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I arrived home just after lunch from work when I was welcomed excitedly by Bisma. She pulled me to my room and told me to get ready.

"We need to go shopping for tonight!" Was all she said before she left the room. I freshened up a bit and met Bisma at the door. There was a car outside that I did not even need to look twice to recognise it. I excitedly ran out of the house to the passenger side while screening.

"Zaydaaaaa" I jumped on her as she got out for of the car.

"Dude it's only been 2 weeks we haven't seen each other." She said while laughing.

"Longest 2 weeks of my life! how are you?"

We got in the car along with Bisma and talked our whole way to the mall. We did some house shopping, baby shopping and I got my laptop. I noticed how Zayda was admiring all the cute baby clothes. Well I did too but her's was more suspeciouse.

We also did some dress shopping and the girls forced me to get an evening gown for some reason. It was simple but cute non the less.

Zayda dropped us home after that and drove away. Apparently she moved nearby yesterday and she finally quit her job. Well Waseem helped her out. Now she's just a housewife for now. she said until a few months more. I wonder what she ment?

"Ok, we will make magrib and get ready after Eshai ok?" Bisma instructed.

"But for what?"

"I'm not gonna tell you. You forgot and that's your own fault." She giggled before walking to her room.

"Most wives never forget the day at all. you're just one of a kind Ayah." she laughed again before closing the door.


After Eshai I got dressed just as Bisma instructed and in came the snobby Omar from work. He dropped his blazer and bag on the bed and began to remove his shoes. I ignored him just as he ignored me and continued to finish up my light make up.

"My, don't you look pretty Ayah!" Bisma gasped as she walked in the door.

Omar looked at her and followed her eyes to me. His face lit up for some reason and I almost saw his lips part.

"Thanks Bisma, but where are we going?" I asked her, but she ignored my question.

"Omar, you have 10 minutes to get ready, Waseem and Zayda are almost here!" She said walking towards the door.

"But for what!" Omar and I yelled in unison at Bisma who just laughed and left the room.

15 minutes later, Waseem and Zayda arrived also all dressed up as Omar and I. Omar wore a navy blue dressy tux which kinda matched my red dress and Waseem wore black as zayda wore a green dress. We all looked nice actually. Even Omar, I have to admit.

Bisma came and took some pictures before sending us off. Waseem drove us to a nice restaurant. Before we got in, Omar and I asked them what this fuss was all about.

"It's our 1 month anniversary idiots!" Zayda laughed.

"Even I remembered, but Ayah?" Waseem laughed leading Zayda in the restaurant.

It's just 1 month why are they making a big deal out of it. 1 year maybe, but 1 month? Seriously!? Omar looked at me with the same look I had then led me to or table.

So this day marks one month of the beginning of my tragedy. I wonder how many more I'll have to face. But diner was nice. Omar and I barely spoke and I enjoyed my peace and quiet. After dinner Zayda called me to assist her in the bathroom, which was code word for...'we need to have a chitchat...girl to gal.'

"You guys are unbelievable!" She yelled as soon as we go in the bathroom.

"What do you mean?"

"It's a romantic dinner for two, celebrating your anniversary and you goofs barely looked at each other!"

"To be honest I preferred staring at the food than Omar."

"He's your husband for crying out loud."

Weeeell...she doesn't need to know. I just looked at the ground in embarassment. The dinner was romantic actually. Like a dinner for 1 in self treatment for Valentine's day. But I got used to that sorta thing. I then looked at Zayda who groomed more than usual. It was like a ray of sunshine was smashed on her face. And that wasn't the makeup's doing. That was the light of happiness and something else actually...wait?


"Yes Ayah!?"

"You look so pale, and gotten a bit chubbier since I last saw you."


"What...are you?"

She nodded her head excitedly as a smile grew on her face.

"But how!" I asked surprised.

"Seriously!? You're impossible Ayah, I'm done with you!" she hit me with a purse before walking out.

Omar seemed to have had the same talk with Waseem, by the way he looked at me as we got in the car. Don't get any ideas you rascal. This was not a date...at all. But I laughed at how Zayda and Waseem looked fake angry at us.


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