

After the paper I waited for her at the door. She needs to hear me out. No way am I going another day with her mad at me. It was first my sister then her. I can't handle it. I need to make it up to her.

"Get out of my way!" She grunted after I blocked her path.

"Not until you hear me out!"

she sighed.

"It's been 2 days and I can't handle another second of you being mad at me. You are my best friend since like forever. I deserve to be heard." I said quickly.

"Speak!" she said after a sigh.

I explained the whole story from the first meeting with Waseen's family, the ice-cream date, the threats and finally the stupid ring on my finger.

"That's just mean, I'm so sorry you have to go through all this." she said hugging me sympathetically.

"Am I forgiven?"

"No, you need to make it up to me for lying."

"How about I find you, your crush?"

"Huh? How?"

"Well I do happened to be engaged to the family who organised the whole event. So I can speak to Imam Zaid and get the details."

"For real, you'll do that for me!"

"Yeah what are friends for."

And with that she hugged me and yelled that she forgave me. We then walked to our usual spot, talking and laughing all the way. I missed hanging out with my bestie. We then sat on the bench and she began talking about her crush.

"Well I can't say much exactly but he looks like a business man. He came wearing the attire and he looked so handsome with his disheavers hair and hazel eyes. I caught all this at just one glance and it immeditly made my heart flip. Oh I hope he is a good Muslim and I've already started praying for him. But you will help me right? Then we'll get married and..."

She trailed off talking about the guy and I couldn't help but think about a very similar sounding shrude. But then again there were a few guys wearing business suits. Infact most of the Muslim guys that talked to my sister came across as working in that area. I just hope Nadeema's guy was not as arrogant or as rude as my business guy. My stomach turned with disgust at that though. Omar!? My business guy! Yuck!

"Subhana Allah, there he is!" Nadeema tore me out of my thoughts by tapping my arm and pointing with her eyes at a figure walking towards us.


"That guy, ah... he looks better than ever!" she swoon. Seriously! Nadeema's got it baaad. I want to see this guy that has gotten her head over heels.

The guy walked straight to us, stared down at us then turned to Nadeema. I was staring at Nadeema's weird lovey-dovey expression on her face. Seems there won't be much looking, we found our guy. Ka-ching!

"Assalaam alaykum." he spoke. He sounded familiar. A bit too farmiliar. I lifted my head up to see his face.

Oh Sweet chicken samosas!


AN: hey! I hope you're having a great day. Let me know what you think of the book so far. Pls vote and/or comment.
Stay awesome!😊🤗

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