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Ok. So the plan is, to annoy Omar so much that he decides to call off the wedding. Then introduce him to Nadeema and boom they get married. I live happily ever after and so do they. Perfect! The guy hated me enough as it is, so this would be a peace of cake, or pie. Let's stick to cake since it's to do with a wedding. Operation "Cancel my wedding" on go! Oooh I'm gonna have so much fun in this.

1st attack: wedding menu

Both families gathered at the venue of the Walima and we sat around two tables that were placed closer to each other so that we can deliberate. The task at hand was sorting out the menu. According to the guests we needed to have a not so fancy but appropriate 3 course dinner. I was surprised that Omar led the conversation beacuse aparrently he was a master at this. He said being a business man had it's perks. Eating at restaurants during meetings and traveling to prestigious places. The more the experience the better. Lucky idiot.

"Ayah what do you think?" His mom asked me.

"Uhm... I'm allergic to seafood."

"Really, how about some chicken or stake?" Omar suggested.

"Not a fan of meet either."

"Veggie curry it is!" my sister suggested putting the argument to a stop.

I was allergic to sea food but I devoured chicken and meet. Too bad that it won't be served at the wedding. Which I hope won't take place, but my sister's, yeah. My sister's wedding. I went on opossing all his ideas and we ended up on a simple corn soup for starters, veg curry for main and the wedding cake for dessert. Although it's simple, I was happy to know that at the the end of the meeting, Omar looked as annoyed as ever. So much for getting things his way. Thanks to his grandma, who backed up all my choices and Zayda of course. I won. Success!

2nd attack: dress fitting

"It's aching mom, I can feel my skin burning and a rash coming!" I yelled as my mom zipped up a lace wedding dress. It was beautifully laced and had diamonds on the upper body but flowed nicely at the bottom In an A-line poofy sparkling tulle. It was the best I tried so far. If I ever decide to get married one day, this is the dress I'd love to wear.

"Stand still would you, let Omar's family see atleast 1 dress!" mom yelled hitting my hands that I used to fake scratch myself. Zayda was done already by now and her dress was gorgeous.

"Mom, No! Let me try on another one. Please" I whined.

Just then the store manager said they closed 10 minutes ago and we should rather come back tomorrow. We've been here since Asr and had to make our magrib at the mall Salah room. After then I trapped everyone in the store trying on dress after dress and pretending to hate it.

Omar grunted under his breath as he dropped us home. "I hate her, I hate her, I hate her!" he grunted, knowing very well that he had to cancel an important meeting because of me and my pretend indecisiveness. Hehe! Success!

3rd attach: Unintended admirer?

2 days later Omar and his family took me to the same store early in the morning hopping I'd find a dress before the store closed. I felt a bit bad so I decided to tell them that I thought about the last dress I tried on and I wanted to get that one. I swore I saw Omar punching a maniquin and kicked something in frustration. I hope he got the gist of what it would be like marrying me. I'm still surprised he hasn't called of the whole thing. He's tougher than I thought.

His grandma and Bisma trailed off to another store and left me seated by the fountain in the centre of the mall with Omar and shopping bags on the floor. Omar was still fuming and barely looked at me. Success!

Just then a boy who I recognised was my classmate came up to me with a bouquet of red roses and handed them over to me. I smiled at the gesture and accepted them. We spoke for a while and he was super nice. Turns out he's always liked me and was hoping he'd meet my family. He just wanted to make sure I was interested. I smiled at him and before I could answer, Omar snatched the roses from my hand and yelled at the guy sending him off immediately. Oooh he's more frustrated than I thought.

"And you!" He turned to me after yelling at the guy. I swallowed dryly. Oh oh.

"If you didn't want to marry me you could have just said so!" Oooh I'm getting my chance. It's happening.

"I really don't!" I snapped hoping this would be it. I'm finally getting rid of him.

"I never wanted to marry you in the first place. But if you still want to get married so bad, I know someone who's interested." I continued calmly as he turned around rubbing his temples. He was fuming at this point.

"Who huh!? Who!?" He turned around running a finger through his silky black hair and the light revealed his hazel brown eyes. Wow Nadeema was right. I wonder why I never noticed that before.

"Nadeema!" I said softly.


Walima- wedding reception

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